
Comprehensive Summary of Peanut cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Comprehensive Summary of Peanut cultivation techniques

1. Crop rotation and soil conditions Peanuts are intolerant to continuous cropping. Peanuts showed yellow leaves and early leaves, more diseases and insect pests, less fruit and small fruit. Rational rotation, especially water-early rotation, has good effect on controlling peanut wilt (including bacterial wilt and crown rot). Peanut flowering underground pod, good peanut fields should be deep tillage layer, loose pod layer, fertility and other basic conditions. According to the measurement: the tillage layer thickness is generally 30cm, the upper pod layer thickness is generally 10cm soft soil layer, favorable fruit needles into the soil pod. The average organic matter content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content, available potassium content and metabolizable calcium content in cultivated layer of high yield field were 0.656%, 0.05%, 0.127%, 107×10-6 and 0.226%, respectively. 2. Variety selection and seed preparation (a) selection of improved varieties in recent years, many new peanut varieties have been cultivated throughout the country. Big peanut varieties: Luhua 8, 9, 10, Xuhua 5, Ganhua 5, Jihua 2 and Yuhua 10. These varieties are characterized by shorter plants, fewer branches and more suitable for dense planting than the original varieties; large fruit shape, thin pericarp, regular fruit shape and stronger commodity. The whole growth period is generally 130-140 days, which is 5-15 days shorter than the original medium-mature varieties. The newly bred Luhua 14 and 15 have a growth period of only 125 days. (ii) Seed preparation 1. Autumn planting (autumn planting) Southern spring and autumn ripening provinces, spring peanut seed planted in the autumn of the previous year, known as the autumn seed. The experiment and farmer's experience all proved that the seeds reserved in autumn had short storage time, were not easy to be rancid and mildewed, had strong vitality, and could still maintain high emergence rate under the bad environmental conditions such as low temperature and rainy weather after sowing. Generally, the emergence rate is more than 90%, which is about 30% higher than that of spring peanut seedlings, sometimes even as high as 50%, and the yield can generally increase by about 20%. 2. Sun-drying seeds before sowing, timely shelling and sun-drying seeds with shells before sowing for 1 - 2 days, preferably in the soil sun-drying field to avoid high temperature damage to seeds. Germination test should be conducted before shelling to determine germination potential and germination percentage of seeds. It should be peeled 1 - 2 days before sowing, and it should be sown with peeling, so as to avoid premature shelling to make seeds absorb moisture, bacteria infection or mechanical damage. After shelling, hybrid seeds, broken seeds, small seeds, seeds infected with diseases and insect pests and seeds with moldy characteristics should be picked out, especially seeds with partial seed coat shedding or slightly damaged cotyledons. The remaining plump seeds are divided into two grades according to size, the plump and large seeds are regarded as the first grade, and the rest are regarded as the second grade. According to the experiment, the average pod yield per 0.067 m2 of the first-class seeds (90g/100 seeds) was 286.4 kg, which was 8.9% higher than that of the second-class seeds (70g/100 seeds). 3, pesticide seed dressing When sowing, seed dressing with 0.3% carbendazim and 0.5% phenanthrene and other fungicides can prevent or reduce diseases; seed dressing with 2%-3% chlordane EC has a good effect on controlling underground pests and bird and animal hazards. Seed dressing with rhizobia and molybdenum fertilizer can accelerate nodule formation and enhance nitrogen fixation of peanut. 4. Germination of peanut is an effective measure to ensure the whole seedling. There are many ways to germinate. At present, there are three kinds of methods promoted everywhere: soil kang germination, sand bed germination and indoor germination. can be flexibly controlled according to the conditions required for peanut seed germination. Machine sowing can not germinate. Soaking germination should pay attention to the problem: First, must be graded seed selection, soaking, in order to make the seed water absorption uniform, germination neat. Second, the seed just immersed in warm water, the seed coat was wrinkled, do not flip, so as not to lose the skin. Third, do not germinate too long, to just "white" is appropriate. Fourth, after germination rain can not be sown, seeds should be spread in the shade, inhibit the growth of buds. III. Soil preparation and bedding Peanut is a deep-rooted crop, proper deepening of tillage layer is conducive to improving yield and quality. It is best to rake the land early on the basis of winter and autumn ploughing, so as to store water and preserve moisture and improve ground temperature. The ploughing depth is generally 26 - 33cm in winter and 14-17cm in spring ploughing. In addition, attention should be paid to leveling, loosening, fine crushing and wetting. Narrow ridge and high ridge is one of the main measures to ensure high and stable yield of peanut. The width of paddy field peanut bed is generally 132-165cm(including furrow), and the field with low terrain and high groundwater level can be reduced to 118.8-132cm. The height of the ridge is 16.5 - 26.4cm. 33 - 39.6cm is suitable for furrow. Narrow and high ridges are beneficial to drainage and increase germination rate. Dry slope, it is appropriate to use the ridge width of 198 - 264cm, ridge height of 13.2- 16.5 cm specifications. Ridge cultivation is also beneficial to irrigation, field management, soil temperature improvement and ventilation. Mulch cultivation, according to the width of the film for the ridge, if the film width of 80cm, the ridge width should also be 80cm, of which the ridge is 30 - 33cm, the ridge width of 47 - 50cm. Should be in the ridge after the moisture for film, be sure to make the film close to the ridge surface, and soil around the film compaction. IV. Timely sowing The suitable sowing date should be determined according to the variety characteristics and local climate change law. General pearl bean type small peanuts can be sown as long as the ground temperature of the seeding layer is stable above 12℃. Ordinary late-maturing big peanuts can be sown only when the ground temperature of sowing layer is stable above 15C. The soil temperature was increased by 195.3 - 370.8℃ under plastic film mulching compared with that under open cultivation. Therefore, the sowing date is about 10 days earlier than that of local dew planting. Generally, sowing time can be started: March in most areas of the south, February in Guangdong, January in Hainan. Early sowing in the proper sowing range is of great significance to make full use of the effective accumulated temperature conditions to improve the fruit yield. Spring peanuts should master the local temperature standards to achieve the appropriate sowing time. Autumn peanut is mainly considering the adverse effects of low temperature and drought on pod ripening in the later stage. Autumn peanut should be ripened at a temperature above 18℃ to facilitate pod fullness. In central China, spring peanuts are sown between Qingming and grain rain, and wheat intercropping peanuts are sown between grain rain and summer. The quality of peanut sowing should meet the requirements of seedling integrity, seedling uniformity and seedling strength. The rate of seedling emergence is above 90%-95%; the seeds that can germinate in the first seedling are fully developed in 3 - 4 days; the cotyledons are exposed or semi-exposed when the seedlings are strong, the petioles of the first unfolded leaves are long, the leaves are large, and the leaves are bright green. In order to ensure the whole seedling and improve the yield, when the peanut seedlings are 3 - 4 days after emergence, it is advisable to check the seedlings in time, and the seeds of the replanting should be soaked and germinated first to catch up with the growth rate of the early seedlings as much as possible. V. Planting density and method 1, planting density reasonable density of peanuts to master the density range in the fruit period sealing behavior is appropriate, reasonable density of peanuts long general requirements is "fertile land does not fall seedlings, thin land can be sealed". Under normal production conditions, the planting density of pearl bean peanut is 27×104 - 33×104/ha; the planting density of ordinary peanut is 16.5×104 - 21×104/ha. It should be planted sparsely under the conditions of long growth period, tall plants, strong branching, vine varieties, high temperature and rain, fertile soil and high management level. The opposite is true. 2. Planting methods Flat sowing: fields with deep soil and less waterlogging can be used, but not as productive as ridged planting. Flat sowing is simple and labor-saving, can adjust row spacing at will, make full use of soil fertility, preserve moisture well, and is widely used at present; the disadvantage is that it is easy to waterlog under poor drainage conditions and has more rotten fruits. Ridge seed: easy to irrigate and drain, loose soil layer on the ridge surface, good ventilation, large light receiving area on the ground, fast warming in spring, strong seedlings and light rotten seeds under the condition of good moisture preservation in spring. Ridge planting peanut plant cleaning thoroughly, save labor, not easy to bury seedlings, press vines during intertillage, cultivate soil to restore ridge shape, conducive to ventilation and light transmission, soil temperature difference between day and night, pod development is good. The disadvantage is that ridging requires a slightly larger row spacing, generally less than 46.2cm row spacing, it is difficult to form a ridge; more than 46.2cm can not guarantee density. Therefore, ridge planting is more suitable on the land with high fertility, low density or poor drainage. High-ridge planting: suitable for low-lying waterlogging land and hilly land that is not easy to penetrate. Generally, the width of the ridge is 1.2 - 2m, the width of the ditch is about 30cm, and the depth of the ditch is 17 - 20cm. Then level the bed, you can plant flat, you can also ridge planting. The principle of determining row and hole spacing of peanut is to make full use of soil fertility and light energy, and to facilitate ventilation and light transmission between rows and plants. In order to facilitate field cultivation, the general row spacing should not be less than 25 - 35cm; in the field of high fertility, the contradiction of ventilation and light transmission in the middle and late stages is large, and the row spacing (or wide and narrow rows) should be appropriately relaxed while reducing the density, but the hole spacing is generally not less than 16.5 cm. Peanut row spacing is generally 33 - 53cm. In the high yield field of 350 - 400kg, the row spacing is 46 - 52.8 cm, and a few are 59.4 cm. Peanut sowing methods are double seed drilling, single seed drilling, small cluster hole sowing, wide narrow row, wide row narrow plant and so on. Generally 2 - 3 seeds per hole, sowing depth of 16 - 17CM is appropriate, film cultivation sowing depth of 3 cm, first sowing after the film, seedling film hole after the hole to cover a handful of soil; first film method is in the film hole after compaction covered with soil. VI. Nutrition and Fertilization of Peanut Peanut has a strong ability to bear barren, and a small amount of fertilizer can obtain a considerable yield. However, scientific fertilization is one of the basic measures to improve peanut yield rapidly. (1) Peanut requirements and absorption dynamics of nutrient elements According to the research results of Guangdong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the level of peanut production of 266.5 - 290kg per mu needs to absorb 16.01 - 19.46 kg of nitrogen, 3.38 - 3.89 kg of phosphorus and 7.8- 10.24 kg of potassium. For every 50kg peanut pod produced, it needs to absorb about 3 - 3.4 kg of nitrogen, 0.65 - 0.7 kg of phosphorus and 1.45- 1.75 kg of potassium. The main nutrient elements absorbed by peanut were N> K> P> Ca. The nutrient uptake dynamics of peanut at different growth stages were as follows: less at seedling stage, gradually increasing at flowering and needle stage, the most at pod stage, and decreasing at mature stage. According to the research results of Peanut Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the nitrogen uptake of peanut seedling stage is 4.8%, phosphorus 5.19% and potassium 6.73%; the nitrogen uptake of flower needle stage is 17%, phosphorus 22.64% and potassium 22.25%; the nitrogen uptake of pod setting stage is 48.5%, phosphorus 49.53% and potassium 66.35%; the nitrogen uptake of mature stage is 29.7%, phosphorus 22.64% and potassium 4.67%. (2) Fertilization methods Peanut fertilization should master the basic principles of organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer; basal fertilizer, supplemented by topdressing; topdressing with seedling fertilizer, supplemented by flower fertilizer and strong fruit fertilizer; nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. 1, base fertilizer peanut base fertilizer application amount should generally account for 70%-80% of the total amount of fertilizer, mainly decomposed organic fertilizer, with calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride, lime and other inorganic fertilizers. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of basal fertilizer can be applied in a ratio of 1:1:2. Basal fertilizer dosage is small, should concentrate on cover fertilizer, in order to facilitate seedling growth. Plant ash, potassium sulfate, lime, etc. should be combined with soil preparation before sowing, evenly removed, evenly raked and seeded. Calcium superphosphate should be stacked with decomposed soil manure more than 15 - 20 days in advance to improve the fertilizer efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer. 2. Topdressing should be mainly applied at seedling stage, supplemented by topdressing at flowering and pod-bearing stage, and topdressing outside roots should be determined according to plant status at full-fruiting stage. (1)Application of available nitrogen fertilizer at 3 - 5 leaf stage of seedling stage has good effect on promoting early branching and vigorous growth and increasing the number of flowers and pods. Generally, 5 - 6kg of urea is used per mu, or 1500 - 2000kg of human and livestock manure. (2)After flowering and pod setting, the nutrient uptake increased rapidly, but Rhizobia also began to supply nitrogen nutrition to peanut continuously. If excessive nitrogen fertilizer was applied, spring peanut was easy to cause late stem and leaf growth and seedling fall. Therefore, after flowering, nitrogen fertilizer is generally not applied in the rhizosphere, but mainly to seize the initial flowering stage of peanuts combined with the last intertillage weeding, calcium fertilizer and potassium fertilizer are applied. Lime and plant ash are usually applied 25 - 50kg per mu. VII. Water and Management Peanuts have strong drought tolerance, and like sorghum and millet, they are called "camels in the crop sector." It has been determined that peanuts need to consume 450 - 500 grams of water per gram of dry matter. The general trend of water requirement in different growth stages is less at both ends and more in the middle, that is, less at seedling and full-fruiting stage and more at flowering and fruiting stage. The water requirement of each growth period accounted for 3.2 - 7.2% of the total water requirement of the whole growth period: from sowing to emergence, 11.9 - 24% from full seedling to flowering, 48.2 - 59.1% from flowering to fruiting stage, and 52.1 - 51.4% from early maturity. 22.4%-32.7% of medium mature peanut and 14.4 - 25.1% of early mature peanut. The critical period of peanut water requirement is Full bloom, the most water-intensive period for the pod stage. That is to say, the flowering stage is the most sensitive period to water in peanut life, once water shortage, the loss of peanut yield is the most, and the pod setting stage is the most water-demanding period in peanut life, the loss of yield caused by water shortage and drought is very large. Therefore, these two growth periods should ensure water supply and not lack water. Peanut water management should not only ensure adequate water supply, especially in the flower needle period and the Yingying period, but also prevent drought and excessive water damage to peanuts, generally to maintain the maximum soil water holding capacity of 50 - 70% is appropriate. When the water holding capacity is lower than 40%, attention should be paid to irrigation; irrigation methods should be adopted along the furrow irrigation, not flood irrigation, irrigation after a proper time to the furrow deep tillage to preserve moisture and prevent drought. When the water holding capacity is greater than 80%, attention should be paid to drainage. The requirement of water management is different in different growth stages. It can be summarized as "dry seedlings, wet flowers and moistening pods". That is, the seedling stage should be less, the soil should be properly dry, promote the deep root system and seedling short and strong; the flower needle stage should be more water, the soil should be wet, promote flowering and needle; the pod stage soil moisture, not only meet the pod development needs, but also prevent excessive water from causing excessive stem and leaf growth and rotten fruit hanging. Therefore, soil moisture should be controlled at 50% of maximum field moisture at seedling stage, 70% at flower needle stage, 60% at pod setting stage and 50% at full fruit stage. VIII. Field management (i) Clearing seedlings 1. Squatting seedlings is also called seedling refinement, which refers to the technology of controlling water content during seedling stage, inhibiting the growth of aboveground parts, promoting root system penetration, and facilitating the formation of short and strong seedlings. When water supply is restored, the second pair of lateral branches can catch up with the first pair of lateral branches more easily, and the planting is more orderly and consistent, and the yield increase of the two pairs of lateral branches can be exerted, which is also beneficial to prevent late lodging. Squatting seedlings is generally carried out when seedlings have 4 true leaves, and drought does not affect normal physiological activities. It is not suitable for thin seedlings to grow. 2. Tree cleaning is a technical measure taken to solve the problem of deep sowing of peanut seedlings and the first pair of lateral branches buried in the soil, which affects pod bearing. Tree cleaning can increase production by more than 10% compared with unclear trees. The time of clearing the tree should be carried out when the seedlings are basically complete, combined with the first intertillage and weeding, the soil around the peanut seedlings is peeled open with a small hoe, and the two cotyledons and lateral buds are exposed to the soil to inhibit the elongation of the internodes, so that the first pair of lateral branches develop strongly, and the distance between the fruit needles of the base nodes and the secondary branches on the base nodes is reduced. After 15 - 20 days, the soil will be dug up and buried, and the soil will meet the needle. 3. Introduction of cotyledon node unearthed This is a new technology used in recent years. The root cause of peanut cotyledon node not emerging is topsoil crack, crack light transmission, hypocotyls stop growing after bud seedling light. The traditional cultivation method is to clear the seedlings after the seedlings are complete. The emergence of cotyledon nodes changed the traditional flat-sowing ridge culture. That is, open field cultivation should be carried out according to the width of the sowing row, ridge, and then sow peanuts on the ridge, and then cover the soil into a pointed top ridge, when 7 - 8 days after sowing, leave thin soil 1 cm thick above the cotyledons, remove the floating soil above the row and pile it into a soil ridge 7 - 8cm high. When peanuts emerge, remove the soil ridge on the film. According to experiments, by introducing cotyledon nodes, each peanut can increase the number of fruits by 4 - 5, or even more. The mechanization of peanut planting can be realized by implementing the technologies of reducing seeds and increasing holes, single plant dense planting and direct seeding covered with film to promote cotyledon node emergence.