
Scientific pig raising 100 questions and answers 84, what are the diagnostic points and prevention methods of porcine paratyphoid fever?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Scientific pig raising 100 questions and answers 84, what are the diagnostic points and prevention methods of porcine paratyphoid fever?

Porcine paratyphoid fever, also known as porcine salmonellosis, is an infectious disease of piglets caused by salmonella. The acute cases were septicemia and the chronic cases were necrotizing inflammation of large intestine and pneumonia. (1) Diagnostic points: the disease mainly occurs in 1-4-month-old piglets, so it is also known as piglet paratyphoid. Adult pigs rarely occur, often sporadic or local epidemic, which can occur all the year round, but it can promote the occurrence and prevalence of the disease under the influence of poor feeding and management, wet rain, cold, long-distance transportation and other adverse conditions. Acute: body temperature rises to about 42 ℃, anorexia, like to drill into the bedding grass, sometimes vomiting, first constipation and then dysentery, sometimes feces with blood, feces are gray-black-green stench. The skin of the ear, abdomen and medial thigh is bright red and then turns purple. Most of the sick pigs died. Chronic: slight fever, rough coat, do not like to eat, but like to drink water, diarrhea, fecal stench, sick pigs gradually emaciated, sometimes cured, but stunted. Pathological changes: acute diseased pigs, gastrointestinal mucosal congestion, bleeding, swelling and thickening, renal cortex, epicardium, pleura and other places have bleeding points, splenomegaly, liver gray-white nodules. Chronic pigs have a large necrotic area, with a wheat bran-like pseudomembrane, sunken ulcer surface, and cheese-like necrosis of lymph nodes and lungs. (2) Prevention and control methods: 1. Strengthen feeding and management to enhance body resistance. Pigs with frequent occurrence of the disease can add oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and other antimicrobial agents to their feed, and if resistance occurs, other drugs shall be used; isolation and disinfection shall be carried out immediately when the disease is found, and the sick body should be buried deeply to prevent the spread of the virus and human poisoning after eating. 2. prophylactic inoculation of live paratyphoid vaccine of piglets, the usage and dosage are described according to the bottle label. 3. Treatment-the most commonly used antibiotics are oxytetracycline, neomycin and doxycycline. Oxytetracycline 50-100 mg / kg body weight per day, 2-3 times, intramuscular injection 40 mg / kg body weight once. Neomycin, orally, 5-15 mg / kg body weight per day, 2-3 times a day. Doxycycline, orally, 2-5 mg per kg of body weight, once a day. The curative effect of sulfa synergistic mixture is better. Sulfamethoxazole or sulfadiazine 20-40 mg / kg body weight, plus trimethoprim 4-8 mg / kg body weight, mixed and taken twice for a week. Or use compound sulfamethoxazole, 70 mg per kg body weight, double for the first time, twice a day for 3-7 days. Furazolidone (furazolidone), 20-40 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, is taken orally twice. After continuous use for 3-5 days, the dose was halved and continued for 3-5 days. (this content is extracted from the "100 questions and answers on Scientific Pig raising" edited by Yingtan Old Science and Technology Workers Association and Zhang Genkai.)