
The lesson of blood, ah, never go to Suqian, Jiangsu to buy pigs. They are all liars.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The lesson of blood, ah, never go to Suqian, Jiangsu to buy pigs. They are all liars.

The lesson of blood must not go to Jiangsu Suqian to buy pigs. I looked up the information of several houses on the Internet before I bought Miao pigs in Suqian last year. When I arrived in Suqian, I first went to this deceitful place called Chen's Animal Husbandry. I swore that the pig was paying at home. Two people in this family picked us up in two cars. We said that we would go to the pig farm first to see the pigs. They procrastinated and procrastinated, saying not to go to the hotel for dinner first. Here we are. we're just friends and say something very polite. After dinner, it's time for us to go to see pigs. They use all kinds of reasons to refuse us to go to pig farms to see pigs. In fact, they don't have pigs at all. They just eat this bowl of rice to extort money. Finally, he took us to a pig market in a small town and said, "what about this pig? there aren't many pigs that we dragged us away before we finished seeing them. Then we talked about buying pigs. They said it was impossible to send them to you." You have to pay a deposit. We haven't even met the pig farm, and we have to pay a deposit. Of course, this is not a deal. Seeing that we have been thinking about it, they take us into the car, and another big man on the bus says that we have no sincerity to buy pigs, car gas money, tolls, food money, take 1,000 yuan to let us go. This is our first encounter in Jiangsu. We were blackmailed in this way, and we were not reconciled to the psychology of driving back to Suqian, and then we went to the police. A case was filed at the police station. The police of the police station told us to go to the regular pig farm to catch pigs. There happened to be an advertisement outside. It was an advertisement for selling Miao pigs. The policeman dialed the boss for us. If we think so, if we are introduced by the police, we won't lie to us again. So he agreed to go and have a look. What we went to see was not a pig farm, but also a small market, because the policeman told the boss that we had been deceived once and told the boss not to do anything. So we feel more at ease. So the next morning we selected pigs in Longmiao Street, Longmiao Town, and we were satisfied with the price of more than 10 pigs, but later they became more and more expensive, which was simply more expensive than our local area. When they came, many people boasted that we would pick quickly, and we really didn't want to buy them. The freight and the price of pigs were no different from those of our local area, and it was only in the evening that we were loaded with pigs. Six pigs had already died on the road. It was agreed that the deaths and injuries on the road would not even answer your phone, and the pigs were shipped back and found that many of them had been replaced, and the big pigs had been replaced by little pigs. since there were native pigs to come in, it was unreasonable for TMD to change them while we were eating. In the process of raising, 10 pigs died in the first week, and then they were unable to control the disease even if they were treated by a veterinarian. More than 8 pigs died every day 15 days later. The municipal agricultural bureau came to dissect and see that the pigs had severe acute high temperature, and their ears were all blue before they died. In more than 20 days, they were all culled by the government, dug a big hole and buried them all. According to the compensation of 208 for each head, they made up for more than 20,000 to me, and lost more than 60,000. All sick pigs are sold to us, and they will get retribution. Doing business like this is a disgrace to the people of Jiangsu. Everyone checked on the Internet that there were many problems with the pigs sold in Suqian, Jiangsu Province. Http:// was also deceived into publishing the website and phone number of the liar Yin Genping [pseudonym] his real name was Yin * * The swindler's website is http://www.******.com/: 13809 * 0527-84Fengjun 0527-886385 * the company that blackmailed me for 1000 yuan is Jiangsu Chen's animal husbandry http://www.*****/agency/web/style1/index.asp?id=10853 Chen Fengjun 0527-886 farmers * 1385 * in fact, these people do not have a pig farm at all, they are black agents who take kickbacks. We must be careful not to be tricked into raising pigs by borrowing all the money from relatives and friends. The above situation is all true. It has been reported to the Agriculture Bureau that there are also records. As long as the area code of Suqian in Jiangsu is 0527, it is better to be careful than to sell pigs online. It is better to be careful and not so cheap pigs. It's not easy to raise pigs. I hope that kind-hearted people will forward this post to various websites so that more pig farmers can see that they will stop sending money to swindlers. Thank you. If you have read this post 6 times, you will be happy all your life. Sorry brother changed your post! Please do not release any offensive material information! It can be used for reference, don't you think? [this post was last edited by yuren6622 at 20:13 on 2008-1-26]


If you don't ask about it, the swindlers in Suqian have a history, especially those in Shuyang. It is best to follow the mode of self-cultivation. There are great risks in making up hurdles in other places, including being cheated. Remember that a large invitation will put up a banner: Shuyang people in Suqian are not allowed to enter! In the future, buy pigs and contact feed manufacturers for help.


There are swindlers everywhere, and it is difficult to guard against.


It is outrageous to suggest that the landlord complain against these swindlers.


Alas, it is difficult to catch some good pig seedlings now.


Go ahead, sympathize with what happened to the landlord, there are too many liars now


Thank you for your kind post. I have to go to see it these days. His offer for piglets is really cheap. I have all the money ready to pull. I have been too busy these days to suggest that the landlord should not get angry and keep his body to protect his rights by legal means. Hope to communicate more.


Yeah! Some of us have been fooled here!


We strongly urge our government to make decisions for the people and resolutely crack down on this kind of deception and abduction.


Liars have a tradition of gathering together and passing on help.


In today's society, there are still some liars. It's hard to understand.


Can't you contact the local animal husbandry department to buy pigs in the future?