
List of commonly used drugs for pig disease: what are the commonly used drugs for pig disease? Compatibility of common medicines and injections for swine disease

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Zhejiang Zhoushan Veterinary Drug Store has newly opened and is in urgent need of commonly used pig medicine. Veterinary drug manufacturers or distributors are welcome to contact us.

1. Amoxicillin: as a third-line drug, for severe porcine pneumonia, hysteritis, mastitis and urinary tract infection, tissue penetration is stronger than ampicillin.  

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

2. Kanamycin: it is good for respiratory tract infection, especially for cough and wheezing, but it is more toxic.

Usage: 5 to 15 mg / kg body weight.

3. Avermectin: a new type of deworming drug, which has a good effect on nematodes, taeniasis, trematodes and skin parasite scabies, but it is toxic and easy to cause abortion in sows.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

4. Anna plus cardiotonic drugs

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

5. Quinolinol: it belongs to quinoxalines and has antibacterial and growth-promoting effects.

Usage: 50mg / kg body weight.

6. Analgin: play the role of antipyretic and analgesia, analgin is often used in combination with penicillin to treat general pig disease without feeding, but it should be noted that the dose used for pregnant sows should not be too large, otherwise it will lead to miscarriage.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

Usage: 10 mg / kg body weight

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

9. Chloroprostaglandin: it has the effects of stimulating estrus, inducing labor and giving birth at the same time.

Usage: 20 mg / kg body weight

Rhubarb: laxative

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

11. Epinephrine: used for anti-allergy and shock, the vaccine allergy should be immediately rescued by intramuscular injection, and the sick pigs with severe wheezing and coughing can also be rescued by intramuscular injection.

Usage: combine with sulfonamides according to 1:5 proportion

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection

13. Amikacin: it is good for respiratory tract infection, especially for cough and wheezing, and it also has certain toxicity.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

14. Ciprofloxacin: the second generation quinolones, the effect is better than norfloxacin.

Usage: 0.510 mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection.

Vitamin K3: hemostatic needle

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight

16. Pregnant horse serum: the aphrodisiac and estrous effect of sows, which is often used in conjunction with chloroprostol, but it should be noted that it is easy to be allergic within 1-2 hours of intramuscular injection.

Usage: 30mm 100mg / kg body weight

17. Atropine: it has the effect of detoxification and relieving gastrointestinal peristalsis, especially in the case of severe diarrhea.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection

18. Dysentery: it belongs to quinoxaline, which is effective for blood dysentery and other dysentery.

Usage: 2.5 mg / kg body weight

19. Ovulation stimulating drugs: including chorionic gonadotropin, ovulation No. 2, No. 3, etc., intramuscular injection after mating will increase the number of litters per fetus by 2 to 3.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection

Usage: 5-10 mg / kg body weight orally.

21. Gentamicin: broad-spectrum antibiotics

Usage: 1500 units / kg body weight

Androgens: including methyltestosterone, testosterone propionate, nolone phenylpropionate, dehydromethyltestosterone, etc., these hormones not only improve the libido of boars, but also play a certain role in the rehabilitation of stiff pigs.

Usage: 20mg / kg body weight orally

Usage: 20 mg / kg body weight

24. Aminophylline: relieves asthma and relaxes the bronchi; it can quickly relieve asthma in pigs with asthma and cough.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection

25. Magnesium sulfate: laxative

Usage: 20 mg / kg body weight

26. Trichlorfon: traditionally, it is often used to dispel insects in pigs, which has a good effect, but it is easy to be poisoned and has a certain effect on invigorating the stomach.

Usage: 2mg / kg body weight, intramuscular injection

27. Ivermectin: a new type of insect repellent, it also has a good effect on nematodes, taeniasis, trematodes and skin parasitic scabies, but it is toxic and easy to cause abortion in sows.

Usage: 30mm 100mg / kg body weight

28. Tetracycline: broad-spectrum antibiotics with good effect on enteritis and diarrhea

Usage: combine with sulfonamides according to 1:5 proportion

29. Furosemide: the treatment of edema disease with drugs

Usage: combine with sulfonamides according to 1:5 proportion

30. Neostigmine: promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, strengthen the stomach and help digestion, just the opposite of atropine.

Usage: 20mg / kg body weight orally

31. Levamisole: mainly repels nematodes, which is safer.

Usage: 30kg 100mg / kg body weight

32. Sulfamethoxazole: broad antibacterial spectrum, often synergistic with TMP synthesis

Usage: 0.07 to 0.1 mg / kg body weight orally, intramuscular injection.

Zhejiang Zhoushan Veterinary Drug Store has newly opened and is in urgent need of commonly used pig medicine. Veterinary drug manufacturers or distributors are welcome to contact QQ623522516 at 13185732635.