
Characteristics of various inflammation in pigs during the onset of disease

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Characteristics of various inflammation in pigs during the onset of disease

Serous inflammation: mainly serous exudation, which occurs in loose connective tissue (edema), mucous membrane and serous membrane (effusion). The inflammation is mild and easy to disappear, but a large amount of effusion in pericardium and pleural cavity can oppress cardiopulmonary function.

Fibrinous inflammation: inflammation mainly caused by cellulose exudation, often occurring in mucous membrane (larynx, intestinal mucosa), serous lung (pleura, peritoneum, pericardium). When the amount is small, it is dissolved and absorbed, and when the amount is large, it causes serosa thickening and adhesion.

Suppurative inflammation is divided into three types: surface suppuration and empyema, cellulitis, abscess.

Hemorrhagic inflammation: exudates contain a large number of red blood cells.