
There are many inherent shortcomings of the fermentation bed! Be careful in application

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are many inherent shortcomings of the fermentation bed! Be careful in application

At the end of this post, xueyoumi edited the fermentation bed at 21:21 on 2009-9-9, a word familiar to pig farmers. I am tired of those posts about the advertising nature of the fermentation bed, talking about the advantages of the fermentation bed, the good of the fermentation bed, the beauty of the fermentation bed. Is the fermentation bed really that good? I don't think so. I have personally applied, experienced and done comparative experiments. The experimental results show that the fermentation bed can not increase the economic benefits of raising pigs. The application found that there are many inherent shortcomings of the fermentation bed, especially large-scale pig farms, these shortcomings are more obvious. First, the decrease of feeding density leads to the aging of pig houses and the increase of land cost. The technology of fermentation bed requires that the feeding density should be reduced, and each pig needs to occupy an area of 1.5 square feet, while the large-scale and intensive pig farm can keep the density of 1 kilogram per pig. This problem is not a problem for the scale of a few heads or dozens of pigs of farmers, but for big pig farms, it is no small problem. Large pig farms, breeding density is reduced, in order to maintain the stock and output, it is necessary to expand the pig house, then more land is needed. Therefore, it increases the cost of piggery and the cost of land. Second, the fermentation bed pig house can not fully implement the procedure of disinfection and epidemic prevention. Chemical disinfectants and antibiotics should not be used in the pigsty in the fermentation bed. At present, large-scale pig farming is threatened by disease more and more serious, more and more complex, virus infection, bacterial secondary infection, mixed infection is more and more serious. In the face of complex epidemic situation, can the probiotics of fermentation bed and the temperature of fermentation bed solve the problem? It turns out that probiotics have little effect on inhibiting the virus. Then in the event of an outbreak, disinfectants and antibiotics cannot be used, and the consequences will be unimaginable. Especially in large-scale pig farms, due to the large scale and high density of pigs, the implementation of strict disinfection procedures and strict biosafety measures is an important guarantee to ensure the safety and stability of pig production. And the fermentation bed is not allowed to disinfect the pig house, how to do? Although the central temperature of the fermentation bed is 50 ℃, it has a killing effect on most bacteria, but what about the surface? The surface is about 25 ℃, can it be killed? The surface is killed by probiotics? Can probiotics solve the virus? It is a pipe dream to rely on fermentation bed temperature and probiotics to suppress and kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Don't tell me to put plastic film on the padding material of the piggery and then disinfect it. This method is ridiculous and troublesome. How to spread the film when there are pigs? The cost of the film does not count, this is also an increase in cost ah? Don't say it can be disinfected, just don't spray disinfectant on the cushion. Only disinfect the aisle, how much effect can it have without disinfecting the inner wall of the pigsty? If the inner wall of the pigsty is not disinfected, there are not a lot of bacteria and viruses on the inner wall of the pigsty. When the number of bacteria reaches a certain number, it will be easy for pigs to get sick. Third, the problem of bedding resources can not be avoided! The scale of retail investors in rural areas is small, and it is easy to solve the problem of bedding resources, so the problem of large-scale pig farms is big. Our pig farm has a stock of more than 20, 000 head. According to this calculation, each pig accounts for 1.5 kilos, and the sow occupies an area of more than 30, 000 kilos. According to the thickness of 60cm, it takes 18000 cubic meters of bedding. Such a large cushion demand is solved. This cannot be solved in accordance with local conditions. Fourth, the utilization rate of the fermentation bed is low, which is not conducive to the production needs of large-scale pig farms. In general, large-scale pig farms implement full-in and all-out, wash the pen, disinfect and dry for a week after leaving the pigs, so that they can re-enter the pig breeding, but what about the fermentation bed? After the pig is out of the fermentation bed, the bedding should be piled up and re-fermented for 15 days to 1 month before entering the pig. Waste is the economic loss caused by this period of time. Why did you ignore it? This greatly reduces the utilization rate of the pig house, virtually resulting in an increase in the cost of the pig house. Fifth, raising pigs in the fermentation bed can not achieve the effect of all in and all out. Why? This is mainly because the fermentation bed pig house cannot be washed after giving birth to pigs, and chemical disinfectants cannot be used to disinfect the pig house. In addition, after the pig house is in use, a layer of dirt is formed on the walls of the pig house due to the pig's activities, which is mainly pig dung, pig saliva and other sundries. There is organic matter in these dirt, which must contain a lot of harmful bacteria, viruses and so on. if these dirt can not be cleaned and disinfected, then the next batch of pigs will be easily infected and get sick. Pig farmers all know the importance of all-in-all-out, so if you want to use the fermentation bed, think carefully before doing it, do not be confused by the overwhelming publicity, otherwise it is prone to serious consequences. Sixth, it is difficult to control the temperature and humidity of the fermentation bed at an ideal level. Especially in summer in the south, the fermentation bed pig house is prone to high temperature and humidity. How to solve it? Install a high-power fan? Install water curtain cooling system? Water the roof? Spray? Has the cost of these measures been calculated? In this way, how can we say that the fermentation bed can save money? Is the cost of cooling electricity low? It takes a lot of labor to raise pigs in a fermentation bed! I speak with my own experience, and there are data to prove it. According to some data, each breeder raises 800m 1000 head, and according to the area of 1.5mm of each pig, the breeder needs to maintain a fermentation bed with an area of 1500 mu. 1 mu = 666.67 mu, then the breeder has to maintain 2.25mu of bedding. It is hard to imagine that it takes about three hours for a farmer to plough 2 mu of land with cattle. Every other day, a person has to turn over an area of 2.25 mu with a shovel and rake, and scatter and bury the concentrated pig manure. Is the amount of labor still small? How can this amount of labor be said to save labor? According to our first-hand experience in the course of the experiment, flipping bedding is more exhausting than shoveling pig manure, and the breeders also respond that the pigs who manage the fermentation bed are more tired. Maybe we can use a small excavator to turn over the bedding material, so according to our company's stock of 20,000 pigs, we need at least 20 small excavators. How can this investment be saved? And the maintenance cost of the small excavator is not a small amount. The addition and filling of the cushion material in the fermentation bed pig house and the cleaning of the cushion material after reaching its useful life is a huge project. In our fermentation bed experiment, when adding bedding, we only raised 200 fattening pigs in the fermentation bed pigsty. We hired four people and worked for two days to fill in the padding, 40 yuan per person per day. In this way, in addition to the breeder, the labor will have to pay 320 yuan more. If we use all the fermentation beds, what a big project it would be to fill and clean up according to the previous calculation of 18000 cubic meters of bedding! It is said that the fermentation bed saves labor, and you will talk after you have experienced it. Eighth, it is said that pigs raised in fermentation beds can be sold at a better price, and the selling price can be increased by 10%? At present, this is only my own wishful thinking, in fact, pig vendors will not give you more money. First of all, the price given by the pig vendor is based on the market price, and then depends on the fur and size of the pig. No matter what method it is to raise pigs, as long as they are healthy and can not see much difference in fur and shape, the price can not be much different, and ordinary pig houses can also raise pigs with bright fur and excellent body shape. Then, you say that your pig is antibiotic-free, pollution-free, good pork quality and so on, and you want to sell it at a higher price. the problem is that these advantages are not visible to the naked eye, and it is impossible for a shrewd pig vendor to take the risk of raising prices and collecting pigs. Third, at present, most pig traders who collect pigs in pig farms only resell live pigs and are not involved in the trading and processing of pork. From this point of view, most pig vendors are not very concerned about the quality of pork, whether it is polluted, whether to use antibiotics, and so on. It is a pipe dream to ask for a price increase for selling pigs. The above are some of my views that may not be mature. If there is anything wrong, please criticize and correct it. Agree with the landlord, each has his own advantages. What the landlord said is very practical. Everything has its two sides. You can't just talk about the good side.-- agree with those upstairs. Hehe-- let the Expendables go first.-- that's the truth. I've used it. -- the opinion of the landlord hit the nail on the head and said it was very pertinent. we had people here, and I didn't take into account a few of them-- a piece of noodles. It is good and possible for the people who built the fermentation bed to think and innovate the concept of colonization to raise the issue of environmental protection, and to give a reasonable solution for the treatment of pollution and the production of ammonia, the environmental protection problem must be a major obstacle that can be avoided in colonization. Is there a more efficient way to deal with colonization besides fermentation bed colonization? What is the three-stage processing being implemented by Taiwan? Do you want to use oxygen to deal with the fields or directly treat the fields? There are also many aspects of thinking internationally, but there are still differences in efficiency and cost-- quoting frog essence published at 05:35 on 2009-9-10, there are good and possible ideas about the concept of colonization and innovation in the construction of the fermentation bed. And it gives a reasonable solution for the treatment of sewage and the production of ammonia, and the environmental protection problem is bound to be the advantage of colonization, avoidable fermentation bed in terms of environmental protection. But so far, I can find that the most obvious advantage of fermentation bed technology is environmental protection, other efficiency, cost and other fermentation bed has no advantage. But is there no other way for us to deal with the pollution problem of raising pigs at present? A biogas digester can be built in rural areas to alleviate the pressure on the environment caused by pig farming, while in large-scale pig farms with financial resources, you can spend money to build a sewage treatment plant combined with a large biogas digester, and the treated sewage can meet the standard of irrigation water. In fact, the investment of fermentation bed technology is very large, and the maintenance cost is very high, and there is no obvious advantage in the later period. Therefore, I hope that friends who promote the fermentation bed can seek truth from facts and not blindly publicize the good side of the fermentation bed (the good side of the fermentation bed has been proved by my practical application experiments, that is, the advantages in environmental protection are obvious. Other fermentation beds do not have any advantages), and I also hope you will face the shortcomings of the fermentation bed. I really hope that pig farmers will deal with the issue of fermentation bed cautiously, not in a rush to get hot in their heads. -- agree with the views of the upstairs and the landlord that to solve the problem of environmental pollution, it is better to build a large biogas digester, and the energy can be reused, but it has shortcomings in power generation, biogas contains more sulfur, the machine can not be stopped, and it will rust after stopping for a period of time. Speechless. But it's always good for someone to try, and there will always be someone to try, especially when it comes to policy. -- how does disinfectant water penetrate a cushion 2 meters deep? 1raising pigs in a scientific fermentation bed