
How to brood, how to fattening, how to manage geese in spring.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to brood, how to fattening, how to manage geese in spring.


First, Gosling selection: choose natural early shell, wide body, large body, soft and elastic abdomen, good navel contraction, clean without bloodstain, bright green, clean and shiny coat, non-shrinking neck, non-drooping wings, bright eyes, high and strong toes, and intact legs. Gosling can stand and walk, lie on the ground and turn over. As light as cotton balls, small and light, big belly button, eyes absent, unstable, neck and wings. The goslings with sticky dung and blue veins on the anus are difficult to raise and grow slowly, so they should be removed.

Second, Gosling feeding: just out of the shell Gosling, the whole body fluff is thin, there is no ability to regulate the external temperature, digestive organs, digestive function is not perfect, so the physique is weak and delicate, poor resistance. However, Gosling has a strong metabolism and fast growth rate, which often turns Gosling into stiff goose and even causes death because of improper feeding and management. Therefore, we should master the following points:

(1) temperature: the temperature in the early spring is low, so it is necessary to warm the chicks. In general, the temperature in the incubator is 30 ℃ ~ 32 ℃ in the first 7 days, and then drops 2.5 ℃ per week. By the time the goslings reach the age of 6 to 8 weeks, their feathers have grown well and can grow at 18 ℃ or lower, but they should also guard against sudden weather changes. Master the principle of temperature: small group, slightly higher group, slightly lower group, slightly higher at night, slightly lower during the day.

(2) boiled water: drinking water for the first time is called "tide mouth" in some places before opening the material, which is very important. When the goslings arrive at the destination, they should have a proper rest. About 24 hours after coming out of the shell, the goslings should be given water before eating, which can not only stimulate the appetite, but also meet the water needs of the goslings, which is conducive to gaining fat.

(3) opening material: after drinking water, it is usually 24-36 hours after coming out of the shell, or when the goose appears the feeding behavior. Gosling feed should be nutritious, good quality, soft texture, easy to digest, such as corn flour, broken rice, wheat flour, fine rice flour, green feed such as cabbage, lettuce leaves, young ryegrass and so on. Geese are raised mainly with rice or chopped rice and green vegetables, and rice is reduced with age. First, rice is fed with bran and bean cakes, then rice is changed from rice to "open valley", or to wet grain, and gradually to dry grain.

(4) feeding times: 8 / 10 times a day, then gradually reduced to 3 / 4 times.

Third, meat goslings are fattened:

(1) preparation before fattening: goose flocks are divided into strong group, medium strong group and weak group. According to the actual situation of the geese, the corresponding technical measures were taken. So that between groups, individuals and individuals, grow neatly, and strive to achieve an one-time column. Before fattening, it is necessary to dispel parasites in geese, which can improve fattening effect and meat quality. Anthelmintic drugs are selected as broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and low-toxic anti-insect drugs.

(2) fattening methods: meat geese are fattened by grazing and fattening according to different seasons, some are fattened by grass seeds, some are fattened by residual wheat grains, and the geese can also feed on the residual grain in the paddy field.

Fourth, how to make the goose lay more eggs:

(1) during the laying period of scientifically feeding female geese, the diet should be more and more when it is impossible, and the concentrate, coarse and green feed should be mixed rationally. each goose should be fed with not less than 160 grams of concentrate, 300 grams of bran and an appropriate proportion of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The concentrate and bran were mixed into semi-dry and wet feeding, 2-3 times a day and once at night, and the amount of green feed was not less than 1.5-2 kg per day.

(2) Co-breeding of male and female: during the laying period of female geese, the ratio of male to female is 1 ∶ 6: 8.

(3) prolonging egg laying: when the laying rate of female geese falls to the Grain Rain season, the laying rate drops to about 40%, increase protein in the diet, keep green feed, control the weight of female geese, maintain physical fitness, and prolong grazing time.