
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Spring Peanut

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, High-yielding cultivation techniques of Spring Peanut

Peanut belongs to Leguminosae. Like other legume crops, peanut has rhizobium. Rhizobium has great nitrogen fixation potential, improves soil nitrogen content and fertility, and has strong drought tolerance, which is a way to increase farmers' income. Late March and early April are the best time to sow spring peanuts. The main high-yield cultivation techniques of spring peanut are as follows: first, seed selection and seed treatment. First of all, high-quality and high-yield peanut varieties should be selected. Secondly, when selecting seeds, we should choose large and full seeds as seeds. The selected seeds can be mixed with seed dressing agent, and the commonly used seed dressing agent is carbendazim wettable powder, and the dosage is 0.3-0.5% of the seed weight to ensure that the whole seedling is strong. Second, formula fertilization. Fertilization should be the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Generally, 1500-2000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer is applied per mu, no less than 40 kg / mu of compound fertilizer and 1 kg / mu of borax, and fine soil preparation. Third, sowing at the right time and covered with plastic film. The suitable sowing time of peanut is generally around the end of April, and the suitable density is 9000-10000 piers per mu, with two seeds per hole. The use of high-ridge double-border cultivation, border width of 80-85 cm, two rows of peanuts, row spacing of 25 cm, hole spacing of 18 cm. Spray the ground with 50% Acetochlor 100-150 ml and 50-75 kg water per mu to prevent weeds. Finally, when covering the film, we should pay attention to tightening and pressing. Fourth, strengthen field management. When peanut top soil, we should pay attention to breaking the membrane to introduce seedlings, and cover some wet soil on the film hole, and then break the pier and clear the trees after the cotyledons come out of the film. Water in time in case of drought before and after flowering, but do not flood. When the peanut plant is 40 cm high or basically closed, the aqueous solution of paclobutrazol with a concentration of 50-100 mg / kg should be sprayed to prevent peanut overgrowth. Fifth, prevent premature senility. Due to plastic film mulching, peanuts grow and develop early and are prone to premature senescence in the later stage. Extra-root topdressing should be carried out from podding stage to mature stage, and 1-2% urea solution or 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaves. Sixth, prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Peanut root-knot nematode disease is the main disease in peanut production area. Generally, nematodes such as Lesben can be used to treat soil, more rotten organic fertilizer can be applied to improve soil fertility, crop rotation can be carried out with tall crops such as wheat and corn for 2-3 years. Peanut leaf spot can be controlled with 1000-1200 times of carbendazim or 75% chlorothalonil per mu, sprayed every 10-15 days for 2-3 times. The main insects that attack peanuts are aphids and grubs. Aphids are controlled with 40% omethoate EC 100 ml and 50 kg water per mu. Grub can use 3% phoxim particles 2-3 kg per mu to spread near the peanut mound, combined with weeding or soil cultivation, the medicine will be buried in the soil. Or pour the pier with 0.5 kg of 5% phoxim EC or 0.5 kg of 40% isosalidophos with 500-800 kg of water. 7. harvest at the right time. When about 70% of the pods are full, harvest, do not snatch green, in case peanut production is reduced.