
Integrated control techniques of wheat stem wasp and wheat midge

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Integrated control techniques of wheat stem wasp and wheat midge

Wheat stem wasp and wheat midge are the main pests of wheat in paddy land, which is now in the pupa stage of wheat stem wasp and wheat midge, which is the key period of control. The villages in the main wheat producing areas should take active action and do a good job in prevention and control.

Recommended prevention and control measures are as follows

I. Agricultural prevention and control

1. Implement large area rotation stubble: wheat stem wasp and wheat midge are monophagous pests, wheat is the main host for life and reproduction, and large area continuous cropping is the main cause of rampant harm. Therefore, the implementation of large-scale crop rotation is the fundamental measure to effectively control the damage of wheat stem wasp and wheat midge.

2. Deep ploughing: clearing wheat stubble after summer harvest and concentrated burning can reduce the population number of overwintering insects, or turn the soil deeply (20ml / 25cm), which can reduce the survival rate of adult Eclosion in the coming year, and the harm can be basically controlled in 2-3 years.

II. Chemical control

1. Soil disinfection

(1) before sowing, mix well with 4% enemy horse powder 3mur4 jin, add 50 kg fine sand, spread evenly, and turn it deeply immediately.

(2) diluted with 40% methyl isosaliphate EC 250ml / 500ml, diluted with 5m / kg water and fully mixed with 40m / 50kg fine sandy soil, before wheat heading (from late May to early June), the adults were unearthed and spread evenly to the surface before rain (or before irrigation), and the control effect was more than 60%.

2. Spray: 3000 times of methyl isophosphates EC spray to prevent the unearthed adults.