
Sweet-scented osmanthus grows leaves like this, green and full of flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom, the fragrance of the flowers is rich and elegant, which can bring people a sense of freshness and freshness. Therefore, sweet-scented osmanthus tree is a very common landscaping tree, in recent years, there are many artificial dwarfing sweet-scented osmanthus potted plants.

When sweet-scented osmanthus trees bloom, the fragrance of the flowers is rich and elegant, which can bring people a sense of freshness and freshness. Therefore, sweet-scented osmanthus tree is a very common landscaping tree, in recent years, there are many artificial dwarf sweet-scented osmanthus potted plants, its breeding in the home balcony or windowsill and other places, can play a very good beautification effect.

With the improvement of people's living standards, sweet-scented osmanthus is used by more and more communities, and its role as landscape greening and beautification is becoming more and more obvious. Many flower friends will also choose to buy or plant some sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai to afforest and beautify the balcony garden. However, many flower friends will find that their sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not grow well after a period of time. What is the reason why sweet-scented osmanthus trees do not grow well? Today, Hua'ergu will briefly introduce how to raise sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

Generally speaking, sweet-scented osmanthus trees like to grow in a warm environment, the soil is required to be more fertile, but also have good air and water permeability. Sweet-scented osmanthus growing in poor soil can lead to thinner growth, sparse branches, small and yellowed leaves, little or no flowering. Below we introduce in detail the various environmental conditions that are more suitable for the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus.

1. Soil environment

The rich and deep soil can meet the needs of various nutrients for the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus. At the same time, good soil permeability and drainage can prevent water accumulation in sweet-scented osmanthus pot cultivation and avoid yellow leaves, rotten roots and other phenomena.

Therefore, we can use fertile garden soil or rotten leaf soil for sweet-scented osmanthus tree culture, the use of garden soil can appropriately add some rotten leaf soil, we suggest that we can each have a more appropriate part of rotten leaf soil and garden soil. This kind of soil has a very good effect in terms of drainage performance, and the nutrients are also very abundant. Raising sweet-scented osmanthus trees can make them flourish. The flowering period can promote more flowering, and the flower fragrance is more intense. In addition, we can also choose to use sandy loam, peat + garden soil.

2. Temperature environment

The best temperature for sweet-scented osmanthus tree growth is about 20-30 ℃. Growth and development will be inhibited when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, and growth may stagnate when the temperature is higher than 35 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, it will also lead to growth stagnation, and when the temperature is below 0 ℃, freezing injury will occur and lead to withered branches and leaves.

Therefore, if conditions permit, we can control the temperature between 20 and 30 ℃ and need shade maintenance in summer to avoid high temperature leading to moisture dryness. It is necessary to protect against cold and warmth in winter to prevent frost injury.

3. Water environment

Sweet-scented osmanthus trees are not resistant to waterlogging, which can easily lead to rotten roots and leaves yellowing and falling off, and sweet-scented osmanthus trees are not resistant to drought. Long-term lack of water will lead to withered leaves, thin branches and poor plant growth.

Therefore, watering sweet-scented osmanthus trees needs to be timely, and it needs to be watered according to the principle of dry and wet. To prevent excessive moisture, we should also pay attention not to drought for too long.

4. Nutrient environment

Most of the nutrients for the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus trees come from potted soil, so a fertile potted soil is very suitable. But if our potted soil lacks some necessary growth elements, it will also lead to poor growth. For example, the flowering period is not flowering, flowering is few, leaves are yellowing for a long time, and so on.

Therefore, the necessary nutrient supplement is an important source to promote the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus trees. Before flowering, we can add some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer properly, which can promote flower bud differentiation and enhance plant resistance to diseases and insect pests. At ordinary times, you can also use compound fertilizer or pancake water to supplement nutrients in accordance with the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer.

5. Pruning and maintenance

Sweet-scented osmanthus trees will lose their beauty when they grow to a certain extent. At this time, we need appropriate pruning to enhance its beauty. Pruning can also promote the germination of new branches and make sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow more luxuriantly. Pruning before flowering allows more nutrients to promote flowering.

Therefore, our daily maintenance needs to carry out the necessary pruning maintenance. Prune off some overgrown branches to maintain the beauty of the plant and trim off some withered branches and leaves to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. Thinning some dense branches can enhance the internal ventilation and light, and make the plant grow more luxuriantly.

The above are some of the methods and techniques of how to raise sweet-scented osmanthus introduced to you by Huayergu. If you can be very skilled in cooperating with the above operations reasonably, then our sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai will grow very luxuriantly. When flowering, it will be full of flowers and green leaves!