
Summary of the details of the success or failure of fish culture: fish culture such as stock speculation is careful and contented

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summary of the details of the success or failure of fish culture: fish culture such as stock speculation is careful and contented

Southern Rural Daily Information: "intelligent, serious and meticulous, good at summing up experience, not fighting unprepared battles" is the evaluation of Huang Quan-gen by friends around him. This is an ordinary farmer in Doumen District, Zhuhai, who has been engaged in farming for more than ten years and has experienced successes and failures. In his view, each experience of success or failure is a good material for learning, and can play a reference and guiding role for the next success. Because of this earnestness, in recent years, in the breeding, success frequently extended an olive branch to him. Do not want to maximize profits Huangquangen fish generally do not like to follow the "mass line"-fish at the peak of the fish, not greedy fish prices can be increased by a few cents before selling. But through the fish, feed factories, dealers and other farmers to get more information about the market situation, comprehensive analysis and judgment, determine a basic profit range, and then decide whether to sell fish. As a result, he can always "short positions" when fish prices are high and make money. Take the cold wave in mid-November as an example. Huang Quan-gen planned to sell a mouthful of sharp-mouthed bass raised in a white pond at the beginning of the month and negotiated a price of 9 yuan per jin with the fish. However, because there were too many orders in the fish, it was delayed to collect the fish in the future. The negotiated price also dropped from 9 yuan per jin to 8.5 yuan per jin. At this time, the weather began to get colder, and Huang predicted from experience that as the temperature dropped, the frostbite of the cold-resistant snout perch would occur, and the price would fall further. "go fast, a good world." just when the cold wave has just arrived and many farmers are still lucky, Huang called a fish collector to sell it decisively at a price of 8 yuan per jin (still profitable), because the fish truck can not be loaded at one time. There are only a few hundred jin of fish left in the pond. Because of this, only a few hundred jin of fish were frozen to death in this cold wave, resulting in a loss of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan, which was negligible compared with other farmers. And many farmers in the fish frostbite can only sell at the price of 3 yuan / jin, 2 yuan / jin, all of a sudden suffered a loss. Despite this success, Huang Quan-gen is still not satisfied. "he is still a little negligent." In addition to accurately judging market dynamics and being content, Huang Quan-gen believes that it is necessary to choose the right variety. For a long time, the phenomenon of following the trend of breeding is not uncommon in the industry, and the phenomenon of "crowding in one crowd" and "breaking up in a crowd" occurs every year. The cause, process and result of the "case" are similar, but the varieties are different. The blindness of farming makes many farmers suffer losses, especially when the market is not good. However, Huang Quan-gen never joins the crowd. Before throwing seedlings, he always conducts a detailed investigation: which varieties are suitable to be raised locally, and which of these suitable varieties can make money, and among these varieties that can make money, he will raise less or not if others raise more, and he will choose to raise more if others do not raise or raise less. The selection of heavy quality rather than weight feed is the largest expenditure item in the cost of breeding. The selection of the right feed is related to the level of the cost. Huang Quan-gen believes that the choice of feed is the key to success. "if you go in the wrong direction, you may lose hundreds of thousands of yuan." He always believes that "every penny is good, but cheap is not good." after comparing the use of various brands of feed, he summed up an experience that he will examine the quality and performance-to-price ratio of feed from several aspects. for example, bait coefficient, fish body size, physical vitality and other aspects for comprehensive consideration. He explained that, for example, although the output of some fodder is very high, the physique of the fish raised with this kind of feed is not good. It is often easy to get hurt and scale off when scraping the fish, and it is also easy to die after setting up the net. Such feed should be excluded from the scope of choice. "good feed may not necessarily have the highest output, but it must be the most stable." In the choice of feed manufacturers, he favors large manufacturers with strength. In his view, large manufacturers have strong financial strength, sufficient raw material reserves, strong scientific research strength, always superior in formula research, stable feed effect and high comprehensive benefit. And, under normal circumstances, large manufacturers are more quality and reputation assurance, "less concern about working with them." Huangquangen has an existing culture area of more than 100 mu, mainly raising species such as sharp snout perch, American red fish, bream, and so on. These fish with high economic value eat very hard and spend a lot of money on feed every day. In order to reduce the cost of feed, he chose to take the goods directly from the factory. Each pack of feed can save several yuan, which is also a large sum of money in a year. Good at summing up the management details although there are workers in the farm to take care of, Huang Quangen has never slackened his management. He has food and shelter in the farm, and 100% of all matters are personally involved. "which farm owner doesn't have any traces of mud and sunshine?" under his management, the workers were able to perform their respective duties and manage their own "responsible fields". "I will write clearly on paper how much material to put in, what medicine to use, and when to use it. I will explain it to the workers and urge them to do it well." He believes that success can only be achieved through meticulous management, but you don't have to do everything yourself. "of course, it is also essential to patrol the pond every day." "in management, we should learn to be flexible and not rely entirely on experience and habits." Huang Quan-gen said: take this cold wave as an example. according to past practice, many farmers are used to building winter sheds only after two cold waves and in the tenth month of the lunar calendar. The early arrival of the cold wave caught many people by surprise and killed a lot of fish and shrimp. "there are leap months this year. You can't still follow the custom and lunar time. You'd better build a shed after the Beginning of Winter." Because Huang Quangen built the shed early, the fry that needed to survive the winter were almost unharmed. In terms of aquaculture technology, Huang Quangen is also good at summarizing. He likes to exchange farming experience with friends in the industry, through the successful and unsuccessful cases of others, to sum up which practices are feasible and which are not feasible, so that they can be adopted or avoided in their own breeding process. Take the breeding of snout bass as an example, they can only be fed with eight percent fullness, but if they grow slowly, they will have a good physique and are not prone to disease; if they are too full and grow too fast, they will be easy to get sick and have a high mortality rate when diseases invade. "however, not all people are willing to tell all their experiences. Often they only talk about half of them but not half of them. The other half need to go back and figure it out on their own, and then learn the Tao according to their own experience. Absorb what is useful and abandon what is useless." -- experience in actual combat It is worth learning.-- I have learned these two points: monitoring feed: examining the quality and performance-to-price ratio of feed: comprehensive consideration from the aspects of feed coefficient, fish body shape, physical vitality and so on. Feeding method: eight percent full, grow slowly but good physique, not easy to get sick; if you eat too much, grow too fast, it is easy to get sick when there is a disease invasion, and the mortality rate is also high, so it makes sense to keep animals eating for a long time. It's a bit like raising a pig.