
1o.18 braised fish is good in two aspects.

Published: 2025-03-29 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/29, 1o.18 braised fish is good in two aspects.

It's a good attachment: you need to log in to download or view the attachment. No account number? Registration-how much is this fish per jin?-is it from the Changzhou area? Which spicy food do you eat?-- how many jin did you hit? -- have a look It was not bad-- at that time, the price out of the pond was 4.5. At that time, the mainstream price was 4.3 kilograms of fish from Yixing area-- the price was OK. There was still money to be made-- at that time, the price out of the pond was 4.5. at that time, the mainstream price was 4.3,000jin of fish in Yixing area. Xhwin2000 was published on 2009-11-14 17:33, man. You're rich. -Brother, this mackerel weighs 1.7 jin, the big one is 1.7 jin-- ask the weak. What kind of feed do you use? What kind of material is used? How much does it cost to raise 1 jin of fish feed? If there is any material, it is inconvenient to say that the suspected cost of avoiding advertising is about 3.7-3.9.