
Pig diarrhea after asthma and then death, urgent to ask for advice from high people ah!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pig diarrhea after asthma and then death, urgent to ask for advice from high people ah!

I raise my own pigs, small scale, little capital, no money to buy a camera to send photos, but I try to describe in detail, please look patiently, a lot of advice ah! A litter of 3-month-old piglets, about 30 kilograms, died suddenly 20 days ago, because there was strong stress stimulation, so it was not cut, may be stress death. On November 11, I found diarrhea in pigs, but I caught a bad cold in those days, and I didn't carefully observe the situation of pigs. After the occurrence of diarrhea, I carefully observed this litter of pigs. I found that the youngest one had white skin, had lost weight, walked and shook, and had no other symptoms. There was also a cough, asthma and diarrhea. On the same day, the three pigs were injected with linker + spectinomycin + astragalus polysaccharide, and the other side was injected with ofloxacin. Symptoms did not improve on the 12th, and wheezing pigs had difficulty breathing, red ears, and erythema in diarrhea pigs. Continue to inject linco + spectinomycin + astragalus polysaccharides, and the other side is injected with sulfamethoxine. The one with asthma on the 13th had more severe purple ear, and the one with diarrhea had purplish black blood on both sides of the midline of the hip, which was as big as a coin. Continue to inject linco + spectinomycin + astragalus polysaccharides, and sulfamethoxine on the other side. The disease continued to develop, and other pigs began to discharge yellow feces like wet feed mixed with water. I added dysentery net to my material and electrolytic multi-dimension to the water. And stop injecting drugs. The death of the youngest on the 17th and the death of asthma on the 18th are as follows: the smallest one: the body is white and can stand on its legs before and after death. There is no change in heart and lungs. The liver is larger than normal, but there are no other changes, severe splenomegaly, 2 times enlargement, thin intestinal wall, no change in inner wall, orange intestinal content, rope-like enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes, no hyperemia and other changes, just swelling. The kidney is a little lighter, and there is a clot of blood on the side of the kidney near the death, and there are no other changes. Although I am a veterinary major, I have not worked on pig disease after graduation, so I am still a novice. I beg your pardon for not seeing it in many places. The one who is wheezing: the ear and nose are purple, and the body is purple before death. There is no change in the heart, the lungs should be regarded as emphysema, a piece of white, after twisting are all bubbles, there are bleeding spots on the outer edge of the lung, the liver is enlarged, much larger, there is congestion on the tip of the liver, and the edge of the liver is very thin. The spleen was purplish black and there was no swelling and necrosis. There are two small ulcers in the gastric mucosa. The intestinal wall is thin, the blood vessels are congested, the mesenteric lymph nodes are not enlarged, and the mesentery does not see ulcers. It is regarded as ileum or what kind of intestine, very thin, and it is all gas and orange contents. Large intestinal feces are small grains, and there is no bleeding point in the bladder. Epiglottic cartilage is not very white, yellow, there are blood lines on it, and there is no bleeding point. On the 18th, I injected 9 portions of classical swine fever cell vaccine into the remaining 6 pigs. I added oxytetracycline to the feed on the 17th and norfloxacin powder to the water on the 19th. At present, the diarrhea pig is still diarrhea, grayish yellow, and a little green, watery diarrhea, buttocks still have congestion. There is also a row of gruel-like feces, glossy, normal color. Other pig droppings are not very normal, broken quite unpleasant, no other symptoms, appetite is still normal, I think this litter of pigs is a bit sleepy. Next to this litter is 2-month-old piglets, no abnormality is found in other sows and fattening pigs, my size is small, more than 60. I hope you can help me. It's not easy for me to start a business. I can't stand a big blow. Thank you! For those pigs with dysentery, fluid replacement should be carried out first. Besides, hit that gentamicin. See if it works-with compound enzyme yeast, it can quickly increase feed intake, strengthen antibodies, and relieve symptoms-the first head should be streptococcosis. The second viral diarrhea, the third should be chest transmission. Pay attention to heat preservation and do a good job of drug prevention procedures.