
Talking about the Management of Pig Farm personnel

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Talking about the Management of Pig Farm personnel

This post was finally edited by Lao Yang at 15:17 on 2009-1-19, an expert group member of the Pig production and Marketing Branch of Shandong Animal Husbandry Association, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Shandong Pig raising News, Linyi Xincheng Golden Gong Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd.: production Director and Senior Animal Pastor Zhang Baoliang in the management of the pig farm, like other enterprises, personnel management is also the most fundamental. If you want to raise pigs well, you must first take good care of people, because pigs are managed by people, which increases people's enthusiasm for work, and then people can manage pigs well. Take a practical example in our company: there is a breeder in our farm, Xiao Jiang, who has been raising pigs since 1994, and it is very difficult to raise pigs, but her pigs have less disease, fast growth and high survival rate. Of course, this has something to do with her experience, but what is more important is that she pays attention to the pig, pays attention to the pig, and pays attention to raising the pig. When the pig is slightly abnormal, she picks it out and puts it in the fence to take good care of it. Whenever the pig is sick, even at night, she gets up to give the pig an injection; when the wind blows at night, she gets up and closes the window; every piglet touches her heart, just as her children affect her parents, so the efficiency of the pig house she raises and manages has always been in the forefront, and of course she has been rewarded with a higher salary. By the same token, I also think that if the pig farm managers, like this breeder, pay attention to the staff, pay attention to the staff, manage the people attentively, manage the personnel attentively, and manage their own "personality" attentively, the work of the pig farm must be very effective. Next, I would like to talk about several specific issues in the management of pig farm personnel: 1. Efforts should be made to "select, educate, employ and retain personnel". 1.1 the personnel of the selected pig farm are field director, section chief (district chief), technicians, logistics personnel, breeders, and personnel at all levels should be well selected. The most important thing among the managers is the selection of the director. The author has worked in the pig farm for more than ten years and has experienced many managers. I have a deep understanding of this problem. In the work, which field director has a high level of management, the common language between managers and employees is more, the communication between each other is good, the work cooperation is also good, so the work mood of the staff is high, the production performance will naturally go up. From a professional point of view, you must be an expert as a field director. The field manager who is not an expert should gradually become an expert through continuous study and practice, because the layman can not manage the pig farm well. Therefore, the field director should have the following abilities: noble moral character, management ability, personnel ability and skills, decision-making ability, the ability to distinguish right from wrong, the ability to accept new things, the ability to grasp the market, learning ability, and innovation ability. Noble moral character is very important, moral character can make managers have personal charm, influence, charisma, cohesion, morality can win the hearts of the people, "those who win the hearts of the people will win the world". The section chief (or district head) is a grass-roots manager, and the selection should also be careful, because the section leader should not only have excellent technical level, but also have the ability to manage and employ people and the ability to guide breeders to do a good job in production. First of all, the selection of people should be able to know people, put morality first, have both ability and political integrity, and do not allow others to be obedient or relatives. The selection should be suitable, suitable and sociable. Recently, our field has hired a number of college and secondary school graduates, as well as graduate students, according to the company's regulations, there is a three-month probation period. During the probation period, new employees can understand the working environment, work content and related responsibilities of the pig farm; see whether they are suitable for such a closed and difficult environment; whether they are qualified for the job. Pig farms also according to their performance during this period, give the initial evaluation and review, the fittest leave the unsuitable go, the implementation of two-way choice. 1.2 Education includes self-learning, corporate education and training and practice in the workplace. Education is very important, modern pig farms are large-scale, intensive, is a systematic project, and in the actual operation of pig farms, involving a wider range of disciplines. In particular, the pig market risk, disease risk, meagre profits, coupled with the rapid renewal of modern knowledge. Therefore, animal husbandry practitioners must go through various types of learning and training, such as meetings, classes, technical exchanges, special lectures, practical operation, on-site guidance, etc., in order to meet the needs of continuous development and updating. Therefore, the training and study of pig farm leaders is more important, "everyone is one foot high, virtue rises ten". Only in this way can we manage subordinates and pig farms well. Of course, in the actual work, many field leaders can also be called role models in learning. In fact, the training of employees is one of the main contents of management work, is the basic management work, but also an important embodiment of humanized management. Some entrepreneurs also say, "the best benefit for employees is training." In his book "Fine Management", Mr. Wang Zhongqiu said: "Management" is supervision and control, "reason" is guidance and service, and "management" should be contained in "reason". Training and training is the best guidance and service. Through a large number of training, it can replace the control management, let employees know not only to do according to the requirements, but also to know why to do it according to the requirements, so as to achieve self-control and self-management. Our pig farm has been adhering to the study and training of employees from 1998 to the present, mainly including pre-job training, on-the-job training and transfer training. The contents of the training include management operation procedures, technological process, management system, corporate culture, work attitude, ideological style, etc., and advance to a higher level step by step. The forms of training include classroom teaching, watching CD-ROMs, on-site guidance, teachers with apprentices, going out to study, and so on. Through the training, the overall quality of the staff continues to improve, production performance continues to rise, managers are also more worry-free. Therefore, learning and training can not only improve the quality of employees, but also form the cohesion and joint force of the company, which is tantamount to constantly refueling and recharging the employees and the company. Some pig farms do not pay attention to the training of their staff, and they are unwilling to invest in this aspect of cost. the reason is that they do not regard their staff as one of the most dynamic and valuable resources, and they can continue to add value; we know that the production equipment of the plant is gradually depreciated and finally eliminated with its continuous use. Of course, equipment can be improved by purchasing, but the improvement of staff quality can not be achieved immediately. Mr. Zhang Ruimin of Haier said: "the poor quality of the staff is not your fault, but not to improve the quality of the staff is your fault." Therefore, both the boss and the field director should strengthen the self-cultivation and the cultivation of subordinates. 1.3 employees are skillful and knowledgeable about the use of people. The following principles should be used in the use of personnel: (1) use the quantity only, and know how to make good use of it. (2) try to make the employment as long as possible and the gram as short as possible. (3) it is necessary to look at ability and refer to academic qualifications, but not only academic qualifications, but not seniority. (4) appointing people on the basis of merit, not cronyism and obedience. (5) the implementation of decentralization, the suspect is not used, the user is not suspicious. Mr. Li Junzhu, general manager of the livestock health department of Xinde Company, said: "there are three kinds of people in pig farms: first, they can take the initiative to do what they should do without the management of others; second, they need to be managed by others in order to do what they should do well; and third, even if others manage, they can't do what they should do well. The purpose of our management is to bring up the first kind of people, train the second kind of people into the first kind of people, and eliminate the third kind of people. College students and graduate students employed by the company should master: cultivate and use virtue without talent, make an exception with virtue, control use without virtue, and resolutely do not use without virtue. Breeders should consider the following situations: those who live locally or nearby should not be used; those who are too old or too young should not be used as much as possible; those who do not use their brains should not be used; those who are burdened by the family should not be used as much as possible; those who are illiterate should not be used as far as possible; those who are related to their families should not be used as far as possible; those who raise pigs in the family should not be used as far as possible; try not to use husband and wife workers as far as possible. 1.4 it is difficult to retain people, but it is even more difficult to retain people. Only when a plane tree is planted can it attract the golden Phoenix. There are only three factors to retain people: first, there are good salaries and benefits; second, there is a harmonious environment to achieve self-value; third, pig farms have development prospects, and I have room for development and development prospects. We know that most pig farms are far away from cities and towns, and there are many inconveniences such as shopping, medical care, and children going to school, as well as closed management, poor environment and hard work, so there is a great mobility of pig farm staff. in particular, it is not easy to work on the front line of a pig farm for a few or more years. The practice of our field in this regard is: (1) increase wages and benefits. With the rise in prices and the increase in the wages of national staff, the remuneration methods of pig farm staff are constantly improving, and their wages are constantly rising. The wages of workers are piece rates, plus target rewards and punishments and odd jobs, with bonuses or monthly wages in the middle of the year, and extra wages on holidays. For example, breastfeeding home keepers: each person raises 48 sows, the piglets are weaned at 23 days, stay in captivity for 7 days, and transfer to nursing homes at 30 days of age. Salary calculation method: suckling piglets are paid 0.86 yuan per kilogram of weight gain, the standard of breeding rate is 93%, and the reward and penalty of 10 yuan for each extra or less live is 0.23 yuan. The standard of low or high 0.01 reward and penalty of 10 yuan is 2.2 yuan per sow and 1.00 yuan per piglet, and the super section is 20% bonus and punishment brush bar for odd workers: 2.3 yuan per column. In order to improve the enthusiasm of technicians and attract talents, each pig farm should specially formulate an attractive salary scheme to attract capable college students and graduate students to work. (2) improve living conditions and amusement facilities. Due to the poor living and working conditions of the pig farm, and the implementation of closed management, employees lack the opportunity to get together and communicate with their relatives and friends, especially the love and marriage of young people of the right age is a major problem, so when recruiting new employees in the pig farm, it is necessary to recruit some female workers according to a certain proportion, and encourage employees to make diplomatic friends and fall in love in the pig farm; encourage couples to work together. Employees should be paid off for 4 days a month. There is a vegetable greenhouse in the pig farm, and the vegetables are basically self-sufficient, which makes the employees not only eat well, but also the food fee is low, and the monthly food cost is 150-200 yuan per employee. The living conditions of employees have also been greatly improved. Every year during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, the company distributes welfare products worth 200 to 300 yuan. The advanced selection at the end of the year is not only to give awards and family news, but also to give material incentives to encourage employees to actively create excellent results. In the entertainment facilities, the company has table tennis room, billiard table, basketball court, badminton racket, playing cards and so on, and the staff dormitory has televisions, which enriches the employees' spare time life and alleviates the loneliness and loneliness brought by the closed management. (3) treat employees correctly, care for and respect them. In the pig farm, every employee is respected. The company implements a monthly letter activity, sets up a suggestion box in the farm, opens it regularly, answers the questions raised by the staff in public places in time, studies and implements the suggestions put forward by the employees, and rewards the good suggestions. For the production of each batch of pigs, the statisticians will make a list and send it to the employees, and at the end of the month, the employees will calculate their wages and compare them with the wage tables calculated by the statisticians to see if there are any errors, so that the calculation of wages is more transparent. Of course, employees' wages will be paid on time every month. The field director treats the employees as their friends and partners and treats them equally. When the employee is sick, our director will visit in person; the director of the employee marriage will also give gifts and congratulations, and the pig farm will organize the staff to celebrate their birthday. In this way, a harmonious, friendly and harmonious interpersonal relationship is formed in the pig farm, and a comfortable and pleasant working condition and environment are created. 2. Formulate scientific and reasonable rules and regulations. The pig farm should formulate staff code, reward and punishment regulations, employee leave attendance system, staff post responsibility system, production regular meeting system, pre-shift meeting system, production index benefit management system, health and epidemic prevention system, inspection system and so on. It is necessary to improve the production process and all kinds of management and operation procedures. The formulation of rules and regulations should be scientific, reasonable, advanced and practical, extensively listen to the opinions of the masses in the process of formulation, and should be trained and studied after formulation, so that rules and regulations can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the process of implementation, inspection and supervision should be carried out to see if it is really implemented. With the passage of time and the change of the situation, it should be revised and improved. Employees must be made to develop a sense of rules and regulations to be fully implemented. "No prestige is not enough to establish rules, and if there is no punishment, no one will abide by the rules." those who ignore the system and do not abide by the norms should be severely punished. Everyone is equal in front of the system, and managers should take the lead in implementing it. Most fields have rules and regulations, but the implementation of the system is ineffective and inadequate. Some of them are only written on paper and pasted on the wall, but they have not been put into action, and this situation should be changed as soon as possible. 3. Reduce and reduce the stress reaction of employees as much as possible. We know that when pigs are subjected to stress, especially strong stress, their immune function will be damaged, light production performance will decline, and severe ones will get sick or even die. On the other hand, people are advanced animals with ideas, who are more likely to be stimulated by adverse factors to produce stress reactions, to be hurt and to have a bad state of mind, and to work with emotions, which, of course, makes production suffer losses. The specific management of employees should be as follows: (1) more praise and less criticism should be given to employees, and criticism should be paid attention to in order to convince people with reasoning. (2) do not reprimand your subordinates, even if you reprimand them calmly and alone, enough is enough, and there is encouragement in the reprimand, so that they have the desire to change after smelling. (3) to formulate a salary plan scientifically, the difference between employees' wages should be reasonable, and wages should be tilted to posts with high technical content, which really reflects that high pay means high return. (4) Advanced selection, personnel transfer, personnel transfer and personnel promotion should meet the requirements, do a good job, and avoid ideological fluctuations. (5) if employees encounter difficulties at home, such as parents or children getting sick, or things that are not satisfactory, they should be found in time and help solve them in time. (6) to help staff and workers solve their marital problems and communicate with the lovelorn in a timely manner. (7) strengthen safety education, eliminate hidden dangers and ensure safety first. (8) do not easily withdraw the vested interests of employees. The benefits given to employees can only be gradually increased but not reduced. Bad cheques or alternatives that employees are not willing to accept will be opposed. (9) do not easily make promises to employees, especially those things that are not easy to do. Follow your words and keep your promises. (10) always think of others. Look at things from the employees' point of view and guess how they feel. If you put your "trumped-up" views on your employees, they will lose confidence in you. In this way, you will get hurt by not knowing them. There are the following levels of work or management: yes, good, excellent, unique, and divine. We should constantly move forward to a higher level of management through learning-practice-re-learning-re-practice. Of course, there are still many imperfections in the current management of our company, and we also need to learn from the excellent elements of brother companies, extensively listen to all kinds of reasonable opinions and suggestions of internal staff, and constantly improve the management system in order to be better! It's a nice place to work in such a farm. The veterinary work in a pig farm can go on for a long time-- raise pigs and take care of people first. People are controlled, and there should be good institutional incentives and constraints in management. Pigs are managed, and there should be scientific and standardized feeding and management procedures in management. To put it simply, raising pigs requires the cultivation of good employees, and only an excellent breeding team can create higher benefits. I think it is necessary to recruit some female workers. My factory is state-owned, but there are no girls, and many college students have left. Because I can't find a girlfriend-- that makes sense, great! Keep trying. It makes a lot of sense, not only in pig farms but also in other industries. -- praise me. I've learned. Benefit-- yes, a few more female employees also have the energy to work-- to learn. Welcome-not bad, but there are very few bosses like this. -- learned and gained. Gao, really