
Cultivation techniques of Potato

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Cultivation techniques of Potato

Potato (Solanumtuberosum) alias potato, potato, egg. Solanaceae, annual herb. Tuber is rich in starch, protein, mineral salt and nutrition. it can be used not only as food, food and feed, but also as food or industrial raw material. Potato has short growth period, high yield, resistance to transportation and storage, and can be interplanted with corn, cotton and other crops, so it is known as a non-occupied crop. It has the function of blocking and filling up the deficiency in vegetables, and the market is very wide, and the cultivation area of potato at home and abroad is developing rapidly. (1) the biological characteristics of potato plants propagated by tubers have no main roots, only whisker roots, which are distributed in the soil tillage layer and are shallower in the soil. The root system of potato seedlings direct seeded with seeds is relatively deep. The stem of potato can be divided into aboveground stem, stolon and tuber. The aboveground stem is 20 cm ~ 70 cm high, the stem is triangular or polygonal, and it has straight or wavy stem wings, which is the basis for identifying different varieties. Stolons, also known as underground stems, extend horizontally and are distributed in the tillage layer, ranging from 2 cm to 30 cm in length. Varieties with short stolons should be selected to facilitate potato harvest and intercropping with other crops. Tuber is the product organ of potato, which is formed by the accumulation of nutrients at the tip of stolon. There are bud eyes on the tuber, and the closer to the top, the denser the bud eyes. The skin colors of tubers are white, yellow, pink and red. There are two kinds of meat colors: yellow and white. Yellow skin and yellow meat are popular in the international market. Leaves are odd-pinnate and simple. Potatoes propagate asexually with tubers, and many varieties do not blossom in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin. In order to save nutrients and promote tuber hypertrophy, flowering varieties should also pick flowers in time. Potato is a natural self-pollinating plant, Cymes, Corolla funnel-shaped, petals white, light red, purple and blue-purple, no nectaries. The fruit is a berry, the seeds are sesame-shaped, the weight of a thousand seeds is 0.4 ~ 0.6 grams, and each fruit contains 80,300 seeds. The varieties that can blossom and bear fruit normally in spring in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin are Fengshoubai, Friendship No. 3, Red-striped White, bumper Harvest and so on. The sowing and growing period of potato seeds is long, and it takes a lot of work to manage. Most of the existing potato varieties are hybrids. Due to the separation of characters, the tuber block size, shape, skin color and meat color are very different. Sexual reproduction is widely used in production, but there is no successful example so far. Potatoes are warm, afraid of cold and not resistant to heat. The tubers that had passed the dormant period germinated at 4C~5C and 5C~7C. The optimum temperature for bud growth was 18C, and the suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth was 21C. 15C~18C is suitable for tuber block formation. Potato nuggets more than 25C grow slowly, and more than 30C is not conducive to the accumulation of nutrients. When the stem, leaf and tuber are in-1C~2C for a long time, the plant will freeze to death, and the bud eye of the tuber will die. Potato is more resistant to drought than other vegetables because of the storage of water in potato pieces during germination. During the plant growth period, there is more water demand from the early bud stage to the flowering stage. In addition to irrigation, the cultivation of potato in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin generally has more Rain Water in spring, especially in the field. Potato is a short-day crop. After artificial selection and long-term cultivation, the reflection of sunshine length is not obvious, no matter in spring or autumn, but the potato is planted too densely during the growth period, the lack of light will make the stems and leaves grow, and the disease resistance of the plant will be weakened. Potato is a light-loving plant, but potato pieces exposed to the soil, such as long-term exposure to sunlight, will make the potato skin green and increase the content of solanum nigrum. Solanum nigrum has an astringent taste, eating more will cause human and animal poisoning, and even death. Therefore, when eating, you should peel off the green skin and cook it fully so that the solanum nigrum element can be decomposed at high temperature. In cultivation, attention should be paid to ploughing and cultivating the soil, so that the potato pieces do not show the surface of the soil. Potato requires deep and fertile sandy loam, growing in clayey soil, irregular potato shape, protruding bud eyes, low yield and low starch content. Potato grows well in PH5~6 slightly acidic soil. Potato requires more nutrients, especially potash fertilizer, and 4:8:12 is the best ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When using potash fertilizer, it is appropriate to use potassium sulfate, not potassium chloride. In addition, potatoes also have special requirements for trace elements such as boron and copper. (2) Variety selection varies from place to place in terms of cultivation system, variety types, cultivation characteristics and problems in potato production. According to the investigation of Keshan Agricultural Science Research Institute, the potato in China is divided into four regions: the first cropping area in the north, the second cropping area in the Central Plains, the second cropping area in the south and the mixed cropping area in the southwest. The Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin belongs to the second-season cropping area of the Central Plains, because the growing period is too short, we should generally choose early or medium-early varieties, the use of late-maturing varieties often only grow stems and leaves, there is no time for potato to encounter high or low temperature harm resulting in failure. In addition, varieties with high yield, short dormancy period, low dormancy intensity, resistance to toxin disease, scab, early blight and ring rot should be selected. The varieties available in the second season potato cropping area are shown in Table 2, Mel 22. (3) cultivation techniques of spring potato 1. Seedling (1) seed selection: potato should choose potato with no disease and insect, no freezing injury, smooth epidermis, fresh and moderate size as seed potato. Diseased potato, rotten potato, abnormal potato and bud eye protuberance, rough skin cracked potato pieces are not suitable for seed. Within a certain range, the size of seed potato is proportional to the final yield. The small seed potato contains less nutrients, the plant growth is weak and the yield is low. Generally should choose 50 grams ~ 100 grams of potato pieces for the better, such as seed potato shortage, should not be less than 15 grams. The general use of seed potato is 120 kg ~ 150 kg per mu (1 mu = 667 square meters), and the amount of seed used in high-yield land can reach 400 kg. (2) slicing: the main purpose of slicing is to save seed potatoes and break dormancy. Slicing and peeling can accelerate internal metabolism. But cutting pieces must pay attention to knife disinfection to prevent the spread of toxin disease. It is found that the diseased potato cutter and plate can be disinfected with 75% alcohol, 0.2% mercury solution, 5% stone carbonic acid, 0.1% potassium permanganate, 0.1% mifen, etc., or several knives can be boiled and sterilized in salt water, and the knife can be changed when the diseased potato is cut. The bud eye of potato has obvious tip growth advantage. in order to make potato pieces germinate earlier and germinate consistently, the slicing method of dividing terminal buds equally should be advocated. (3) sprouting: in order to achieve early ripening and high yield of potatoes, spring potatoes in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin can be broadcast before and after the Spring Festival. But potatoes can suffer frost damage in years when the winter is particularly cold. For the sake of safety, hotbeds, cold beds, greenhouses, plastic films and other methods can be used to promote sprouting. When sprouting in the bed, the potato must be separated from the brewed heat with soil. Row a layer of potato a layer of soil, the bed is not enough to pile 3-4 layers, but stacked too thick easy to hurt buds. Keep 15C~18C during the period of budding, although the speed of budding is fast when the temperature is too high, the bud is thin and long. Watering should be less, too much humidity will rot the potato. Take out and sow seeds from the bed when the buds are 2cm ~ 3cm long. In order to accelerate the speed of potato sprouting, gibberellin was also used before sprouting. The whole potato without slicing was soaked in 5ppm~10ppm for 3 minutes for 10 minutes, and the concentration after slicing was 0.5ppm~1.0ppm, which was taken out immediately after soaking. After soaking, the seed potatoes must be spread out and let dry for 4 or 5 hours. The advantage of gibberellin treatment is that it can sprout quickly, but the disadvantage is that the seedlings are thin and easy to senescence. Spring conditions in the greenhouse, hotbed or plastic greenhouse to promote sprouting, but not gibberellin treatment. 2. The average temperature of planting in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River has reached about 5C in February. Deep sowing with tubers in mid-late February will not cause freezing damage in general. Although early sowing can not be unearthed early, it is beneficial to rooting under the condition of low temperature. Early sowing and deep sowing of potatoes, in case the unearthed buds are damaged by late frost, secondary buds can sprout again on seed potatoes, so that they will not be in danger of freezing to death. It is more reliable to sprout and plant late if there are conditions. Potato planting methods can be divided into three types: (1) "Man Tianxing" planting method: the row spacing is about 20 cm, and this method can plant more than 11000 trees per mu. Because of high density, early closure, poor ventilation and many diseases, there are many potato "outcrop green", many small potato pieces, poor quality and low yield. (2) large row spacing planting method: the row spacing is increased to 40 cm ~ 50 cm, the plant spacing is still 20 cm, and about 6000 trees can be planted per mu. This method has the advantages of larger row spacing, good ventilation, less diseases, convenient for ploughing and cultivating soil, and less "green", so it is the most common sowing method at present. (3) double-row high slope cultivation method: the large row is 70 cm ~ 90 cm, the small row is 10 cm, the plant spacing is 25 cm ~ 30 cm, it is triangular, and more than 6000 trees can be planted per mu. This planting method is more ventilated and can cultivate the soil many times. the tuber produced is large and the yield is high. 3. Field management of spring potato field management should achieve the goal of early maturity through field inspection and seedling replenishment, topdressing, mid-ploughing, soil cultivation, irrigation and drainage. The growth of potato should be early in the early stage, stable in the middle stage and late in the later stage. Strive for early topdressing and early cultivation of soil before flowering. After flowering, we should look at the sky, the earth and the seedlings to promote the attack of potato, control the plant with potato, maintain the balanced growth of potato, and prevent excessive growth and premature senility. There are many diseases and insect pests in potato. At present, the common diseases are virus disease, late blight disease, early blight disease, ring rot disease, black visceral disease, scab disease, nevus disease and so on. The main pests are 28 ladybug, grub, golden needle beetle, ground tiger and so on. Among these diseases and insect pests, the virus disease of potato is the most serious, which is the main factor affecting the yield of the second cropping area. But up to now, there is no special medicine, which can only be prevented from agricultural technology. The prevention and control methods are introduced as follows: (1) establish a sound seed retention system, select disease-resistant varieties, and keep seeds by means of single plant mixed selection, plant line selection, elimination of diseased potatoes and so on. In general, the proportion of planting area between seed land and production land is arranged at 1:10 to ensure that you keep good disease-free seed potatoes. (2) choose the cool place and period to keep the seed. According to the test, the poison content of potato under 25C high temperature is 4 times higher than that under 15C low temperature. Therefore, the seed of potato in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin should choose the high and cold area, or develop the spring sowing of autumn potato, and use the seed potato of winter sowing and spring harvest for autumn planting in the protected area. (3) sowing small whole potato on a disease-free single plant of spring potato in autumn to prevent the spread of virus when potato was cut into pieces. (4) strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, improve the disease resistance of plants and restrain the rapid development of virus. Other fungal diseases such as late blight, early blight and other fungal diseases can be sprayed with Bordeaux solution of 1purl 150, 80% Dysen zinc 600 × 800 times, 75% chlorothalonil 600 × 800 times, once every 5 to 7 days according to the incidence, a total of 3 times for 4 times for prevention and control. 4. Whether the tuber harvested with seed spring potato is mature or not can be judged from the following aspects: the stem and leaves change from green to yellow; when the stem is shaken, the tuber is easy to fall off; when the tuber is rubbed, the epidermis is shedding; when the cube is cut, the wound is easy to dry. All this means that the potato pieces are ripe and can be harvested. Potatoes in the supply market can be harvested before June 20 in order to achieve high yield, such as delaying the harvest of perishable potatoes to the rainy season of Huangmei. During the spring potato harvest, the later the harvest, the more virus accumulated in the potato block when the temperature changed from low temperature to high temperature. If you need to keep the seed, it should be harvested around June 10. Spring potatoes should be harvested and transported as soon as they are harvested. Those who are too late to be transported can be shaded in the shade or covered with potato straw. If the potatoes are exposed to the sun, they are easy to rot and are not resistant to storage. (4) the main points of autumn potato cultivation: high temperature in the early stage and low temperature in the later stage, the growth period is shorter, and the yield is lower than that of spring potato. However, in autumn potato tuber season, the temperature changes from hot to cool, and the virus accumulates less and the disease is lighter. If autumn potato is used as seed potato in the following spring, spring potato will grow vigorously, degenerate slightly and have high yield. Autumn potato production is not only to obtain fresh potato supply market in autumn, but also to get seed potato in spring. The main points of autumn potato cultivation are as follows: (1) selection of seed potato: early harvest from spring potato. Remove injured, diseased and rotten potatoes for seed. (2) sowing small whole potatoes instead: 2.0g ~ 2.5g sweet potatoes were harvested from excellent disease-free plants and left as seed potatoes in autumn. Because the seed potato is small and does not need to be cut into pieces, the chance of infection can be reduced. Each small whole potato has a terminal bud, which has an obvious apical growth advantage. In order to overcome the shortcomings of small seed potato and low yield, the sowing density can be increased, that is, 10000 million 12000 potatoes can be planted per mu (1 mu = 667 square meters). Although the potato block is not too large at harvest, it can be used as a seed potato in the next spring. (3) postponing sowing date: in order to avoid dry and hot weather, the sowing date of autumn potato in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin can be postponed to late August to early September. Sow seeds in the morning and evening when the temperature has begun to cool. (4) pay close attention to the field management: the growing period of autumn potato is short, there are many diseases and insect pests after sowing, and the phenomenon of lack of seedlings is serious, so we should strive for the whole seedling in order to achieve yield. Watering, loosening soil and weeding should be carried out urgently during autumn drought to promote stem and leaf growth and ensure the yield of autumn potato. Loosening soil combined with soil cultivation can not only prevent potato from being exposed and green, but also prevent potato from being frozen. (5) appropriate late harvest; autumn potato growth period is short, under the principle of avoiding freezing injury, harvest one day later, one more point of yield, Jianghuai region is generally harvested in mid-late November. (5) Storage and processing 1. When storing potatoes, mechanical damage should be avoided as far as possible, and potato pieces that are heated, cold and infected with diseases and insect pests should be strictly excluded. Commercial potatoes for special consumption should be stored at 2C~5C temperature, and potato chips for seed use should be stored at 8C~20C temperature. In order to prevent the loss of water and shrinkage of potato pieces, the relative humidity of 80% to 90% should be maintained in the storage room. The winter temperature of the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin is not very cold, and it is often stored in outdoor places with leeward and sunny, high and dry terrain for well cellar or trench storage, and the warehouse is also used to store or pile it indoors, but it can not be piled too thick to facilitate ventilation and inspection. 2. Processing potato is not only a vegetable but also a grain and feed. It can be used in industry to make starch, vermicelli, syrup, caramel, maltose, glucose, monosodium glutamate, rayon, artificial rubber, glutinous rice paper, perfume, lactic acid, citric acid and film film. Most of these industrial products are manufactured by professional factories, and their technological processes are sketched.