
What are the effects of magnesium fertilizer?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What are the effects of magnesium fertilizer? How to apply magnesium fertilizer? Magnesium fertilizer generally refers to fertilizer containing magnesium element, which can provide magnesium element for soil after application. Magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate, magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide, magnesium oxide phosphate, etc. are common fertilizers containing magnesium. Therefore, the cultivation network is integrated.

What are the effects of magnesium fertilizer? How to apply magnesium fertilizer? Netizens are also asked to help introduce magnesium fertilizer, which generally refers to fertilizer containing magnesium, which can provide magnesium for the soil after application. The common fertilizers containing magnesium are magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate, magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide, magnesium oxide phosphate fertilizer and so on, so the farming network collates the function and application method of magnesium fertilizer, which is listed below for netizens' reference. The effect of magnesium fertilizer on crops: magnesium is the component of plant chlorophyll and phytin and the only metal element in chlorophyll molecules. Magnesium plays an important role in photosynthesis. Magnesium ion is the activator of a variety of enzymes, promoting the transformation and metabolism of sugars in crops, and promoting the synthesis of fat and protein. Magnesium can also promote the absorption of silicon and phosphorus by crops, thus improving the disease resistance of crops. Magnesium can also promote the formation of vitamin An and vitamin C in crops, thus improving the quality of fruits, vegetables and other crops. Application method of magnesium fertilizer: magnesium fertilizer can be directly used as base fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer and foliar fertilizer. For example, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and magnesium ammonium phosphate slightly soluble magnesium fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer, and the application amount can be calculated according to magnesium content. Generally, the magnesium content per mu is 1-1.5 kg. For example, magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate can be used as topdressing for crops. Using magnesium fertilizer for topdressing requires early application, and ditch application or flushing with water can be used. Generally, each mu of land is suitable for the application of magnesium sulfate 10kg to 13kg, and each fruit tree can apply 250kg magnesium sulfate to 500g. After applying enough magnesium fertilizer, it can be applied every few crops, not every season. For example, magnesium nitrate can be used for foliar spraying of crops, mainly for the symptoms of magnesium deficiency caused by root disorders in fruit trees, eggplant fruits, vegetables and legume vegetables, the commonly used content of magnesium nitrate is 1%, because the effect of foliar spraying is not long-lasting, in order to achieve the effect should be sprayed several times in a row. Varieties and application methods of common magnesium fertilizer: the magnesium content of commonly used magnesium fertilizer is calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer 8%-20%, magnesium sulfate 10%, magnesium chloride 25%, dolomite powder 11%-13%. It is better to apply calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and dolomite powder in acidic soil and magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate in alkaline soil. It can be used as base fertilizer or topdressing fertilizer, applying 1~1.5kg per mu in terms of Mg. Citrus and other fruit trees, each with magnesium sulfate 0.5kg. Magnesium sulfate is a water-soluble magnesium fertilizer, can be used as extra-root topdressing, spraying concentration of 1%-2%, spraying solution 50kg per mu or so. What is the function of boron fertilizer? What should be paid attention to when urea is sprayed with foliar fertilizer