
Technical specification for pollution-free production and cultivation of special black sweet potato

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technical specification for pollution-free production and cultivation of special black sweet potato

Special black sweet potato has peculiar quality, high nutritional value, rich in a variety of amino acids and trace elements such as potassium, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, carotene, anthocyanin, sugar, protein, fat, etc., and has obvious anti-cancer, anti-cancer, health care functions. The market demand is increasing day by day, and the prospect is promising. 1. Main contents this standard stipulates the technical requirements and operation methods of seed potato selection, seedling cultivation, soil preparation, fertilization, planting, field management, pest control, storage and other links in the production of special black sweet potato. Second, citing the standard GB3095-1996 gas quality standard GB5084-1992 farmland irrigation water quality standard GB9173-1988 to protect crops the maximum allowable concentration of air pollution GB15618-1995 soil environmental quality standard GB4285-1989 pesticide safety use standard GB8832.1.3-1987 pesticide reasonable use standard 3, the production base in sweet potato production areas and high production areas to choose convenient transportation Far away from the main roads, the environment is pollution-free, and the quality of water and soil meets the requirements of the Technical Standard for the production of pollution-free Agricultural products, with flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, guaranteed harvest of drought and waterlogging, fertile soil and thick ploughing layer. production bases will be established in areas with high scientific planting technology among the masses. Fourth, select sweet potato varieties with high quality, high yield, strong stress resistance and high commodity rate, such as American short vine sweet potato, Japanese purple potato king, Jishu 18, Ningshu 5, Xusi 1 and so on. Fifth, raising seedlings 1. Select the original first-and second-generation seed potatoes bred in the good breeding base of scientific research institutions, and eliminate the third-generation seed potatoes. two。 The time of raising seedlings is from late February to early March. 3. Seedling raising method: using hot Kang hotbed or brewing hot material hotbed in plastic greenhouse to raise seedlings. The standard of unified seedling raising, seedling breeding and strong seedling cultivation is as follows: seedling age 30 min 35 days, 100 plant weight 0.75 kg, seedling length 20 cm, stem diameter 5 mm, leaves thick, moderate size, thick green without diseases and insect pests. Sixth, soil preparation and ridging of spring potatoes should be carried out by deep ploughing and freezing in autumn and winter, with a depth of about 30 cm, and ploughing, leveling, breaking and ridging in spring. Combined with sufficient organic fertilizer. Summer potatoes are ploughed and ridged in time after harvest. Ridging requires that the soil should be dry rather than wet, with no bumps on the top and no lying on the bottom. The ridge distance is 100 cm, the ridge height is 30 cm 40 cm, the top width is 40 cm, the ridge distance is uniform, the deep trench is high, the ridge type is full, and the ridge surface is fine and flat. 7. Fertilizing 1. Principles of fertilization: control nitrogen and stabilize phosphorus, increase potassium and supplement zinc and boron fertilizers, promote the use of mature organic fertilizers, biological bacterial fertilizers and high-quality foliar fertilizers, and prohibit the use of nitrate nitrogen fertilizers, hospital wastes and municipal wastes, as well as inferior fertilizers containing excessive harmful substances. Controlling the use of inorganic nitrogen, advocating the combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, the ratio of organic nitrogen to inorganic nitrogen is 1 ∶ 1, potassium sulfate is used for potash fertilizer, and compound fertilizer containing potassium nitride is prohibited. two。 Fertilization method: promote formula fertilization, according to soil fertility, the target yield to achieve a reasonable mix of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. During soil preparation, 70% of the organic fertilizer was applied at the bottom, and the remaining 30% of the organic fertilizer and all chemical fertilizers were concentrated on the bottom of the ridge and ploughed inside the ridge as core fertilizer. 3. In general, a field with a yield of 37500 to 45000 kg of fresh potato per hectare, 45000 to 60000 kg of organic fertilizer and 105 to 150 kg of pure nitrogen per hectare. 75 ~ 120 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, 225 kg of potassium oxide, 15 ~ 22.5 kg of zinc sulfate and borax per hectare in fields lacking boron and zinc. 8. Planting 1. Planting time: spring potato can be planted when the soil temperature of 10 cm stably passes through 15 ℃, so as to strive for early planting. It is generally planted in the middle and late April, and the summer potato is required to be cultivated before June 15. two。 Planting technique: use flat or oblique insertion with a depth of 5cm and 7cm. Pour enough water, seal and compaction, large and small seedlings are planted separately, do not plant night seedlings and disease and insect seedlings. 3. Reasonable close planting: double rows of large ridges, cross planting, plant spacing of 30 cm to 40 cm, spring potato 45 000 to 52500 plants per hectare, summer potato 52500 to 60000 plants per hectare. 9. Field management 1. Fill the gap: 5-7 days after planting, select strong seedlings, check seedlings to fill the gap. two。 Weeding: shallow hoeing and weeding before ridge sealing, combined with loosening soil and cultivating ridges. The use of chemical herbicides is prohibited. 3. Control the growth, do not turn over the vine and apply chemical inhibitors. 4. Fertilizer spraying: after ridge sealing, appropriate amount of foliar fertilizer is sprayed according to growth phase. 0.5% urea solution, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 20% calcium superphosphate solution and high quality foliar fertilizer mixture can be selected. 5. Drainage: timely irrigation to replenish soil moisture during drought and timely elimination in case of waterlogging. 6. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: (1) operating rules for quarantine of potato seedlings to carry out transportation and quarantine. (2) for stubble change, black sweet potato was planted in plots that had not been planted in 3 years. (3) when preparing ridges, pests can use 2% phoxim granule 2 kg / mu mixed with fine soil 15kg / mu to spread into the soil. The rhizosphere can also be applied at the point when planting. The disease can soak the seeds with 40% carbendazim glue suspension 800-1000 times aqueous solution for 10 minutes or soak the roots when planting. (4) timely selection of low toxic chemical pesticides to control aphids, sweet potato armyworm, Spodoptera litura, sweet potato wheat moth and other pests during the growing period. It is forbidden to use 3911, 1605, 1059, BHC, DDT, carbofuran, aldicarb, chloropicrin, Aldrin, monocrotophos, fenitrothion, pentachlorobenzyl alcohol, omethoate, methamidophos, trichlorophosphate, chlordimeform, pentachloronitrobenzene and other pesticides with high toxicity and high residue. Strictly comply with GB4285-1989 "Pesticide Safety use Standard" and GB8832.1.3-1987 "Pesticide rational use Standard" for operation. 10. Timely harvest and scientific storage. Harvest time: generally spring potato in mid-late October, summer potato in late October to early November harvest is suitable. two。 Spring potatoes should be sold or processed in time after harvest, and can be cut, dried or powdered. 3. Storage and fresh-keeping: (1) after harvest, summer potatoes are carefully selected to remove diseases, rotten, injured, residual or small potatoes, graded into kiln for collection or direct export. Do light transportation when entering the kiln, and enter the kiln on the same day. Potato chips are not allowed to spend the night in the open field, and the collection ends before and after the first frost to prevent cold damage to the kiln. (2) the storage capacity, according to the local groundwater level and storage habits, build a storage kiln according to local conditions. Centralized continuous production base, because of its large storage capacity, large houses and kilns can be built for centralized storage to facilitate management and sales. No matter what kiln type is used, it requires good thermal insulation performance and easy management. (3) period management: adjust the temperature so that the kiln temperature is controlled between 10-15 ℃ and the humidity is kept at about 90%. Pay attention to regular inspection, do not be careless.