
Six key points of Loach Culture

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Six key points of Loach Culture

In recent years, due to the extensive use of pesticides and increased fishing intensity, the natural resources of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus decreased. Therefore, the artificial culture of Loach has been increasingly valued by the majority of farmers. As the waters of Loach culture are generally shallow and mostly still water, the water quality of culture is easy to deteriorate. Therefore, attention should be paid to scientific and rational feeding and fertilization in disease prevention and control, and the stocking density should be appropriate, and new water should be added frequently to keep the water quality fresh. To do a good job in disease prevention of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus culture is mainly to do the following six points: the breeding environment of Loach should be in the place of shelter from the wind to the sun and close to the water source. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus has low requirements for water quality, but the waters polluted by pesticides or too high concentration of chemical drugs can not be used as aquaculture water. Before stocking, the pond should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and some aquatic plants should be planted in the pond to provide a shaded, comfortable and quiet living environment for Loach. At the same time, the roots of aquatic plants also provide a place for the reproduction of some benthos and provide natural bait for Loach. The seedling quality should choose the Misgurnus anguillicaudatus seedlings with strong physique, strong vitality, smooth body surface and no disease or injury. Disinfect seedlings before stocking, it is best to soak the seedlings with 2% Mel 3% salt water for 5-10 minutes to kill the pathogens on their body surface. Stocking density during the period of Loach culture, if the stocking density is low, it will cause a waste of water resources, the stocking density is too high, and it is easy to lead to Loach disease. Generally, there are 100-150 summer flowers per square meter with a body length of 3-4 cm, and 50-80 seedlings with a body length of more than 5 cm. Under good conditions, the stocking amount can be increased appropriately, otherwise the stocking amount should be reduced appropriately. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is a kind of omnivorous freshwater economic fish, especially likes to eat water fleas, silk earthworms and other plankton, but animal feed should not be fed alone, otherwise it is easy to cause Misgurnus anguillicaudatus gluttony, food indigestion, intestinal breathing is abnormal, "flatulence" and death, spoilage feed must not be fed, otherwise Loach is easy to suffer from enteritis and other diseases. During the period of water quality management, water quality cultivation is an effective measure to reduce the culture cost, and at the same time, it meets the physiological and ecological requirements of Loach, which can not only make up for the shortcomings of incomplete nutrition and uneven feeding of artificial feed, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases and increase yield. After stocking Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, topdressing should be applied timely according to the water quality in order to maintain a certain fertility of the water quality and keep the water body in a living and refreshing state. I hope you will give your own opinions and suggestions, and I also hope you can provide some of your own experience-- hehe learning.