
Technical operating rules for symbiotic production of green rice by rice and duck

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technical operating rules for symbiotic production of green rice by rice and duck

1. Rice production and management 1. When the base chooses to establish a green rice planting base, we should choose a good ecological environment with fresh air and good vegetation, good external isolation conditions, sufficient water sources and pure water quality. paddy fields with matching ditch system, high content of soil organic matter, no pollution, less occurrence of diseases and insect pests over the years, concentrated and connected, are convenient for large-scale production. 2. according to the local ecological environment and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, varieties with high light efficiency, insect resistance, disease resistance, strong stress resistance, high quality, high yield and stable yield were selected according to local conditions. Main varieties: early rice: Jinyou 463. Jinyou 402. Jinyou 974, Zhongyou 402, Zhuliangyou 02, Jinyou 71, etc.; second night Shanyou 46, Jinyou 207, Zhongyougui 99, etc.; one night: Liangyou Peijiu, Ⅱ you 838, Boyou Gan 28, Ⅱ you 906, Ganwanshan 30, etc. 3. The farming system will vigorously promote the farming system of fertilizing one rice, one rice and one rice. 4. Sowing and raising seedlings (1) field selection and application of base fertilizer. Within the designated paddy field, the seedling field should be reserved at 1:8-10 according to the ratio of seedling field to field, and the seedling field of early rice raised by dry bed should be reserved at 1:30. Before ploughing the seedling field, 1000 kg of rotten pig and cow manure per mu was applied as base fertilizer; when preparing the soil, 30 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer mixed with 15 kg ammonium bicarbonate per mu was used as noodle fertilizer. If seedling-strengthening agent is used to raise seedlings, 0.8kg of seedling-strengthening agent should be used every 10 square meters of seedling bed, which should be evenly applied on the surface of seedling bed and mixed with the topsoil of seedling bed. (2) seed treatment. Dry the seeds for 2 days before sowing. After selecting seeds and removing chaff with clear water, soak the seeds intermittently with lime water. The early rice seeds were pre-soaked in clean water for 12 hours and filtered for 12 hours. After soaking in 1% lime water for 12 hours, the seeds were washed with clean water, and then soaked in clean water for 12 hours. The soaking time of seeds in one or two nights is 36 hours, without destroying the bud, sowing grain directly. (3) seed consumption per mu. The seed consumption of ① hybrid rice is 1.5kg / mu for early rice and 1.5kg / mu for one night and two night rice. The seed amount per mu of ② conventional rice is generally 2.5kg per mu for early rice in one night and two nights. (4) sowing time. ① early rice sowing: usually in the middle and late March. Sowing sunny in early April, sowing late-maturing and medium-maturing varieties first, and then sowing early-maturing varieties; sowing in direct seeding field should be on April 5-10, and early-maturing varieties should not exceed April 15 at the latest. ② sowing in one night: generally in the middle and late May, we should try our best to avoid the high temperature season during the initial panicle filling period of rice. ③ two-night sowing: generally sowing late-maturing varieties from June 5 to 15, medium-maturing varieties from June 15 to 25, and early-maturing varieties from the end of June to the beginning of July, attention should be paid to making rice ears safely before the cold dew wind comes. (5) the way of raising seedling. ① early rice seedlings are generally raised in dry beds or plastic soft plates, and plastic plates are required to prepare 50 plastic plates with 561 holes in one mu of field, and to raise seedlings with thin film heat preservation, while those sown after Qingming can be raised by moist open field. ② generally adopts moist sparse sowing and strong seedling raising method in one night and two nights, and plastic tray seedling raising method is used in throwing planting, which requires 5560 pieces of plastic tray with 434 holes in one mu of field. 5. Transplanting (throwing) planting (1) field preparation. The early rice field should be ploughed, raked and laid, and the field should be pulled more than three times in one night and two nights, so that the field is solid and the field is as flat as a mirror. (2) applying base fertilizer in the field. In the early rice field of ①, 1500 kg of green manure (safflower) or 1000 kg of barnyard manure was used as base manure, and ammonium bicarbonate and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer were applied with 25kg of ammonium bicarbonate and 25kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer. ② applied 1000 kg barnyard manure per mu in 20 days before planting, 30 kg ammonium bicarbonate and 25 kg phosphate fertilizer per mu during the whole field. In the second night of ③, dry rice straw returned to the field 150 kg / mu or barnyard manure 1000 kg / mu, ammonium bicarbonate 25 kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer 25 kg / mu. (3) after transplanting (throwing) ① early rice seedlings up to 3.5 Mel 4 leaves, the seedlings can be transplanted with soil, and the seedlings of one night and two late rice can be planted after reaching 4.5-5 leaves. For ② early rice hybrids, 3 rice seedlings were planted with 2 mi / mu, 2-22000 / mu, and 6 / m / m for conventional rice and 2-22000 / mu for conventional rice. One-night and two-night hybrids of ③ planted 1 Mel 2 grain seedlings per mu and 4-5 grains per mu of conventional rice, about 20 000 ha per mu. ④ should be inserted directly and evenly, shallow in early rice and deep in late rice. ⑤ seedling throwing transplanting, early rice to throw 50 small hole tray seedlings, one night, two nights to throw 60 large hole tray seedlings, after throwing transplanting every three and a half meters to pick up a working line. ⑥ should be transplanting or throwing in thin water to avoid strong wind and heavy rain. 6. Field management ① pipe water tillering period, green in an inch of water, tillering in shallow water, drying the field with enough seedlings (up to 80% of the planned number of seedlings); during jointing, continue drying the field, rewatering at the tip of the second leaf, so as to achieve shallow water booting and budding; during heading and maturity, heading in shallow water, dry-wet grouting and strong seeds to prevent water loss too early. During the tillering period of ① fertilization, tiller-promoting fertilizer was applied for 7 days after planting, and 10 kg of urea and 10 kg of potassium chloride were applied for 7 days after planting. During the jointing and booting period, the seedlings were topdressing and 3 kg urea was applied for the weak paddy fields. During the period of heading and maturity, full grain fertilizer was applied, broken to before heading, and foliar fertilizer was applied to the seedlings. 100 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 kilograms of urea were sprayed with 60 kilograms of water per mu. 7. Integrated control of diseases, insects, weeds and rodents (1) Disease and insect control is mainly applied to agricultural biological control, properly mixed with biological pesticides. ① agricultural control. Select varieties with strong resistance to diseases and insect pests; kill pupae in deep water and irrigate more than 3 inches of water before Qingming Festival for 3 days; advocate fitness cultivation to enhance the ability of disease and insect resistance. ② biological control. Focus on popularizing the model of raising ducks in rice fields, controlling insects with ducks, controlling weeds with ducks, controlling pests such as rice locust, rice planthopper, rice leafhopper and grass damage. ③ for sheath blight control, 5% Jinggangmycin water 450ml spray per mu, rice false smut control, Jinggangmycin water 450ml spray at the initial stage of the disease. Where conditions are available for the prevention and control of ① rodent damage, it is recommended to raise cats to prevent rodent damage and artificially lay rat traps, using 5 per mu to control rodent damage. 8. Harvest, storage and transportation (1) 85% of the early rice is yellow ripe, and 90% of the late rice is yellow ripe, and the harvest is clear in time. (2) the varieties are divided into single cutting, single drying, single harvest and single storage. (3) threshing with a threshing machine, it is forbidden to lay it on the ground. (4) Bamboo is used to cover the grain, and it is forbidden to dry the grain on the asphalt or cement floor or on the yellow mud sand ground to prevent pollution. (5) Rice storage and use of baskets, sacks, buckets and so on. 2. Feeding and management of ducks. 1. Preliminary preparation (1) choose small and medium-sized excellent duck breeds with strong vitality, wide adaptability, rough feeding tolerance and good stress resistance. Drug-resistant varieties are Ji'an red duck, Shan Ma duck and other meat and egg duck varieties. (2) the field is equipped with high-quality nylon mesh of about 2.5kg, with more than 1cm in diameter and 60 to 100bamboo and wooden sticks over 120cm in length. 2. Duckling period management (1) after 24 hours of hatching, the mouth of each duck is put into water for 3 times to form the habit of draining to prevent dehydration and death in the body. (2) each duck is fed with 500 grams of full-price feed plus a small amount of rice for 15 days, and then fed with rice plus rice, chopped corn and other cereal feed to the field when each duck is more than 75 grams. (3) when the indoor temperature is lower than 20 ℃, use headlights or infrared lights to keep warm, pay attention to prevent the accumulation of ducks, and evacuate in time. (4) the floor and feeding utensils of the feeding room must be disinfected with 25% Laisu water or 20% lime water, and a small amount of oxytetracycline must be added to the feed. (5) ducklings were vaccinated with duck plague vaccine at 100ml / 125g / h (25 days after hatching). 3. Management of ducks in the field (1) ducklings hatch for 20 days, weigh more than 100 grams, throw rice seedlings for 15 days, and can be put into the field when transplanting for more than 12 days (adult ducks should be delayed by 2 mi for 3 days). (2) the stocking density of ducks is about 15 ducks per mu, and the young ducks can be increased appropriately according to the situation. (3) with an area of about 2 mu, an anti-escape circle is formed around the field with a three-finger nylon net, the purse seine is high 60cm, and a supporting pole is erected every 1.5m. (4) A duck house should be built in one corner of the field according to the size of one square meter for every 10 ducks. the roof of the house should be covered to protect it from the sun and rain, but it must be ventilated on three sides, and the bottom of the house should be paved with wooden or bamboo boards. Dig a water letter twice as deep as the 50-60cm of the duck house. (5) to open several high-yield ditches with wide 35cm and deep 30cm. (6) each duck should be fed with 50ml 100g rice, corn hole grass and other feed every day. Pay attention to regular and fixed-point feeding, and pay attention to increase or decrease the feeding amount as appropriate, not too much or too little. (7) put an end to feeding with moldy, smelly plant feed and smelly maggot animal feed. (8) before spraying rice, lure the duck in the duck house, and the duck can be released the next day after spraying. 4. Late stage management (1) harvesting ducks at milky stage of rice to prevent ducks from eating rice ears. To facilitate duck harvesting. Usually, when feeding, ducks should form the habit of gathering together when they hear a certain sound. (2) the recovered ducks can be kept at home or in a field shed. (3) the ducks surrounded by the field houses return to the field to release the ducks in time after the rice harvest, so that the ducks can peck at the millet and insects lost in the field. 5. Matters needing attention (1) use low toxicity, high efficiency and low residue pesticides to control rice diseases and insect pests and avoid using pesticides as much as possible. (2) when building a duck house in the field, consideration should be given to preventing rodent damage. (3) during the period of pesticide application in the rice field, the ducks should be harvested in time, and the ducks should be released to the fields after the safe interval. (4) during the safe interval of pesticide application in rice field, duck drinking water and rice field water should be separated to prevent duck poisoning and duck product pollution.