
How to do well the disinfection work in epidemic prevention for pig farmers in fermentation bed

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to do well the disinfection work in epidemic prevention for pig farmers in fermentation bed

In recent years, I visited some pig farmers in the countryside and found that they paid more attention to vaccination in epidemic prevention, but did not pay much attention to the biosafety and disinfection of pigs. How can rural pig farmers do a good job of disinfection in the prevention and control of pig diseases in order to make pigs grow healthily and improve economic benefits? This paper gives some opinions on the main problems existing in epidemic prevention and disinfection of rural pig farmers, the selection and use of disinfectants, disinfection procedures and matters needing attention for reference only. The main problems are as follows: 1. Insufficient understanding and attention to disinfection. Many pig farmers do not have enough understanding of the importance of biosafety and disinfection in pig farming and think that disinfection is troublesome and do not regard biosafety and disinfection as an important measure to implement the principle of "prevention first". The disinfection interval of pig farmers is long, and there is no system; they only disinfect the floors, pens and walls of pig houses, but leave a lot of dead corners, and some important parts, such as drinking fountains, water tanks, water pipes, material troughs and tools used, rarely carry out disinfection, these places are also places for the breeding of pathogenic microorganisms, and can also cause the spread of epidemic disease. 2. The disinfection of the environment, personnel and supplies around the pigsty is not in place. Most farmers seldom disinfect the environment around the piggery and the entry and exit of people. Personnel enter and leave the pig house at will, work clothes are worn inside and outside the house, and tools and items are commonly used inside and outside the house. 3. The choice of disinfectant is single, and the concentration is not standard. Some farmers use two kinds of disinfectants for a long time, which are not replaced regularly, resulting in drug resistance of pathogens and affecting the disinfection effect. Some farmers arbitrarily increase or decrease the concentration when preparing disinfectants. The ratio concentration of disinfectant is too low to kill pathogenic microorganisms. Although the higher the concentration, the stronger the killing effect on pathogenic microorganisms, but the range of increase in concentration is limited, not all disinfectants beyond the limit can improve the efficacy of disinfection. Because all kinds of chemical disinfectants have different chemical characteristics and chemical structure, their effects on pathogenic microorganisms are also different. 4. Disinfection methods and procedures are not scientific. If some pig houses are not thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, they are hurriedly sprayed with disinfectant solution, so that the disinfectant is first combined with the organic matter in the environment, so that the killing effect of microorganisms is greatly reduced, and it is difficult to achieve disinfection effect. 5. The quality of the selected disinfectants is not up to standard. In order to save money, some farmers buy "three no disinfectants" without production batch numbers, manufacturers and production dates from the market. After use, they not only fail to achieve the purpose of disinfection, but affect production and cause economic losses. Usage of disinfectants: 1. Build a disinfection pool in front of the pig house, put in a sack, put 2% fire alkali solution, 1% bacterial enemy solution or 5% laisuer solution into the pool, and change the medicine solution once a week for personnel to disinfect when entering and leaving the pig house. 2. The floor, passageway, wall, pigsty, pigsty, ceiling, doors and windows, sports grounds, equipment and appliances of the piggery can be sprayed or scrubbed and disinfected by spraying or scrubbing the floor, passageway, wall, pigsty, ceiling, doors and windows, etc., such as dimethicone solution (100 times diluted), trichlorfon solution (100 times dilution), trichloromethyl solution (100 times dilution), detoxification solution (1Drex 200) solution or 0.5% strong disinfectant solution. 3. The environment outside the piggery, passageways, sewers, drains, etc., can be disinfected with 2% caustic soda solution, chlorothalonil (1RU 300) solution or Miaodujing (1RU 200) solution. 4. Drinking fountains, water pipes and water tanks can be diluted into 3% solution with bleach containing more than 20% available chlorine, soaked or washed and disinfected, and drinking water can be disinfected by adding 1 ml of chlorpromazine (1 ml) solution or 10 liters of water. 5. The delivery room and bed shall be disinfected with Weikang disinfectant (1pur3000) or Miedujing (1pur200) solution or 0.25% Murray 0.50% antidotal solution, etc., and the sow breast can be scrubbed and disinfected with 0.1% bromogeramine solution or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution. 6. 0.1% peracetic acid solution, 0.5% Qiangliangxiaoling solution or 0.015% parathion solution are commonly used for pig disinfection in pig houses. 7. The feces, urine and sewage of pigs contain pathogenic microorganisms, especially the diseased pigs are more serious and must be strictly disinfected. Feces can be disinfected by fermentation pool method and accumulation method, or sprayed with 5% ammonia water (a small amount of feces); urine and sewage can be disinfected with bleach containing 25% available chlorine, that is, adding 3 grams of bleach to 100 ml of urine or drinking water for 2 hours. Disinfection procedure 1, first of all, the floors, walls, doors and windows, ceilings, passageways, sewers, defecation gutters, pig pens, water fountains, water tanks, water pipes and utensils in the piggery should be thoroughly cleaned, and then infiltrated with water. then rinse repeatedly with a high-pressure water gun. 2. Wash and disinfect once with disinfectant solution after drying. 3. Rinse again with high-pressure water gun the next day. 4. Spray disinfection with disinfectant solution once after drying. 5. If it is an empty house, finally fumigate and disinfect it with formalin. Pigs can enter the empty house after 3 days. Fumigation and disinfection per cubic meter of space with formalin solution 25 ml, potassium permanganate 25 grams, water 12.5 ml, calculate the dosage of water and formalin mixed (point-by-point medicine) in the container, and then add potassium permanganate, and stir with a stick, after a few seconds you can see the light blue irritating gas to the eyes and nose evaporate. Room temperature should be kept at 22 ℃-27 ℃, doors and windows should be closed for 24 hours, and then doors and windows should be opened for ventilation. Pig houses that cannot be "all in and out" can be cleaned and cleaned up, washed with water, and then disinfected with pigs, once a week and twice a day when an epidemic occurs. 6. The depressions around the piggery should be filled up, weeds and garbage should be eradicated, rodents, mosquitoes and flies should be killed, birds should be driven away, and once a month should be cleaned, and once a month, spray disinfection with Miaodujing, Weikang or 5% laisuer solution. 7. Overalls, shoes, hats, tools and utensils should be disinfected regularly; medical instruments and syringes should be boiled and sterilized once every time. Disinfection precautions 1. Read the instructions for drug use in detail and use disinfectants correctly. The disinfection solution should be prepared in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the instructions for the use of disinfectants, the proportion should be accurate, the drug concentration should not be increased or reduced arbitrarily, and the object and method of use of each disinfectant should be determined according to the performance of each disinfectant. For example, chloride and aldehyde disinfectants should be used respectively in acidic and alkaline environment to achieve good disinfection effect. When viral and spore diseases occur, it is best to use iodine or chloride disinfectants rather than quaternary ammonium salt disinfectants. 2. Do not mix two different disinfectants or disinfect the same item at the same time. Because the combination of two different disinfectants often leads to drug failure due to physical or chemical incompatibility. 3. Strictly follow the disinfection operation rules, and check carefully afterwards to ensure the disinfection effect. 4, disinfectants should be changed regularly, do not use a disinfectant to disinfect an object for a long time, lest pathogens produce drug resistance and affect the disinfection effect. 5. The disinfectant solution should be used now and run out within a specified period of time as far as possible. if the prepared disinfectant solution is placed for too long, the effective concentration of the disinfectant solution will be reduced or completely invalid. 6. Disinfection operators should do a good job of self-protection, such as wearing gloves, rubber boots and other protective equipment, so as not to stimulate hands, skin, mucous membrane and eyes. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the damage of disinfectant solution to pigs and the corrosion of metals and other objects. Once I've studied, I'm going to build a fermentation bed. The general fermentation bed is not allowed to spray disinfectant directly. Lukangao has a special disinfectant for fermentation bed-this post was last edited by qi___qi at 14:50 on 2009-12-5. Where are you going to make a fermentation bed? There is a need for us to cooperate. Don't disinfect the fermentation bed in such a complicated way-- you don't agree with raising pigs in the fermentation bed, and you don't agree with the disinfection under this mode. It doesn't make sense in theory, not to mention in reality, hey. Say no more.