
A New Method of Fattening Thin Beef Cattle by Buying Thin Cattle and Selling Fat Cattle to Earn Price Difference

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, A New Method of Fattening Thin Beef Cattle by Buying Thin Cattle and Selling Fat Cattle to Earn Price Difference


1. "drunken cattle" fattening: lean cattle fed with distiller's grains can gain weight quickly, low cost, can be fenced in 2 months, and each cow can gain weight 90kg. Choose crossbred cattle or large and thin bulls of 7 years old. Do not use bulls and cows that have been castrated. Then put the cow in the leash, do not walk around at will, do not pile up the forage in the cattle's line of sight. In about 10 days after the cattle were tied, only a small amount of distiller's grains was thrown to force the cattle to eat, 2.5 kg of corn flour was fed twice a day on the 30th to 45th day, and 2kg of feed was added every 5 days from the 46th to the 60th day.

two。 Rapid fattening of lean cattle: this method is used to raise lean cattle with a daily gain of more than 2 kg and a low cost. It can be out of the pen in 40 days. Soak each lean cow 1~2kg rice in 10kg warm water for 12 hours, with water and rice, and feed it three times a day. At the same time, the 1.5kg soybeans were swollen and ground for cattle to drink for 3 days. Then use crab, rice field eel or Loach 0.5kg to cook and mash, mix with mash 1.5kg, take orally once, continuously feed for 3 days. At the same time, each cow was boiled into porridge with 0.5-1kg crushed cornmeal and mixed with a little salt in short straw or corn stalk, which was regularly eaten by beef cattle at 8: 00 a.m. and 8: 00 p.m. Keep the house clean and dry every day, and dissolve trichlorfon with warm water and take it to get rid of internal and external parasites.

3. Fattening yellow cattle after service: first stop the hard labor, let the cattle rest for 2-3 days, and restore their physical strength. Then someone will supply forage and drinking water. The forage is mainly hay, supplemented by appropriate concentrate. Concentrate can be replaced by full-price feed for pigs and chickens, and edible salt is supplemented with 100g and 150g per day.

4. Lean cattle fast fattening: (1) for frail old cattle, first boil with 3.5-4kg yellowish ginger and 1.5kg glutinous rice, mix with 100g 200g rice wine, feed them in 4 times, every 2 to 3 days, once, or with red jujube and brown sugar 500g each, angelica 60g, frying juice, 1 dose a day for 7 days. Or with the woman needle gold grass 250g 500g, chopped, add enucleated red jujube 250g 500g fried juice and the right amount of brown sugar to feed. Or feed the cattle with 100g of bauhinia, 300g of barley rice, 40g of sand ginseng and fried juice. (2) 500g of Douchi, 250g of Angelica sinensis, 250g of red jujube and 250g of Atractylodes macrocephala were fed with lard 25g once every 7 days.