
Stocking native chicken has the characteristics of low investment and high profit.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Stocking native chicken has the characteristics of low investment and high profit.

Carry out stocking native chickens to save investment in capital construction, save feed, and reduce diseases and insect pests. Chicken manure can also improve the soil quality of the garden and improve the quality and grade of fruit, tea, bamboo and other products. And the profit is high: the price of each chicken and egg is more than twice as high as that of fast large broilers and 4 to 8 yuan per kilogram higher than that of captive Sanhuang chickens. Hens begin to lay after the age of 6 months, and the price of eggs per kilogram is about 7 yuan higher than that of ordinary eggs.