
Rabbit habitual physiological songs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rabbit habitual physiological songs

All kinds of animals have their own characteristics, especially rabbits. He is docile and timid, and he is most afraid of being scared when he moves at night. Like to bite and eat feces, Mao Mi is afraid of heat, not cold. Unwilling to live in groups like dry, sensitive sense of smell love to move. Digestive physiology is also special, stimulating ovulation in the womb. On the 312 day of pregnancy, the baby rabbit was born naked red. Open your eyes in eleven or twelve days, and give birth to Mao five days later. Strong tolerance, large liver, well-developed gastrointestinal herbivore. It is easy to fight between people of the same sex, and the hair is made more in spring and autumn. Breeding male rabbit management song male rabbit breeding should remember true, sexual body strong testicles are not hidden. Cage light semi-yang overcast, set up platform sports frequently. The nutrition of feeding is diversified and twice a day should not be over-frequent. The first mating age should be timely, and the weight should be four kilograms. Just feed do not breed, do not drink cold water after matching. As long as you raise a good breed of male rabbits, you can make sure that the offspring are strong. Pregnant rabbit nursing song female rabbit after pregnancy, increase nutritional fine nursing. First of all, pay attention to quiet, prohibit anti-noise sound. Fifteen days later, it is easy to have a miscarriage, and people are not allowed to be caught frequently. Don't change the feed all of a sudden, it's not a pity to get rid of the leftovers. Frozen moldy food does not feed, prevent flow and protect the number of fetuses first. Put the production box for 25 days and lay the bottom of the nest with soft grass. A day or two before delivery, it is regular to stop eating and reduce food. Prepare water and materials in time to prevent thirst and muscle after delivery. The female rabbit manages the song eye to have the spirit hair color is bright, the limb is robust physique. There should be at least four pairs of milk, and the vagina should be clean and free from inflammation. Timely breeding in July and August, high nutrition during pregnancy. The cage door should be quiet and can prevent stillbirth. 25 days after the loss of appetite, give more green materials to the production box. Do not disturb the time of delivery, and keep up with postpartum water and food. Do not tear hair rabbit manual pull, mastitis disease should be prevented early. Check the hunger and satiety of the baby rabbit frequently to know the nutrition of the mother rabbit. If you give birth to four or five babies a year, your mother will be strong as well. Baby rabbit management song artificial lactation to recognize Gan Niang, eat full colostrum to prevent frost. Put an end to rodent damage to prevent accidents, three days of early prevention of xanthuria. Breast milk is not enough to prevent hanging milk, the mother suffering from mastitis should be nurtured. Eat to prevent coccidiosis, feed frequently and prevent food injury. The breeding density is arranged skillfully, and the weaning mother is strong at the right time. Young rabbits are called young rabbits within a hundred days, and efforts must be made to raise them. The appetite is exuberant and grows fast, gluttony often has abdominal distension. Dyspepsia is easy to diarrhea, feeding limit should be kept in mind. It is a principle to feed frequently and give less, and feed should be rich in nutrition. Vaccination should be given in time for weaning, and the mother still needs to be caged. Environmental hygiene should be dry, and food troughs and cages should be often disinfected. If there is no frozen material in winter, there is no grass and dew in summer. Pay attention to prevent coccidiosis, fat and strong to put out the column. Raising rabbits in autumn songs spring and autumn fields are all green, mowing grass to feed rabbits is the best. Grass contains more vitamins to save feed and gain weight. Setting up grass racks in rabbit cages can prevent hair ball disease. Pay attention to the timing of feeding. Don't suddenly change the material. Temperature difference between day and night is easy to catch a cold, prevent rabbit diarrhea and keep in mind. Adjust the whole herd of male and female rabbits and pay close attention to mating. Raise more rabbits in the golden season, rabbits are auspicious and people are not poor. Raising rabbits in midsummer is most afraid of having a hot summer, and the weather is hot and humid with diseases. Young rabbits are susceptible to coccidiosis and the grass is not clean enough to pull. Anti-disease drugs, dysentery and chlorophenyl guanidine are often added to the material. If the sun shines directly, it is easy to get heatstroke, so the cage should put up an Arbor. When it is hot, wheezing and eating, forage is often added at night. Feed watermelon peel more during the day, and don't forget to sprinkle salt in drinking water. Often disinfect mosquitoes and flies and stop breeding in the middle of summer. Keep your strength and physique and make your fortune after autumn. Raise rabbits in winter to prevent frost first, and the rabbit house needs to be warm to prevent the wind of thieves. Rabbits outside the house can be transferred indoors, and plastic sheds can also be set up. Don't forget to close the doors and windows, there was a case of ventilation. There should be an incubator in the cage, and the young rabbits should live in the soft grass at night. The day is short and the night is often added, and the fine material tip is constantly green. Don't cut the rabbit hair in winter to prevent cold and pneumonia. Feed more carrots, warm water drink rabbits do not freeze. If you bask in the sun and exercise frequently, your parents will be sexually active. The survival rate of winter-born rabbits is high, so we should pay close attention to the tradition of winter. The rabbit chooses the song formula, the head is big, the chest is wide, the buttocks are round, and the nipples should have many testes. The eyes are bright, the limbs are steady and the toes are not bent. Strong fecundity and good performance, genetic stability should be the first. The individual consanguinity tests the descendants, and the third level chooses to keep in mind. Only a good seed can produce good seedlings and keep a good pedigree healthy. As long as you choose the right kind of rabbit, you will be fat and strong and run all over the fence. The homogeneity selection of breeding rabbit songs is the simplest, and the same breed is optimized. If a good male matches a good mother, the offspring is like a stable inheritance of both parents. Heterogeneous matching is on the contrary, the purpose is to pass the improvement. Different quality male and female match to overcome the defect of bad supplement. If sex is stable and inherited, it is best to choose the age. The strong man can match the young and the old, and the young and the old don't order the mandarin duck. There is also consanguinity grade selection, same-sex appearance of the group. Father, daughter, mother and son are mismatched, compatriots and sisters do not fall in love. Choose a match according to your needs, and it is best for your parents to be unrelated. Rabbit forage collection song rabbit likes to eat all kinds of grass, more skillfully match for dietotherapy. Xuan Fuhua and Artemisia annua, Pingchuan town cough to treat colds. Shepherd's cardamine tender rabbit like to eat, taste pungent cold leaf seedlings. Pheasant crown flower with Cyperus roxburghii, Qinggan Mingmu high blood pressure. Red girl grass lantern tree, heat-clearing and detoxifying sunflower grass. Look at the palatability of Niang Mai, Artemisia and oats together. Miwa pot bald flower, hidden flower dog tooth rabbit likes to pick. Heat-clearing and detoxification is full of stars, big and small thrushes soothe the wind. The tail of Aries and tigers can be picked, and rabbits like to eat all kinds of Polygonum. To prevent pre-rabbit urination and blood, hit a bowl of flowers and plants with white grass. Rehmannia glutinosa gives birth to fluid and cool blood, which converges and facilitates broom seedlings. To reduce fire and quench thirst, to prevent pregnant rabbit disease and motherwort. The cat's eye treats mastitis, but the king does not leave it to clear the breast. Portulaca oleracea cures diarrhea, while Petunia can eliminate the accumulated food. Astringent pulling seedlings to treat coccidiosis, old cow tendons contain less water. Plant rhinoceros and dandelion, corns to stop bleeding and diuretic. Pig hair contains calcium and iron, and Plantago sativa has a fever. Zexi knee hemp and thorn bud, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic have special effect. Monophyllum and Artemisia angustifolia, relieving asthma and resolving phlegm to treat cough. Huoxue Ping stomach wild peas, roadside wheat fields can be found. The leaves of Amorpha fruticosa are nutritious, so don't lose protein. The leaves of willow elm are everywhere, and the effect of Sophora japonica is the most wonderful. Hematochezia blood dysentery collect locust rice, catch a cold to look for mulberry leaves. All kinds of pericarp, vegetable leaf vine and crop straw are treasures. Invigorate the stomach and defecate banana peel, onion and garlic protect the intestines. The peel of the summer melon drops the temperature in the summer, and the pumpkin pedicel protects the rabbit fetus. Tangerine peel also treats abdominal distension, pomegranate peel repels Ascaris lumbricoides. Turnip root white potato head, winter as a green material is indispensable. Cabbage leaves are the most palatable, while red and white radish leaves are used skillfully. Wheat straw, bean straw, peanut seedlings, crushed and mixed in winter. Wheat bran is rich in phosphorus and calcium, rich in nutrition and moisturizing the intestines. Cakes contain more protein, and reasonable collocation can gain weight. We should also pay more attention to picking grass to prevent rabbits from being poisoned. Don't cut the pesticide grass and don't feed the sorghum corn seedlings. Sprouting potato bitter neem leaves, castor to the rabbit stilts. Xanthium sibiricum buds mandala, anesthetized rabbits die like poison. The grass in the field can be fed to rabbits, and the four sexes and five flavors can be adjusted reasonably. (note: the plants used in this song are commonly used in Henan Province. The song of comprehensive prevention and control of rabbit plague suddenly gave a wild jump, rabbit plague caused by nostril bleeding. The destruction and death of rabbits is high, and the drug treatment is not effective. The liver of dissected rabbits was enlarged and the texture was degenerated and dark red. The kidney has blotchy lungs and congestion, and the spleen turns blue. The disease is urgent and contagious, so it can be prevented and kept in mind at ordinary times. Injection of compound Daqing leaf, vitamin C two milliliters. Fried soup oral cactus, drinking water often wash the blue. Vaccination in time on the full moon can not be saved twice a year. Special attention should be paid to introduction, first check whether there is an epidemic condition. Set up a disinfection pool in the rabbit house and refuse to visit. Several disinfection methods are commonly used, lime fire alkali burner. Kill rats to kill mosquitoes and flies, and formalin fumigate. If the above methods can be done, the rabbit plague can be prevented. Rabbit pasteurellosis prevention and treatment of pasteurellosis is especially common in spring and autumn. All kinds of rabbits are prone to infection, and the harm to young rabbits is the most rampant. Diseased rabbits are generally exuberant, with elevated body temperature and nasal discharge. Postmortem liver degeneration and intestinal swelling and membrane bleeding were common. The death rate of severe infection is high, and vaccine prevention can be solved. The location of the disease is different, and the treatment is decomposed. Conjunctivitis eye tears, pudendal testicular disease congestion. Tympanitis rabbit head tilt, timely elimination of the source of the disease. Chloramphenicol is used in rhinitis drip, and gentacarone is injected. Quinolinol is often added to the mixture, and the compound sulfamethoxazole is effective. If you have syndrome, inject penicillin streptomycin solution. Disinfection is often used for sue, lime and caustic soda are more choices. Strengthen the management of stress prevention, do not let dogs and cats into the rabbit house. Rabbit clostridium welchii disease prevention and treatment of Clostridium welchii enteritis, blackening water sample sparse feces. Peptone with blood is characteristic, and the gas fills the middle of the intestine. At the beginning of the disease, the rabbit has a sense of water when it touches the abdomen. General body temperature does not have a fever, thin feces often touch the anus. After three or two days, the body was deformed, and he got sick and died. Feeding and management is the key to the inefficacy of drug treatment. The weather suddenly changes to prevent stress, and the cage should be kept warm when it is dry. Full moon timely injection of vaccination, olaquindox powder added. Commonly used disinfectants, Xinjie and fire alkali. Prevention and treatment of rabbit brucellosis is common and chronic. It mainly invades the respiratory tract and is the most troublesome to get this disease. At the beginning of the disease, the nasal membrane bleeds, and the rabbit's nose is thick and sticky. Severe cases often block the nose and make it difficult to breathe when infected with the lungs. Rabbits often scratch their nose and sneeze, and foam becomes a source of infection. Prevent timely injection of disease seedlings, seed selection to take good care of health. Strengthen the management to prevent stress, and keep the air fresh in the rabbit house. Kanamycin is treated twice a day at a time. Penicillin streptomycin mixed with 200000 injection unit. Chloramphenicol is used for nasal drip three times a day without interruption. Putting an end to brucellosis and eliminating diseased rabbits is the key. Colibacillosis prevention and treatment of colibacillosis is common, also known as mucinous enteritis. It's a pity that a large number of young rabbits died after they were weaned. The most acute death is quick, and the subacute lasts for six or seven days. For the first time, most of them are depressed and have no appetite and feces. The symptoms of diseased rabbits can be easily identified and peptone faeces are involved. Postmortem gastric dilatation, gastrointestinal mucosal blood spots. Transparent peptone is transparently adhered to the feces of cecum and colon. Oral administration of dysentery, streptomycin injection of 40,000. Qingda with Wei B1, New Norming with soda tablets. The effect of early treatment of illness is good, and fluoropiac is often added in the mixture. It was found that the diseased rabbits were isolated early and the feed formula was not mutated. Environmental hygiene is often disinfected, and faeces should not pollute the grass. Persist in inspecting the changes of feces, and fire alkali is often used for disinfection. Prevention and treatment of stomatitis in rabbits. Baby rabbits drool in their mouths. The disease is called stomatitis. The disease is urgent and spreads quickly, and it is easy to catch the same disease in the same nest. When it is found that the disease should be treated quickly, do not delay the use of medicine immediately. Western medicine can use oxytetracycline, half spread mouth and half swallow. Special effect compound sulfamethoxazole, the effect of oral application at the end of research is obvious. Can also take oral proprietary Chinese medicine, Liushen Baochi Xiaoyan pills. The purple flowers are green leaves, and the honeysuckle wild chrysanthemum is fried in water. Although the magic medicine can cure the disease, management should know that prevention comes first. Do not feed rotten feed to rabbits, beware of stinging things in the mouth. Wash the trough frequently to remove the leftover food and replace it. Rabbit cages are disinfected frequently to get rid of the disease through the mouth. Rabbit staphylococcal disease is widely used in the prevention and treatment of staphylococcal disease, and there is a chain reaction of mutual infection. Sepsis in young rabbits, before bruising and growing hair. Foot dermatitis due to injury ulcers, pain often change four feet. The baby rabbit has a cause of xanthuria, and its mother suffers from mastitis. Ate mastitis rabbit milk, the third day after birth. The nest box is smelly and pleated, and the body sleeps softly at dusk. The treatment first treats its mother's disease, leaving the mother to foster it by the rabbit side. Take chloramphenicol in the mouth two drops three times a day. Inflammation of the breast, swelling of the breast, purple or blue around the breast. Chronic severe lump, and then a pustule like an egg. Potassium permanganate water hot compress, and then the milk should be squeezed dry. Penicillin injection was closed and 200000 was injected along the breast. Oral sulfamethoxazole was taken orally and fed continuously for three days after delivery. Combined with feeding grass cat's eyes, the king does not leave worms to lie alone. The mat grass of the production box is disinfected first, and ultraviolet rays are used in the sun. Suffering from abscess foot dermatitis, wash with carbolic acid. After washing, apply anti-inflammatory ointment, no thorns at the bottom of the cage to dry. Put an end to staphylococcal disease, comprehensive treatment of room prevention first. Rabbit salmonellosis is characterized by prevention and treatment of rabbit salmonellosis, diarrhea and abortion. The main damage to pregnant rabbits occurred 25 days later. The spirit is dull and the body temperature is high, and the food waste is thirsty and thirsty. The feces are sticky with foam and the vaginal discharge is purulent. The uterus suppurates into ulcers and the mummy stays in the uterus. Management of malnutrition, acute death of septicemia. The first treatment was chloramphenicol, intramuscular injection of 2 milliliters. Take a maximum amount of tablets at the head of the tablet, and don't relax in the next half of the tablet. Alternate use of streptomycin and vaccination against mosquitoes and flies. Don't let the rats pollute the rabbit feed, disinfect it regularly and pay attention to hygiene. Prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in rabbits when the flesh of song melon is red, the rabbit cage is empty and the weather is hot and humid. He leaned his head back and kicked his feet again and again, screaming before he died. It is difficult to treat the disease again, and prevention is the most important thing in mind. Low spirits are a sign, and the abdomen is bloated, black and blue. Conjunctival pale hair dishevelled, acute diarrhea stomachache. Chlorophenylguanidine and diphenazine, dysentery can treat coccidiosis. Feed at the beginning of the full moon, and the course of treatment is 3715 minutes. Take twice as much for the first time to prevent poisoning, keep it in half and don't relax. Weaning is late in the rainy season, and rabbits are not born in the hot summer. Feed nutritious and digestible, feed garlic and onions frequently. It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene in the rabbit house and remove feces and urine every day. The trough should be exposed to the sun after brushing, and the best fire attack is to disinfect it. It's best to keep the bottom of the cage leaking feces, and keep in mind that different nests don't mix. The mother is fed and raised in cages, and the dead rabbit is buried deep. Don't throw it about. As long as coccidiosis is cured, raising rabbits is more than half the effort. Rabbit scabies disease prevention and control song rabbit four hoof scabies, mite breeding is the root cause. The first step in treating diseases is to kill mites, and the methods of operation should be kept in mind. Dicofol is used as medicine, and the effect of oil application is obvious. There is also refined trichlorfon, 2% strict operation. Soak in hot water to remove scab and knead the slag to dry after medicine. Three procedures do not forget, strictly prevent poisoning to lick the hoof. It is best to clean the rabbit ringworm at once and add new hair at a good time. Add chili to the traditional Chinese medicine tobacco juice and dip the hoof in the neem root juice. Do not mate with tinea rabbits, which can prevent the spread of scabies. It is not a good way to eliminate sick rabbits, and the rabbit house should go to the sunny cage. Environmental disinfection is often carried out, killing eggs with fire. Rabbit rarefaction disease prevention and treatment song rabbit pull rare three kinds, common food dysentery type. The common rabbit catches cold, and the forage is dewy or frozen. Most of the injured food is excessive, and the appetite for diarrhea is still exuberant. Dysentery suffers from gastroenteritis and a serious bacterial infection. Treatment of intramuscular injection of berberine to prevent regular administration of dysentery. Compatible with rhubarb soda tablets, can also be fed to the mother. Pay attention to the choice of medicine for young rabbits, special effect compound sulfamethoxazole. Gentamicin should be injected twice a day without stopping. Feed regularly at ordinary times and feed 80% less frequently. The frost dew grass is not fed, and the moldy feed is thrown away. Rabbit hair ball disease prevention and control song spring and autumn hair more, rabbits are easy to suffer from hair ball disease. Symptoms abdominal distension good lying down, defecation difficulty lumbar arch. Touch the hairy ball in the stomach, the pylorus is blocked and the intestines are blocked. Getting thinner and fond of drinking water.-that's nice! It is very helpful for rabbit feeders and rabbit breeders! Top