
Shocked the inside story of sea cucumbers is exposed. Everyone who eats sea cucumbers is watching.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Liu, a 66-year-old sister from Nanjing, eats sea cucumbers every year. This year, her old classmate recommended an old ginseng farmer who lived in Dalian and had been dealing with sea cucumbers for more than 20 years.

Liu, a 66-year-old sister from Nanjing, eats sea cucumbers every year. This year, her old classmate recommended an old ginseng farmer who lives in Dalian and has been dealing with sea cucumbers for more than 20 years. Originally, she would have spent seven or eight thousand to buy a jin of sea cucumbers. Sister Liu was surprised that she only spent the "cabbage price"! I wanted to add Wechat to learn about sea cucumbers from this honest ginseng farmer, but I unexpectedly picked up a big bargain and bought sea cucumbers at the "cabbage price". The son of elder sister Liu was worried that his mother would be cheated and bought fake sea cucumbers and inferior sea cucumbers. The next day, he took old Zhao sea cucumbers to the local quality inspection department for inspection. The results showed that they were indeed authentic sea cucumbers of light dry Liao Dynasty.

When his old classmate knew about this, he and Sister Liu joked: "you are worried about eating salty radish. This ginseng Lao Zhao is an old ginseng farmer who was born and raised on the coast of Dalian. He is a person, and he will never cheat. His sea cucumber has a real price and guaranteed quality. He has a very good reputation in the local area. I have known him for several years. I take sea cucumbers from him every year. There has never been a mistake. His sea cucumbers bubbled out." The size can grow more than tenfold, the meat wall is thick and elastic, the ginseng is dense, the tendon is white, the ginseng thorn is long, and it tastes particularly good. You can't buy such a good sea cucumber without acquaintances in Dalian. "

Buy wild Stichopus japonicus, look for Dalian Lao Zhao

The authenticity of the goods is guaranteed!

Dalian Lao Zhao, the eldest in his family, 54, went to the sea to catch sea cucumbers with his father as a teenager for more than 20 years. He can be said to be a sea cucumber expert with a deep knowledge of sea cucumbers, where the sea cucumbers are produced, how many years of age and what processing technology he can see at a glance, precisely because he has a thorough view of the sea cucumber market. Therefore, for those people who get rich by inferior quality and price speculation in the market, Lao Zhao disdains to keep company with them. He always adheres to his own principle: to be a conscience reference, to sell affordable prices, and for customers to eat and applaud, and fall asleep by themselves.

Break the hidden rule of profiteering, the "price butcher" in the eyes of peers.

Speaking of Lao Zhao's sea cucumbers, the deepest impression is that the price is low, the price can not be lower, even if you go to Changhai County, find wholesalers, this price, you do not even think about it! Chao Po-Tao is also very stubborn. He has rules for selling sea cucumbers. The minimum growth age of sea cucumbers is five years, not even one day less. The light drying process adheres to traditional methods to ensure that the roots can be foamed without adding sugar or salt. Compared to quality and price, there is no way to compare ginseng sources in Shilibaxiang. As long as they see Zhao's sea cucumbers and listen to Zhao's prices, customers will choose Zhao's sea cucumbers. Other sea cucumbers can't be sold at all, because the price is less than half that of others. Peers also call Lao Zhao the "price butcher". They also say that this person is mindless and too down-to-earth. Others sell sea cucumbers, Mercedes-Benz and BMW. He sells sea cucumbers for more than 20 years. Only one pickup truck was saved. In the final analysis, it was Zhao Leng, the elder of Shennong, who sold sea cucumbers worth 7,000 to 8,000 yuan into a "cabbage price"!

The boss never cares about other people's opinions. He says that when others sell sea cucumbers, they want to get rich overnight and make money. I sell sea cucumbers, which is the livelihood left by my ancestors. The most important thing is word-of-mouth. What I fear most is insulting Lao Zhao and smashing his own signboard. Therefore, no matter how he manages sea cucumbers, he must stick to the five principles.

The sea cucumbers caught by Lao Zhao will be dried naturally after cleaning and cooking in an iron pot. The sea cucumbers dried naturally are far away from factories and machines, and each batch of sea cucumbers will be dried for at least 30 days. Although the time period is long, it does not damage meat quality and nutrition.

Most of the people who eat sea cucumbers are pregnant women, the elderly, children and the frail. These people already need more care and care, and do not dare to eat carelessly. Pure natural and manual drying guarantees that they will not add any bad ingredients, although the method is a little stupid. but it can really ensure the quality of sea cucumbers, in order to accumulate blessings for future generations, must not earn money.

Lao Zhao sea cucumber is processed by traditional light drying technology. when the weather is good, the sea cucumber is dried outdoors, which can not only save costs, but also absorb the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon. This is the precious tonic of nature.

Lao Zhao said about sea cucumbers, about sea cucumbers.

Sea cucumbers are rich in nutrition and are the first choice for food supplement and health preservation.

Sea cucumber ranks first among the eight treasures of sea, and has been a good tonic for dignitaries since ancient times. from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, sea cucumber has the functions of tonifying kidney and essence, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, calming the heart, stopping bleeding and reducing inflammation, acid and pain, brain and intelligence, and so on. Modern medicine has found that sea cucumbers contain a variety of essential nutrients for the human body, which can delay aging, eliminate fatigue, improve immunity and enhance resistance.

Why is Dalian Liao thorn more valuable than Shan-Dong Sea Cucumber Soup and Fujian sea cucumbers?

Sea water quality directly determines the quality of sea cucumbers.

The better the water quality, the cleaner the growth environment of sea cucumbers, the better the quality. The sea water of Changhai in Dalian is better than that in Shandong in half a year. Changhai County sits in a pure sea area between 36 and 37 degrees north latitude, with a coastline of nearly 1000 li. Meandering along the coastline, the headland bay is connected with rocks and reefs, and the shallow tidal flat covers a wide area. The West Pacific current drives straight in, collides with the coastal current of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, and forms a strong cyclonic current and dynamic field in the Changhai Sea, which makes the Changhai Sea area have the remarkable characteristics of active current, clear water quality, strong hydrodynamic force, strong purification capacity and strong photosynthesis. Sea water temperature directly determines the quality of sea cucumbers.

Sea water temperature directly determines the quality of sea cucumbers.

The water temperature seriously affects the summer dormancy of sea cucumbers, thus affecting the quality of sea cucumbers. Changhai is a recognized producing area of high-quality sea cucumbers, and the cold water here creates the best sea cucumbers with slow growth. Our sea cucumbers here have the characteristics of summer dormancy, when the water temperature is higher than 20 ℃, sea cucumbers will dormancy, this sleep is three or four months, commonly known as summer dormancy. Year-round cold water and summer dormancy, such slow growth ensures the excellent quality of sea cucumbers.

There are some things that Lao Zhao doesn't say, you really don't know!

At the time when Wechat was first opened, many people said that there was also a sea cucumber in Dalian on a certain treasure, which was cheaper than yours. Some people also asked, "if there is something wrong with it, the store sells for 7, 000 and 8, 000, and your price is less than half."

For this matter, Lao Zhao is also quite helpless, some people buy sea cucumbers spent a lot of wrong money, but in turn question the integrity of people, this matter is not clear, consumers have always been kept in the dark. Today, Lao Zhao is here to make it clear to you.

Let's talk about some treasure first.

My daughter once helped me open a treasure store and wanted to bring our products to all parts of China, but I saw a treasure sea cucumber store in a mess. Inferior quality, true and false are uneven, a lot of things are not consistent with what they actually said.

However, under the guise of risk-free online shopping, sellers are doing things of deceiving people and swindling money. now I will tell you about the chaos in the industry and uncover the black curtain of a certain treasure. The marketing of a certain treasure is too strong, and there are many dark curtains in the industry. They dare to say, dare to do, dare to sell! A lot of things are exaggerated. I just make sea cucumbers in a down-to-earth manner and do business separately. I don't know so many gaudy things, so naturally I can't beat others. I can only think of other business strategies and tell you the inside story of the industry in this place:

1. Add sugar and salt to gain weight, at the same time lead to the loss of nutrition of sea cucumbers, profiteering!

two。 Add fire alkali, increase foaming rate and gloss, carcinogenic!

3. In order to extend the shelf life, add formalin antiseptic, carcinogenic!

4. Take southern sea cucumbers as northern sea cucumbers to sell, the so-called "south ginseng north sell", profiteering!

5. Brick-and-mortar stores are ridiculously expensive, online sellers brag, and everyone advertises selling pure light-dried sea cucumbers, but you can't buy good sea cucumbers at low prices or at high prices, because he deceives you with dried sugar and salt.

It is precisely because a certain treasure is too chaotic, so my daughter helped me open this Wechat! I Lao Zhao promised here that our sea cucumbers are all authentic sea cucumbers in the Changhai Sea, without adding any preservatives, sugar and salt to gain weight, and sell black-hearted sea cucumbers. I fully support a refund if you are not satisfied with the refund. If you receive the goods, you can get a full refund if you are not satisfied with it.

Let's talk about physical stores.

The sea cucumbers in the specialty store range from 7,000 to 10,000, which is totally unreasonable. No matter how expensive the sea cucumber is, it cannot be as expensive as that. First, it depends on the hoax during sales, and second, the high price after layers of resale. The ginseng farmers sell to the local wholesalers, and the wholesalers are then diverted to the middlemen. There are fewer or two middlemen, more than five or six, and all the middlemen have to increase the price. Finally, they can enter the store, affix the brand, and put on the counter. The shop assistant tricked you again and told you that you must recognize his brand, so you spent too much money and thought it was reasonable, and did you dare to guarantee the quality of sea cucumbers in the store? I don't think so.

My Lao Zhao's sea cucumbers are all sea cucumbers grown in the Changhai sea area of Dalian. When others raise sea cucumbers, they need contract fees, pond construction fees, nursery fees, and labor fees, while my Lao Zhao's sea cucumbers breed naturally in this sea area, only fishing fees. Nothing else. There is no price difference of several thousand yuan per jin for middlemen, nor hundreds of thousands of luxury decoration fees for counters and specialty stores. Therefore, I can sell authentic sea cucumbers at "cabbage prices" so that ordinary people who used to want to eat sea cucumbers who are too expensive can eat good sea cucumbers.

Lao Zhao sea cucumber, stick to it for 20 years

Five principles

First, the source of ginseng is pure: only sell Liao sea cucumber, never use southern ginseng and imported ginseng with inferior quality.

Second, the sea raises the wild: the local ginseng in Dalian Changhai sea area will never sell cheap ginseng with low nutritional value.

Third, the goods are genuine: every penny of the goods, never inflate the price, only earn money of conscience

Fourth, authentic craftsmanship: old Zhao sea cucumber, all authentic light dry processing, will never add sugar or salt

5. Solemn promise: you can soak one first and get a full refund if you are not satisfied! This business depends on repeat customers, and we know this very well!

Add Lao Zhao Wechat, taste fresh and authentic sea cucumber

If you want to eat sea cucumbers to nourish your body, but you can't afford them because of the high price, if you want to give sea cucumbers to your relatives and leaders, you don't know how to tell whether they are true or false. If you have been eating sea cucumbers, you have spent a lot of money foolishly. Long press the QR code above to identify the WeChat account in the picture, add sea cucumber Lao Zhao's Wechat consultation, teach you how to identify sea cucumbers, how to make sea cucumbers, and buy authentic fresh-dried sea cucumbers with "cabbage price"!

Open your eyes when buying sea cucumbers in a chaotic market

Micro-salt, dried sugar and dried salt are foolishly indistinguishable

Sea cucumbers with salt and sugar are common in the market. You can think about how much salt and sugar cost per jin. What a huge profit they sold as sea cucumbers! Light dried sea cucumbers with very low prices generally add salt, and sea sugar will destroy the nutrition of sea cucumbers, which is illegal. At present, no one dares to do it, the common thing is to add more salt to dry.

Hidden rules of the industry: universal salt regulation

If you want light dried sea cucumbers at any price, they will be mixed with salt.

1000 yuan per jin? Then I'll give you more salt.

2000 yuan per jin? I'll give you less salt.

3000 yuan per jin? Then I'll give you a little salt.

In short, salt regulation can make prices ever-changing.

If you have sea cucumbers at home, take a look at how salty the sea cucumbers you bought are. A little salt? Or is it pure dry?

Lao Zhao's sea cucumbers are of golden quality.

"I have confidence in my sea cucumbers, so I dare promise to every customer: if you buy Chao Po-Tao's sea cucumbers home, you can soak your hair first. If you are satisfied, you are welcome to recommend them to your relatives and friends. If you are not satisfied, you will tell me that I will give you a refund. I will never let customers waste a penny!"

Some customers reported that Lao Zhao's sea cucumbers look bad. Lao Zhao has many mouths here, sea cucumbers growing in the sea, it is inevitable to stumble in the deep sea, and the traditional light dry production is not so fishy. The appearance is naturally not as beautiful and tidy as farmed sea cucumbers, but the foaming rate and taste are much better than those neat and beautiful sea cucumbers, and the nutritional value is much higher! I have such a temper. Sea cucumbers are not works of art. No matter how beautiful they are, they don't like them. If you receive a sea cucumber from Lao Zhao, soak two sea cucumbers, talk with your head and talk with your taste. If you eat badly, bring it back to me and return it to you without saying a word! Thank you very much for providing photos to my customers, this is the feedback of buyers, act according to their conscience, do their part, the pictures are taken by the buyers themselves, without computer beautification!

100% true, 100% real, 100% dry sea cucumbers!

The eyes of the masses are discerning. Chao Po-Tao says a hundred words, not as good as a regular customer!

Light dried sea cucumbers-there is a secret to bubble hair.

Many customers have bought good sea cucumbers to go home, but they still can't make the largest proportion of sea cucumbers soak out, and their taste and nutrition can't keep up with them. Lao Zhao, who has been dealing with sea cucumbers all his life, has long found a way to make sea cucumbers. Lao Zhao treats his customers with the heart of his friends.

Lao Zhao personally told you the unique bubble process, round-the-clock consultation service, any sea cucumber problems, bubble problems can be contacted immediately. Use my experience to tell you how to make a good sea cucumber!