
Causes of nutritional diarrhea in piglets

Published: 2025-03-26 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/26, Causes of nutritional diarrhea in piglets

Vitamin deficiency is one of the important nutrients of pigs, it can not only be used as a coenzyme of many enzymes in pigs, participate in life activities, but also directly or indirectly affect pig growth, organ and tissue development. Vitamin deficiency can cause a series of deficiencies, which can cause diarrhea in piglets are mainly: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP and pantothenic acid deficiency. Vitamin B1, as a coenzyme of α-ketoacid oxidative dehydrogenase system, can participate in sugar metabolism, and its deficiency can cause sugar metabolism disorders, resulting in the accumulation of metabolic intermediates (pyruvate, lactic acid, etc.), which in turn affects energy supply. The clinical manifestations of piglets were vomiting, diarrhea and growth arrest. Vitamin B2 is involved in oxidation as a coenzyme in the organism. When it is deficient, piglets show vomiting, inflammation of anal mucosa and diarrhea. Can promote iron absorption and red blood cell production of vitamin PP deficiency, can cause protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism disorders, leading to chronic dyspepsia, and even cause diffuse enteritis and diarrhea. Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A in piglets, which plays an important role in maintaining normal digestive tract function and improving disease resistance. It is also manifested as diarrhea when deficient. 2 Mineral element deficiency and piglet diarrhea have direct relationship with mineral elements are: iron, zinc and selenium. Iron is an essential mineral element in piglets. Lack of iron can cause iron deficiency anemia in piglets, resulting in reduced disease resistance, easy infection of pathogenic bacteria, diarrhea and even death. Zinc promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, accelerates the synthesis and release of hormones, maintains the normal physiological functions of epithelial tissues, and enhances the immune and antioxidant functions of the body by participating in the synthesis of enzymes. Zinc deficiency can make gastrointestinal mucosa inflammation, gastrointestinal movement, secretion dysfunction, and zinc-containing digestive enzyme activity decreased, causing digestion and absorption rate decreased, so that chyme accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract, causing piglet diarrhea. Selenium, as a component of GSH-PX (glutathione peroxidase), is involved in preventing the accumulation of peroxide and protecting cell membranes from damage by peroxidase. Selenium deficiency caused the decrease of GSH-PX activity, and the lipid membrane of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells was qualitatively damaged due to peroxidation, which caused digestive disorders and refractory diarrhea in piglets. 3. The digestive tract and enzyme system of weaned piglets were not developed well due to the high crude protein content in diet, which led to the low digestibility of protein and the imbalance of essential amino acids. Especially in the case of higher dietary crude protein level, more dietary protein enters the large intestine and decomposes, producing a large amount of toxic amines such as cadaverine and putrescine, which then causes damage to the intestinal wall tissue, accelerates the peristalsis and secretion of the intestinal tract, weakens the absorption capacity of the colon for water, and at the same time causes edema of the small intestine villi, and finally causes dyspeptic diarrhea. Moreover, the study also shows that dietary protein itself is not the only factor that plays a role, and there are allergic reactions of certain proteins. Some experts and scholars pointed out that the intestinal allergy of piglets to dietary antigens leading to intestinal damage is the main cause of post-weaning diarrhea. Allergic diarrhea of piglets after weaning is related to dietary protein types, among which plant protein is an important antigen that causes allergic reaction in piglets intestine. 4 Electrolyte imbalance Electrolyte balance plays an important role in osmotic pressure, acid-base balance and water-salt metabolism of piglets, which is closely related to dyspepsia and diarrhea of piglets. The electrolyte balance in diet can directly affect the electrolyte balance in piglets and digestive tract, so the electrolyte imbalance in diet can easily cause electrolyte imbalance in piglets and digestive tract, and finally lead to diarrhea in piglets. 5. The PH value of diet is too high for weaned piglets because the fundal glands are not developed, the connection between stomach and nervous system has not been completely established, and the function of gastric glands is poor, resulting in higher PH value in stomach. If the PH value in diet is too high, it will lead to a decrease in acidity in stomach, providing a suitable living environment for pathogenic bacteria, and then reproducing in large quantities, causing inflammation of intestinal wall, edema, reduced digestion and absorption capacity, and a large amount of water and nutrients are discharged from intestinal cavity, thus causing diarrhea, dehydration and even death of piglets. 6 toxic substances and anti-nutrient feed oxidation rancidity, moldy deterioration, expired failure, trace elements exceeding the standard, containing toxic substances (such as gossypol, erucic acid, tannin, etc.) may cause piglet diarrhea. Moreover, piglets fed too much laxative material can also develop diarrhea. - --------------------------------------- It seems that there is no mention of insufficient endogenous enzymes. Enzyme preparation needs to be supplemented! -------------------------------------- This information is not bad! -------------------------------------- This information is rather general, and there are still many factors that have not been mentioned yet. It is recommended that readers familiarize themselves with this information before inquiring for more in-depth information. -------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- I've learned...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... It seems that there is no mention of insufficient endogenous enzymes, and enzyme preparations need to be supplemented--------------------------------------