
Improving the environment can also reduce the damage rate of eggs in high temperature season.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Improving the environment can also reduce the damage rate of eggs in high temperature season.

Feces should be cleaned up in time to reduce the stimulation of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the henhouse.

Reduce all kinds of stress and noise. Adding a variety of vitamins can reduce heat stress, especially vitamin C can promote the metabolism of minerals in bones and increase the concentration of calcium in plasma. If 200 to 400 mg vitamin C per kilogram is added to the diet of laying hens, the effect of heat stress can be alleviated, the feed intake can be increased, the concentration of corticosterone in blood will be reduced, the utilization of calcium in bones will be increased, the egg laying rate will be significantly increased, and the hardness of eggs will be increased. the breakage rate decreased.