
What if the leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What if the leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled?

[abstract]: there is often a problem in breeding Thousand bergamot, especially in summer, when the leaves of Shuilingling wilt and wrinkle, looking like they are going to die soon. What are we going to do? Take a look at the wrinkled leaves of Thousand bergamot with the editor!

The leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled for one reason:

Slow basin stage

Just changed the basin soon, or just changed to a new conservation environment, Thousand bergamot needs a certain amount of time to adapt. The plant itself gets through this stage by consuming nutrients from the lower leaves. Therefore, it is normal for leaves to wrinkle in the stage of changing pots.

* solution:

Slow pot leaves wrinkle, it is possible to appear under any circumstances, do not need to worry, put its semi-shade, waiting for it to recover slowly. As short as a week, as long as half a month. Try not to water during the basin change, the root system does not grow well, and the water absorption capacity is very poor.

The leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled for the second reason:

Lack of water

The wrinkling of the leaves is obviously a sign of lack of water. Reflect on whether you have not watered for a long time. The weather is dry, the water of the leaves evaporates quickly, and the lack of water leads to wrinkles.

* solution:

In the case of the root is not dead, usually pay more attention to watering, see dry and wet, in the case of good ventilation, spray water to the leaves.

But it should be noted that if it has not been watered for a long time (more than 2 months), do not water it all at once, water it step by step and soak the soil step by step. Because of the lack of water in the root, the absorptive capacity decreases. If the one-time water supply is excessive, the root will be overexpanded and damaged.

The leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled for three reasons:


If the leaves are crumpled in winter, it is likely to be frostbite. Check the maintenance environment to see if there is a cool breeze or the temperature is too low. If it is not moved indoors in time or the cold wind blows directly, snow and rain will cause frost damage to Thousand bergamot. The precursor of frostbite is the wrinkling of the leaves, according to different frostbite conditions, there will be different performance, frostbite is serious, the leaves will gradually blacken.

* solution:

When the weather is colder, it is found that the leaves are wrinkled and moved to a relatively warm place in time, the temperature is about 10 ℃. The temperature should not be too high to prevent the slightly frostbitten leaves from rotting. The leaves will gradually recover after winter.

The leaves of Thousand bergamot are wrinkled for the fourth reason:

Rotten root

Careless watering, too much watering, resulting in less oxygen in the soil, root exhalation is not smooth, there is no way to absorb water and nutrients normally, leaves lose water and wilt, this situation is easy to cause rotting roots.

* solution:

Remove the thousand bergamot from the basin, check the rot of the root, cut off the rotten part, then apply carbendazim powder to disinfect, put it in a cool place to dry, then change the new soil, change the basin in the shade for a week after normal maintenance. Unless the roots are completely rotten, all other conditions can survive.