
Animal husbandry breeding: what are the development prospects of animal husbandry? Subsidy policy for animal husbandry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recommend a Taiwan animal husbandry website

The economy of animal husbandry will change from growth type and environmental protection to heavy duty. At present, the contradiction between resources and environment has become increasingly prominent, and sustainable development has become a basic strategy for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. Therefore, attaching equal importance to economic growth and environmental protection will become the guiding ideology for the development of China's animal husbandry in the new century. The agricultural industrial structure will gradually change from planting to animal husbandry. As most areas of our country have not only achieved food and clothing, but also began to build a well-off society in an all-round way, people's demand for food is gradually declining, while the demand for meat, milk, eggs and other animal products is on the rise. In the new century, the proportion of animal husbandry in agricultural output value in China will exceed 50%. Focusing on traditional livestock will be transformed into comprehensive utilization of all kinds of animal resources. In recent years, the technology of special breeding and domestication of wild animals has developed rapidly. the diversification of human needs and the new achievements of genetic engineering make it possible to make full use of all kinds of animal resources.

The production of animal husbandry will change from increasing production to improving quality and variety. The per capita meat consumption of urban residents in China has shown a downward trend, the consumption structure has also changed, and the demand for animal products is moving towards "less but better". Decentralized operation will be transformed into intensive and large-scale operation. At present, animal husbandry in China is still dominated by decentralized management, and most farmers have low technical level and weak competitiveness. The result of market competition will inevitably lead to the expansion of intensive and large-scale operation. It has changed from a single animal husbandry operation to an integrated industrial management of production, addition and marketing. The industrialization management of animal husbandry in China is in the ascendant, and industrialization management will become the main way of animal husbandry development. Animal husbandry will be transformed from agricultural areas to equal emphasis on agricultural areas and grasslands. The output value of animal husbandry in China has always been mainly from agricultural areas, and the proportion of grassland animal husbandry is very low. in the new century, grassland construction and grassland ecological environment protection will be effectively strengthened, and the status and proportion of grassland animal husbandry will be greatly increased.

Sheep raising subsidy

Although sheep prices have been depressed in the past two years, the state and local governments still have various subsidies for sheep farmers. On October 12 last year, the State Office of Comprehensive Agricultural Development issued the Circular on doing a good job in national declaration in 2017, which clearly takes professional large households, family farms, farmers' cooperatives and agriculture-related agriculture as support, in the form of discount and subsidy, in order to increase the intensity of interest discount, focusing on supporting agriculture and farmers' cooperatives, etc., and the amount of financial funds for a single discount project is no more than 5 million yuan.

1. Types of subsidies

(1) Sheep quantity subsidy

(2) Goat breeding subsidy

(3) standardized scale farm subsidy

(4) subsidy for related equipment

(5) subsidy for high and new technology

(6) Local or national subsidies for poverty alleviation

(7) other subsidies

2. Amount of subsidy

Take the local subsidy policy as the standard, there are differences in different regions, it is best to go to the local animal husbandry bureau, agricultural sector on-site consultation. However, the main reference standard is the breeding scale and number of farmers. The following is a reference:

(1) raising more than 50 sheep, with a subsidy of 20 yuan per sheep per year

(2) raising more than 100 sheep, with a subsidy of 50 yuan per sheep per year

(3) raising more than 200 sheep, and each sheep has an annual subsidy of more than 100 yuan.

(4) An one-time subsidy of 800 yuan per ram for sheep and goats.

(5) the production of mutton sheep in standardized scale farms has reached 300-3000 sheep subsidies of 250000 to 1 million.

3. Subsidy conditions

According to the standards of the local subsidy policy, it is generally necessary to meet the requirements of the number of sheep, the construction of sheepfold, quarantine and epidemic prevention, and how far the site is from the residential areas. specifically, you can consult the local agriculture and animal husbandry department.

For example, the subsidies for standardized large-scale breeding farms are based on improved breeds of livestock and poultry, facilities for breeding, standardization of production, institutionalization of epidemic prevention, harmless faeces, brands of standardized demonstration farms for livestock and poultry, and sheep in agricultural areas that can breed more than 250 ewes or more than 500 mutton sheep a year. Pastoral areas can breed more than 1000 ewes or more than 1000 mutton sheep last year.

Dairy cow subsidy

1,300,500 head scale subsidy 800000

2. 500-1000 head scale subsidy 1.3 million

3. The scale subsidy of more than 1000 heads is 1.7 million.

Subsidy for raising beef cattle

1. 100,299 head scale subsidy 300000

2. The scale subsidy for more than 300 heads is 500000.

Pig subsidy

1. If the scale of pig breeding is more than 3000, the subsidy shall be 800000.

2. If the scale of raising pigs ranges from 2000 to 2999, the subsidy shall be 600000.

3. If the scale of raising pigs ranges from 1000 to 1999, the subsidy shall be 400000.

4. if the scale of raising pigs is 500 to 999, the subsidy is 200000.

Farmers and cooperatives who apply for farming subsidies must meet the following conditions:

1. If it is a project declared by an agriculture-related enterprise, it needs to have the status of a legal person, the industrial and commercial administration department should register and operate for more than one year, have a certain operation scale and sustainable operation ability, and have strong economic strength and self-financing ability. there is no bad integrity record, and established in line with the requirements of the market economy management system and mechanism, management norms.

2. If it is a cooperative to declare a project, it also needs to have the status of a legal person, register and operate for more than one year, have no bad credit record, have the ability of sustainable operation and the corresponding ability of project construction and management, in line with the relevant provisions of farmers' cooperatives, clear property rights, standardized articles of association, reasonable operating mechanism, standardized management, and strong demonstration and driving role.

3. The requirements for other new agricultural operators to apply for projects shall be determined by each province according to the actual situation.

4. The same project unit can only get one way of financial support for comprehensive agricultural development in the same year (subject to the year of fund arrangement). It is very simple, that is, the same type of subsidy can only be received once a year, not repeatedly.

This post was last edited by phwu at 13:19 on 2009-8-29.

Recommend a Taiwan animal husbandry website, Taiwan Qunying Pig raising Network, which, like this website, is the most popular animal husbandry website in Taiwan, with special features in breeding and propagation.

But it's all in traditional Chinese characters, so it looks like a lot of effort. The website is:



You can take a look, thank you, it is very difficult to read foreign languages, to see what it is like to understand what is different from our education system.


Support to provide power for the aquaculture industry


Thank you for sharing.


Study, go and have a look, enhance your own strength


That's a regular character, not a traditional character. There are no fonts that have been messed with.


What kind of characters? How many Chinese approve it?


Thank you LZ for your selfless sharing.



Nice website.


Thank you for your selfless offer! ~!


It would be fine to change it with a tour.


Thank you in advance. The mainland has too much to learn from Taiwan.