
Wheat needs more phosphorus. How to give wheat topdressing phosphate fertilizer?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wheat needs more phosphorus. How to give wheat topdressing phosphate fertilizer?

Wheat needs more phosphorus, so the scientific application of phosphate fertilizer can improve the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer, reduce the cost of fertilization, and promote the high quality and high yield of wheat.

Wheat fertilization

First, organic fertilizer should be mixed and fermented before it is applied.

Organic fertilizer is rich in phosphoric acid, organic matter and a variety of organic weak acids, which can make insoluble phosphorus soluble. At the same time, the mixture of organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can greatly reduce the interface between phosphate fertilizer and soil, thus reducing the fixation of soil to phosphorus. Therefore, the application of phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer after compost fermentation can not only greatly improve the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer, but also overcome the problem of burning seedlings. Composting method: half a month before application, mix well according to the ratio of 1 part of phosphate fertilizer and 10-20 parts of organic fertilizer, and seal it with mud.

Second, it should be applied in combination with nitrogen, potassium and zinc fertilizer.

According to the demand of wheat for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other elements, when applying phosphate fertilizer, the scientific combined application of nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and zinc fertilizer can not only supplement the lack of soil nutrients, but also increase the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer by 20-30%. The proportion of combined application: 4000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer, 50 kg of standard phosphate fertilizer, 30 kg of standard nitrogen fertilizer, 12 kg of standard potassium fertilizer, 1.5 kg of zinc sulfate per mu in high-yield wheat fields, 3000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer, 50 kg of standard phosphate fertilizer, 35 kg of standard nitrogen fertilizer, 8 kg of standard potash fertilizer and 1 kg of zinc sulfate per mu.

(3) centralized application:

The concentrated application of phosphate fertilizer can reduce the interface between phosphate fertilizer and soil, reduce the fixation of soil to phosphorus, and improve the utilization rate. The utilization rate of concentrated strip application of phosphate fertilizer is 28% higher than that of spraying, which increases the yield of wheat by about 12%.

Fourth, choose phosphate fertilizer according to the soil:

Water-soluble superphosphate should be used in neutral and calcareous alkaline soil. Calcium superphosphate is weakly acidic and can neutralize alkali in soil; in acidic soil, weak basic calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer should be used. The application of alkaline fertilizer in acidic soil can not only enhance its fertilizer efficiency, but also neutralize the acid in the soil and avoid the harm of acid to the root system of wheat.

Fifth, the dosage should be appropriate:

The Jack of increasing wheat yield per kilogram of phosphate fertilizer decreased with the increase of the amount of phosphate fertilizer, but when the amount of phosphate fertilizer was too small, the yield per unit area was not significant, and the general application rate was 50-60 kg per mu.

6. foliar spraying:

2-3 kg of calcium superphosphate was hydrated, the residue was filtered, mixed with 50-60 kg of water, and sprayed once in wheat jointing, booting and filling stages, the yield could be increased by 4-6%. Or foliar spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, each time spraying 60-80 kg per mu, spraying three times, has obvious strong stem anti-toppling effect.