
Please join hands to punish the "Miao Pig Fraud gang in Suqian, Jiangsu Province"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Please join hands to punish the "Miao Pig Fraud gang in Suqian, Jiangsu Province"

Dear friends who have never met: Hello everyone! You may be farmers who have worked hard to raise pigs, entrepreneurs of large farms, or friends who have nothing to do with pigs. Since you have come in, I hope you can help us out. Help us helpless farmers who have been hurt by the "Jiangsu Suqian Miao Pig" fraud gang. In recent years, in the website, network forum and QQ group and other related media often see all kinds of information advertising for piglets centered in Suqian area of Jiangsu Province, there is no lack of information with very low market price, good after-sales service and excellent warranty certificate to attract the majority of pig farmers brothers, lure us step by step into the abyss. I am an ordinary farmer, relying on 6 years of work in Guangdong, saved 80,000 yuan, plus 30,000 yuan loan from Agricultural Bank of China, ready to develop aquaculture at home. In May 2009, I got in touch with Xu Mou and Ge Mou, a young pig swindler in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, through the Internet. Xu Mou and Ge Mou lured me to Suqian, Jiangsu Province to inspect piglets by various deception means; on September 26, 2009, I bought 127 piglets from Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, totaling more than 60,000 yuan. On the way home, 11 died, 53 died within a week, and 122 died a month later. After many times contact swindlers Xu Mou, Ge Mou fruitless, even the swindler also said such words "we have never really compensated". More than 60,000 yuan is really nothing for a multimillionaire. If you travel abroad once less, you can save it, but for a farmer, it is half a lifetime's savings. At present, I am almost separated from my wife and children. In October 2009 and November 2009, I went to the so-called "breeding base for piglets" in Suqian, Jiangsu Province twice to investigate. After investigation, it is found that there are many fraud gangs in this area, and the number of swindlers reaches thousands. In the local area, a complete industrial chain has been supported by these fraud gangs, with an annual transaction amount of about 800 million yuan. There are countless deceived farmers from all over the country. The poor peasant brothers, however, because of their lack of legal consciousness, did not leave sufficient evidence and money to fight a lawsuit, and finally had to admit their misfortune. I roughly summarized the fraud methods of the swindlers as follows: 1. The network or telephone quotation is low; the quotation of the swindlers is basically only half of the normal market price, or even lower, attracting customers to Jiangsu Suqian to inspect the piglets, and promises to provide free accommodation; But when the customers arrive, the fraudsters are in charge. Everyone the customers come into contact with in the local area is a member of their gang. Because the customers 'freedom has been restricted by the fraudsters, the customers have no way to get the true information on the market until the transaction is completed. If the customers after inspection, found that the original swindlers quote and the actual, do not trade, then customers need to pay a high "reception fee", less than several hundred yuan, more than several thousand yuan; and the actual local transaction price is about twice the original quotation of the swindlers;2, promise good after-sales service and excellent quality assurance; swindlers generally promise that the quality of the piglets is guaranteed, if the piglets die within a week, the so-called breeding base is responsible; If the customers make a deal locally, the fraudsters sign a so-called contract with the customers, stating that the seller will be responsible for compensation if the piglets die within three to five days; but when the customers 'piglets actually die extensively, the fraudsters will not answer the customers' calls for three to five days, or find excuses without discussing the actual compensation. When the warranty period of 3 to 5 days has passed, no matter how many of the customers 'piglets have died, the swindlers will excuse themselves with the excuse that "the compensation period stipulated in the contract has passed", and the contract has become a dead letter;3. The piglets are delivered home and then paid; in order to dispel the concerns of customers, the swindlers will promise in advance that "the piglets are delivered home and then paid"; When customers reach a deal in the local area and load the piglets, the swindlers will ask the customers to pay immediately, otherwise the customers will not be allowed to leave the transaction site for half a step;4. Free delivery to home; The swindlers promise in advance that as long as the customers buy more than 100 piglets, they can be delivered to home free of charge; In fact, if the actual freight for customers is about 3 yuan, the swindlers will find cars for customers, and customers will pay at least 5 yuan for the freight, because the swindlers will also eat kickbacks in the driver;5. Strict market inspection and quarantine; A closer look at these advertisements will reveal that there are "swine fever, erysipelas, lung disease and other vaccines have been injected, and there are strict market inspection and quarantine, and inspection and quarantine certificates will be issued by the local animal husbandry department"; After investigation, it is found that there are thousands of Miao trading markets every day, but there has never been a real inspection and quarantine. The inspection and quarantine that the swindlers say is the quarantine fee of 5 yuan per young pig that customers must pay. The swindlers or the market give customers a certificate so that customers can inspect on the way. As for inspection and quarantine, it becomes empty talk;6. More investment, large scale and strict management; In order to win the trust of customers, swindlers will say that their breeding base or farm invests hundreds or even tens of millions, the scale is very large, there are hundreds of sows, and tens of thousands of piglets are sold every year; But in fact, the swindlers may not have a pig, the breeding base or farm that the swindlers say is a mixed pig trading market, such as Longmiao, Wuji, Jiangxia and other trading markets in Shuyang County; The piglets in the trading market are bought by small vendors from rural areas, some even from Shandong. As long as it is cheap there, the vendors will go there to buy piglets, regardless of what epidemic situation they have; in fact, the cheaper the piglets will be in places with epidemic diseases, and the small vendors will often enter and leave those areas with high epidemic incidence; It is precisely because of this reason, coupled with cross-infection of young pigs in the market, so Suqian local pig epidemic situation is very serious, common "pig high fever mixed infection + recessive swine fever", mortality rate of 20% to 90%; in the local Shuyang County local investigation, did not find a large-scale breeding farm or breeding base on the Internet;7, beautiful "official" website; Search for "piglet" on the Internet, click on it and you will find that the website of ** farm or ** breeding base is very beautiful, even the so-called "industrial and commercial business license, tax registration certificate, ** association unit, ** regional piglet designated transfer unit, ** animal husbandry bureau designated unit" and other licenses are all available; These propaganda materials are basically fake, the cost of doing such a website is about 2000-3000 yuan, as long as the fraudsters succeed once, it is enough to do several similar websites; at present, due to the large number of victims, wide geographical distribution, coupled with the protection measures adopted by the local government for GDP, it is difficult to win the case locally. Please contact me as soon as possible or leave your contact information after reading this article, so as to facilitate contact with you; please also ask your friends to help tell the injured peasant brothers around you to contact me quickly; let us all jointly take up legal weapons to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests and strive for compensation; and let the swindlers get the punishment they deserve. Contact QQ:972468741 E-mail: Any fraudulent organization should be banned according to law. There are a lot of news media now. Find a reporter to interview and let the Internet expose them. --------------------- Really? If it's really to help out--------------------- Oh, I regret----------------------21 editors can only say that greed is cheap and eat big losses. When you do something, you must first analyze whether people have profits or not. If it is impossible to calculate the profits of others, then it is inevitable to be cheated--------------Suqian is famous, as long as it is agricultural products. Chicken, duck, goose, pig, seedlings, outside are very famous, since the Internet, it should be checked, especially Shu Yang--------------------- Oh!--------- I've heard a lot about this.