
High-quality and High-yield cultivation techniques of Chinese Cabbage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-quality and High-yield cultivation techniques of Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage, also known as non-heading Chinese cabbage, pakchoi and green cabbage, is widely cultivated in the south. Take the aboveground leaves as edible, the quality is fresh and tender, contain more carbohydrates, vitamins and some minerals, fresh and dried, is one of the vegetables that the broad masses like to eat. 1. Cultivation season and cultivation system according to climatic conditions, through variety selection, sowing date, and reasonable fertilizer and water management, cabbage can be produced and supplied to the market every year. Generally, according to the mature period, bolting period and suitable cultivation season, it can be divided into three categories: autumn and winter cabbage, spring cabbage and summer cabbage. In cultivation, the developmental characteristics, adaptability and disease resistance of the varieties should be considered first. Spring cabbage varieties with strong winter and late bolting can be selected for cultivation in winter and spring cabbage can grow vigorously throughout winter without severe cold in Lingnan area. Autumn and winter cabbage which is weak in winter can be used as "vegetable seedling" cultivation in spring. Varieties with multi-resistance and wide adaptability are selected in summer high temperature and rainy season. Autumn and winter cultivation should select autumn and winter cabbage varieties, generally to raise seedlings and transplant. In South China, seeds are generally sown from September to December and supplied in batches to February of the following year. Generally, it can be harvested 20-40 days after planting. Chinese cabbage was cultivated in spring, mainly harvested young plants for consumption, sowed from February to April and harvested from April to May. In summer, cabbage seedlings were mainly cultivated, which began to sow in early May and lasted until August. 30 days after sowing, young plants were harvested and put on the market one after another. Among them, those sown from late July to early August, in addition to a batch of "vegetable seedlings" on the market, can also be planted in the field for early autumn cabbage cultivation. The cultivation system includes rotation and intercropping. In areas with serious diseases and insect pests, rotation should be adopted, which can be rotated with melons, legumes, root vegetables and field crops. If you want to continuous cropping, you must increase the application of organic fertilizer, pay attention to early ploughing and sun exposure, and strengthen management. Common intercropping, mixing and intercropping are: intercropping between spring vegetable seedlings or spring grown vegetables and eggplant, beans and melons, and intercropping with spring cabbage and lettuce in winter. Second, sowing Chinese cabbage grows fast in spring and summer, but the plant is small, and it is difficult to transplant, so direct seeding is often used. The seedling ways of seedling transplanting are heat-resistant seedling and cold-resistant seedling. Heat-resistant seedlings are mainly used in hot weather from April to August. Select heat-resistant or heat-tolerant varieties, and choose sandy loam and loam as seedling land. The soil should not only conserve water and fertilizer, but also be loose and permeable, and it is also necessary to apply fully mature soil mixed organic fertilizer as base fertilizer to improve the soil physical properties of the seedling bed. In addition, appropriate sowing seedlings, the seedling stage can be raised shed or shading net to prevent rain, cool down, strengthen watering. Timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Cold-resistant seedlings are mainly used in cold weather of 1mi 3. The varieties with strong winter and cold tolerance were selected to improve the seedbed temperature by applying semi-rotten pig and cow manure and garbage. Master cold tail and warm head, sow at the right time, sow properly, and set up thermal insulation film shed at seedling stage. The Chinese cabbage sown at the right time can emerge in 3 days. Time should be given to seedlings after emergence to prevent overgrowth. The management of water and fertilizer at seedling stage should be controlled flexibly according to soil, seedling and weather, and pay attention to light watering and frequent watering. Attention should be paid to the control of weeds and diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage, especially to the control of aphids and virus diseases. Third, select fields with good drainage for soil preparation, fertilization and planting. In the old vegetable field, the residual branches and leaves of the previous crops should be cleaned and turned to the ground to whiten. 1500 Mu was applied with 2000 kg pig and cow manure as base fertilizer, which was mixed with soil after application. The planting distance depends on the variety, season or cultivation purpose. It is suitable for close planting if it is specially used to collect young plants for food or is not suitable for planting in season. Cultivation and colonization can be sparse in autumn and winter. Generally, the width of the border is 1.5 mi 2.0 m, and the distance between plants is 15 mi 20 cm. The planting depth depends on climate and soil quality. Shallow planting is appropriate in early autumn to prevent deep planting of rotten heart; Cold Dew should be planted deeply to protect against cold, loose soil can be planted slightly deeper, and clay should be planted shallowly. It is generally appropriate for the soil to reach the base of the petiole of the first true leaf. When planting, select seedlings in the seedling bed, dig and plant successively according to size. Watering the seedling bed before raising seedlings can reduce root injury. Fourth, the root system of the four management cabbage grows shallowly in the topsoil layer, the recovery ability is strong, but the absorption capacity is weak, and the requirements for water and fertilizer are very strict. Its growth period is short, if the lack of fertilizer and water, it will directly affect the yield and quality, during the growth period should continue to supply sufficient fertilizer and water. Under the condition of sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing began after planting back to green, and more available nitrogen fertilizer could be applied with urea or 15% urine, once every other week or so, and the concentration gradually increased until 10 days before harvest. The weather is humid and muggy, topdressing should not be much, otherwise disease will be induced; if cabbage grows fast in cool weather, more fertilizer can be applied. Water management is generally combined with topdressing, and there should be no shortage of water in a few days after planting, especially in summer cultivation. The growing period should always keep the soil moist, more Rain Water in spring and summer, mainly drainage; hot, autumn and winter seasons, dry weather, should be drenched every morning and evening. Direct seeding is often used in the cultivation of summer cabbage, and fertilizer and water management is particularly important; high temperature rainstorm is easy to cause dead seedlings, and there are many diseases and insect pests, so measures should be taken to prevent and cure pests, high temperature and rainstorm in production. Mainly select varieties with strong heat tolerance, strengthen seedling management, implement rotation, intercropping and timely watering, and so on. Fifth, the main disease of pest control of Chinese cabbage is virus. If the weather is dry, it happens more often. The main control measures are: pay attention to crop rotation, soil disinfection, early use of drugs to control aphids and eliminate diseased plants. In addition, there are white spot disease, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, black spot disease and so on, which can be prevented and treated with thiophanate, carbendazim and other fungicides. The main pests are yellow striped , cabbage worm, Plutella xylostella, Chilo suppressalis and so on, which can be sprayed with Batan, Shuding, trichlorfon, pest 2, dichlorvos and so on. The harvest time of cabbage is determined according to weather conditions, variety characteristics and consumption requirements. In spring and summer in South China, it usually takes 40-50 days from sowing to harvest, with a yield of 1000 Mu and 1500 kg per mu. For autumn and winter cabbage, it takes 70 days from sowing to harvest, and the yield can reach more than 3000 kg. Chinese cabbage harvest standard: the color of the outer leaves began to fade, the outer leaves of the base turned yellow, the leaf clusters changed from vigorous growth to closed growth, and when the heart leaves elongated to the mouth of Pingcai, the plant grew fully and the yield was the highest.