
High-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of soybean

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, High-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of soybean

China is the birthplace of soybean, and soybean has always been one of the main grain and oil crops in China. For a long time after the founding of the people's Republic of China, China's soybean area, output and export volume has been ranked first in the world. However, since the 1990s, the development in the breeding of high-yield and high-quality soybean varieties and the research, experiment, assembly and popularization of high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques in China has been slow, and the level of per unit yield has not gone up, resulting in low benefits of planting soybean. At the same time, the rapid development of soybean in the United States, Brazil, Argentina and other countries has an increasing share in the international soybean market, which has a great impact on the development of soybean production in China. At present, the annual output of soybeans in China is about 13 million tons, accounting for only 10% of the world, ranking fourth in the world. In 1996, China changed from a soybean exporter to a net importer. By the year 2000, the import volume of soybeans and soybean cakes exceeded 9 million tons, making it the largest importer in the world. Entering the 21st century, with the continuous improvement of people's quality of life, the demand for soybeans will be increasing. Therefore, while paying attention to the selection and breeding of new soybean varieties, we must do a good job in technical popularization. On the one hand, we should strengthen the research, test and demonstration of new supporting technologies; on the other hand, we should do a good job in the assembly, popularization and application of existing high-yield cultivation techniques, and strive to improve the level of soybean yield per unit area. During the 10th five-year Plan period, the main spring soybean producing areas in Northeast China should continue to popularize the more mature techniques such as "ridge three" cultivation, permanent mode cultivation and happiness mode cultivation, strengthen the research, demonstration and popularization of narrow row dense planting technology and its derived narrow row dense planting technology, with the goal of increasing yield, improving quality and saving cost, and focusing on fine sowing, scientific fertilization and comprehensive control. The rotation of soybean, corn and wheat was carried out to solve the problem of continuous cropping and facing stubble. At the same time, we should study, assemble and popularize suitable matching techniques for high yield and field management measures in different ecological areas, and vigorously promote the standardization, intensification and mechanization of soybean production. By the end of the Tenth five-year Plan, the average yield of soybean reached about 2700 kg / ha. Make the northeast become the main producing area of commodity soybean and export soybean in our country. According to different eco-climatic conditions and growth characteristics of different varieties, Huang-Huai-Hai summer soybean producing area and southern multi-cropping soybean producing area should popularize and apply suitable high-yield cultivation techniques, such as timely early sowing, reasonable close planting, plastic film mulching cultivation, plant growth regulator application, field pest control and reasonable interplanting, interplanting and rotation with wheat, corn, vegetables and other crops. After 5 years, we will strive to make the per unit yield of soybean in Huang-Huai-Hai and southern producing areas reach 2250 kg / ha, which can basically meet the local demand. During the Tenth five-year Plan, we should focus on popularizing "Ridge 3" cultivation and narrow row close planting techniques. 2. Operating rules (1) Variety selection and treatment to select high-quality soybean varieties with high yield potential and good internal and external quality, such as Hefeng 35, Suinong 14, Heinong 33, Yudou 22, Ludou 11, Zhonghuang 4, etc., the seed germination rate is more than 90% and the purity is more than 98%. Select seeds carefully before sowing, get rid of diseases and impurities, at the same time, choose suitable seed coating agents according to different soil environment and diseases and insect pests, and some seeds can be mixed with micro-fertilizer, bacterial fertilizer and ABT rooting powder to enhance seed vigor. (2) rational tillage, soil preparation and rotation of soybean cultivation should adhere to reasonable rotation, which can be rotated with corn and wheat in the northeast, and wheat and vegetables in Huang-Huai-Hai and southern producing areas, so as to reduce the area of continuous cropping and crop rotation, and at the same time return straw to the field as far as possible to improve soil fertility. Soil preparation is based on the principle of deep loosening. In the main soybean producing areas of Northeast China, subsoiling rotary tiller is used to loosen and rake stubble to enhance soil permeability, drought and waterlogging resistance, and the general ploughing depth is about 20cm. Ridge cultivation of soybean soil preparation should be combined with ridging to achieve deep loosening of ridges and furrows. (3) mechanized precision sowing of spring soybean in Northeast China began from late April to early May, summer soybean in Huang-Huai-Hai region was sown in the first and middle of June, and plastic film sowing can be sowed in advance. In Northeast China, soybean seeder is used for equidistant precision sowing, so that the plant distribution is uniform and the sowing depth is 3-5cm. Narrow row close planting technology is adopted for ridge soybeans, generally 60cm small ridge planting 2 rows, 90-105cm large ridge planting 4 rows, small row spacing 12cm or so, the density per hectare is increased to 375000-450000 plants, the yield is increased by 15% and 20%. (4) Scientific fertilization of soil testing formula shall be carried out by combining soil testing formula fertilization with stratified fertilization, and the application time and amount of chemical fertilizer shall be determined through testing and calculation according to different soil fertility and local natural climatic conditions. Generally, layered deep application is adopted, that is, the bottom fertilizer is applied at the 16-18cm under the ridge, accounting for about 60% of the total fertilizer application; seed fertilizer is applied at the seed 4cm, accounting for about 40% of the total fertilizer application; in addition, foliar spraying can be carried out according to the growth trend from the initial flowering stage to the final flowering stage. In this way, the demand for fertilizer in different growth stages of soybean was met, and the fertilizer utilization rate was improved. (5) Scientific field management focuses on the control of soybean diseases and insect pests, including cyst nematode, root rot, gray spot, soybean heart-eating insects, aphids and so on. Aphids should be fumigated to reduce the use of pesticides. Root rot, cyst nematode and so on can be coated with seed coating agent according to local conditions, and 50% thiram or more than 50% mixture can be selected to mix seeds according to 0.4% of the seed amount. There are many weeds in soybean field. Chemical herbicides with low toxicity, high efficiency and low residue should be selected for chemical weeding and the application amount should be controlled as much as possible. Soil chemical herbicides were closed before sowing or before emergence, and herbicides were sprayed again at flowering and podding stage. chemical regulators could be sprayed according to soybean growth from late flowering to podding stage to ensure high yield of soybean. Third, matters needing attention (1) Variety selection should be a combination of appropriate improved varieties and good methods in order to obtain high yield, and excellent soybean varieties with high yield potential must be selected. Narrow-row dense planting technology should adopt density-tolerant varieties with short and semi-dwarf stalks, and varieties with too long growth period and too high plants should not be selected to ensure high yield under the condition of increased planting density. (2) to ensure that the sowing quality should not be too deep, not too shallow, and be consistent in depth, otherwise it will affect the germination of seeds and the uniformity of plants. (3) when paying attention to balanced fertilization and stratified fertilization, we should pay attention to the application proportion of N, P, K fertilizer and the different fertilizer needs of soybean at different growth stages, and pay attention to the reasonable collocation of B fertilizer, Zn fertilizer and other trace elements.