
The main points of brooding of spring ducklings with less epidemic disease and easy survival in spring

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The main points of brooding of spring ducklings with less epidemic disease and easy survival in spring

Breeding ducklings in spring is the most suitable brooding season of the year because of less epidemic disease, easy survival, fast growth and good management. Meat ducks must master the following links in brooding in spring.


First, avoid hot and cold. Spring climate is changeable, during the brooding period, we should pay attention to heat preservation. The temperature must not go up and down. The suitable temperature for ducklings is 30 ℃ at 1-3 days old and 25 ℃ at 4-7 days old. After 3 weeks old, ducklings are reared at room temperature.

Second, drink water before eating. After 24 hours out of the shell, the ducklings should be fed with water before eating, and an appropriate amount of vitamin C and glucose should be added to the water supply for the first time to clean up the intestines and stomach and promote the elimination of meconium. Supply nutrition: ducklings can eat immediately after drinking water. At the beginning, half-cooked rice can be sprinkled on a clean mat to allow ducklings to peck freely, feeding 70-80% each time, 6-8 times a day, 4-6 times a day after 1 week of age, and 3-5 times a day after 3 weeks of age. At the same time, you can properly add some fish and shrimp, earthworms, Loach, etc., chopped and mixed into the feed; it can also be boiled into soup paste and mixed into the feed.

Third, master the appropriate density. The feeding density is related to the air in the nursery and the health of the ducks, so it is necessary to divide the groups at the right time and strictly prevent stacking. The suitable density of ducklings per square meter was 25-30 at the age of 1 week, 15-20 at the age of 2 weeks, and 5-7 at the age of more than 3 weeks. Large-scale duck farms (households), ducks can be divided into several small groups according to size, strength, age, etc., each group should be 200-300, adjusted once a week.

Fourth, reasonably replenish the light. All-day light was given within 3 days of age, and the time of supplementary light at night was gradually reduced after 4 days of age, and the transition to natural light feeding.

Fifth, transfer to the water for grazing. Ducklings are raised on the ground, and ducklings should be trained and put into the water at the age of 5 days. Can spread the film outdoors, cushion high on all sides, pour clean water in the middle, the water depth is about 2cm (the water temperature should not be too low), put the ducklings in. At the beginning, let the duck into the water 1-2 times a day, about 5 minutes each time, and increase to 3-4 times a day after a week, 5-10 minutes each time, gradually extending the time. After each launching, let the ducklings comb their feathers in a windless, warm place, and then rush back to the house after the feathers are dry. After the ducklings are free to go into the water, they can exercise and graze near the duck house. Start with 20-30 minutes each time, and then extend it slowly, but no more than 2 hours each time. Grazing should be done once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Pay attention to hygiene and epidemic prevention. The ducklings were vaccinated with duck plague and poultry failure vaccine after 1 week of age. at the age of 10-20 days, the ducklings were injected with duck viral hepatitis serum, and at 60 days old, the ducklings were immunized with duck plague vaccine.