
What is the harm of pesticides? Is there any way to fix it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the harm of pesticides? Is there any way to fix it? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce the so-called crop drug damage, which means that crops react to various diseases due to improper use of pesticides. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out the performance of pesticide damage and some remedial measures, which are listed below for netizens' reference. ...

What is the harm of pesticides? Is there any way to fix it? Hope that experienced netizens can help introduce the so-called crop drug damage, which means that crops react to various diseases due to improper use of pesticides. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out the performance of pesticide damage and some remedial measures, which are listed below for netizens' reference. First, the performance of drug damage to crops: 1, there are spots on the leaves: generally mainly on the leaves of crops, and sometimes on the stem or fruit epidermis. There are several kinds of brown spot, macula, withered spot and so on. 2. Etiolation of stems and leaves: this kind of drug damage occurs in the stems and leaves of crops, but the leaves occur more often. 3. Deformities of leaves and fruits: this kind of drug damage may occur in all organs of plants after drug injury. the common deformities are rolled leaves, clumps, swollen roots, deformed ears, deformed fruits and so on. 4. Whole plant wilt: this kind of drug damage is generally the performance of the whole plant, which is mostly caused by improper use of herbicides. 5. Crop growth stagnation: compared with the stiffness of physiological diseases, the former often has drug spots or other drug damage symptoms. Second, the main causes of drug damage to crops: 1, the wrong pesticide was used in spraying. 2. The concentration of pesticide is too high, and it can be caused by repeated application. 3. It is caused by high temperature, high humidity and strong sunshine during pesticide application. 4. Pesticide application at the sensitive growth stage of crops, such as flowering and budding, will cause drug damage. 5. When applying pesticides, it is inappropriate to mix pesticides. 6. Pesticide dosage forms and processing quality are also related to drug damage, and product quality problems are caused, such as fake drugs and inferior pesticides. 3. Remedial methods after drug damage: method 1. Spray a large amount of water or slightly alkaline water on the crops, spray clear water repeatedly for 2 or 3 times, wash off the drugs on the plant surface as far as possible, and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Method 2. Apply quick-acting fertilizer to crops in time, and rapidly apply urea and other fertilizers on crops with drug damage, so as to increase nutrients and strengthen the growth vitality of crops. Method 3. Spraying drugs to alleviate drug damage, if crops are damaged by omethoate, parathion and other pesticides, 0.2% borax solution can be sprayed on affected crops; rape, peanuts, etc. can be properly sprayed with gibberellin acid solution. Method 4. Remove the parts with serious drug damage to crops. This measure is commonly used in fruit trees. How to prevent the effect of mesophyte caused by glyphosate