
Key points of seedling cultivation of spring crayfish when young shrimp live alone without their mother

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Key points of seedling cultivation of spring crayfish when young shrimp live alone without their mother

When spring comes, the air temperature rises, the water temperature rises, and everything recovers. The crayfish that spend the winter in the pond cave begin to come out to feed. After the parent shrimp is fed, the nutrition increases, the young shrimp begins to fall off the mother body to live independently, and the density in the pond increases. At this time, the seedling cultivation of crayfish should be strengthened to lay the foundation for the high yield of adult shrimp.

Crayfish culture

First, fertilize and cultivate bait:

The water quality in early spring is thin and the biological bait in the pond is insufficient. Organic fertilizer should be applied early to cultivate rotifers, pods, cladocera and other organisms, so as to provide sufficient natural biological bait for crayfish seedlings. The fermented manure of livestock and poultry is generally applied, and the amount of manure applied is 250-350mm ∕ 667m. The natural biological bait that young shrimp like to eat is plankton. Plankton is abundant in the pond, which can accelerate the development and growth of young shrimp and improve the survival rate. In addition, the application of fertilizer can also promote the growth of aquatic plants and reduce the occurrence of moss.

Second, replanting aquatic plants:

The maintenance of aquatic plants is an important link in the process of crayfish seedling cultivation, which is indispensable. For some ponds with few aquatic plants, bitter grass, Elodea, water peanuts, etc., should be planted in time, so that the coverage rate of aquatic plants accounts for more than 50% of the total area of the pond. Herbicide-containing drugs are strictly prohibited in aquatic plant growing areas, and freshly survived aquatic areas should be avoided when using quicklime. In early spring, it is necessary to strengthen feed feeding to reduce the damage of crayfish to aquatic plant buds and protect the rapid growth of aquatic plants.

3. Water quality control:

Add water once every 10 days, adding 20-30 tons of water each time to keep the water level at about 1m. Quicklime was used every 15 ∕ 20 days, and the dosage was 10 μ m lime 667m. The use of quicklime can not only adjust the ph value, but also increase the content of calcium in the pond water to meet the calcium demand for the growth and development of young shrimp. On the oxygen enrichment equipment, the dissolved oxygen controller is installed, and the minimum and maximum limits of dissolved oxygen in the pool water are set to automatically start and stop the oxygen enrichment equipment, and keep the dissolved oxygen content in the pool water above 5mg/l. When the oxygenation equipment fails to be used, granule oxygen can be sprinkled to increase oxygen in an emergency.

Fourth, bait feeding:

Crayfish have mixed food habits, and both plant and animal baits can be ingested. When the temperature of the pool water reaches more than 10 ℃, crayfish begin to look for food. After the lack of nutrition in winter, parent shrimp need to eat a lot of food to supplement nutrition, and young shrimp also need to eat a lot of bait for growth and development. If it is not fed in time in early spring, it is easy to cause physical weakness of parent shrimp, cause mutual attack and killing, and even cause disease and death. therefore, in bait feeding, we should focus on two aspects: one is to grasp the quality of bait. In order to improve the fullness and survival rate of parent shrimp and meet the nutritional needs of crayfish growth and development, overwintering shrimp in early spring should be fed with high protein compound feed and some fresh miscellaneous fish and snail properly, so as to meet the nutritional needs of crayfish seedling growth and development. The water temperature is low in early spring and the lobster eats less, so the feeding amount should be reasonable and moderate. Usually twice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. In addition, wheat bran, soybean meal or paste bait made from corn and wheat can be added to the pond for young crayfish to eat.