
Five kinds of potted vegetables suitable for growing in a small space can grow a vegetable garden on the balcony.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The space for growing vegetables on the balcony is very limited. At this time, we should use the narrow space to plant some vegetables with higher yield. Of course, we should also choose vegetables suitable for growing on the balcony, preferably in flowerpots.

The space for growing vegetables on the balcony is very limited. At this time, it is necessary to use the narrow space to grow vegetables with larger yields. Of course, you should also choose vegetables suitable for growing on the balcony, preferably in flowerpots, and choose varieties that are suitable for growth and low in maintenance, so that beginners can successfully cultivate a small vegetable garden.

1. Peas

There are different varieties of peas, and their growth habits are relatively similar. You can plant musk peas with good ornamental properties, or you can really grow musk peas in the four seasons. Peas like cool environments and do not like over-hot places. The maintenance position does not need too much light, and it can grow well with proper scattered light every day. It can be cultivated in the morning, and the seeds can be sown after the temperature is stable. Usually a large number of pods can be produced within two months.

Peas are very suitable for planting on the balcony or balcony. their plants are relatively small and suitable for climbing and growing. they need to be planted with brackets. The branches and tender leaves of peas are edible, and it is also delicious to make them into a salad.

The cultivation of peas should be loosened and fertile soil, the environment to be maintained should be ventilated, and the light should be kept for about 3 to 8 hours a day.

2. Tomato

There are many varieties of tomatoes, many of which are suitable for planting in a small space, such as common cherry tomatoes, you can choose varieties suitable for pot conservation, the plants are relatively small. Of course, to grow to a certain height, is to set up a support, maintenance location to have sufficient light, generally need 3-4 weeks to give thin fertilizer to promote growth.

3. Lettuce

Beginners want to plant vegetables that are easy to grow, it is best to choose lettuce, it has many varieties, the ornamental is very good, and the growth cycle is relatively short, even if you dig a little garden soil downstairs, you can successfully cultivate it, and its seed germination rate is relatively high.

You can flatten the soil, spread the seeds evenly on it, keep the soil moist, put it in a warm and ventilated place, sprout in a week or two, keep proper scattered light every day for later growth, and give thin fertilizer once a week or two during the growing period. it will soon grow into a large potted plant.

4. Zucchini

Many people will think of zucchini when choosing to cultivate balcony vegetables. it is a relatively short melon vegetable. It is very suitable for planting in flowerpots. A large number of zucchini can be found in a small space. Its yield is relatively high. You can choose a container about 40 centimeters in diameter. The cultivated soil is not too deep. Use loose and fertile soil.