
Bean sprouts grown on rocks are of precious value among the people. It is a good cure for white hair that costs 40 yuan per jin.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The vast territory of our country has also caused the diversity of wild plants in our country. Many different wild plants grow in the rural areas of each province and city, but some wild plants are an exception, they are tenacious, whether in the south.

The vast territory of our country has also led to the diversity of wild plants in our country. Many different wild plants grow in the rural areas of each province and city, but some wild plants are an exception. They have strong vitality, whether in the south or in the north. There are their footprints, but many people have not seen them, because most of these wild plants grow in some remote places in the countryside. Only the old peasant friends in the countryside know and understand.

Below, the author will introduce you to such a weed, it is like this.

In the countryside, there are a lot of weeds, some are very tall, some are very short, and even some people don't pay attention to them at all and often ignore their existence. But this kind of weed I want to introduce today is often ignored by people. It is very short, so small that it is only as big as bean sprouts. And it likes to grow on mountain slopes, forest swamps, acidic soil or rock topsoil. This kind of weed is "golden hair moss", but in the countryside, many old farmers prefer to call it "soil horse mane".

This horse mane is actually a kind of bryophyte, it has no leaves and no flowers, it is a single seedling, the height is generally about 10 centimeters, this soil horse mane is also male and female, the top of the female plant is brownish red, the male plant is green, and it is also easy to identify.

Although the mane of this native horse is short and strange, it is a kind of treasure in the folk, especially in the past, it was used as a kind of good medicine.

What is the medicinal value of the mane?

According to the records of Chinese Materia Medica, the whole plant of Tuma mane can be used as medicine, and its taste is cool and non-toxic, and the whole plant has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, and can be used to treat many symptoms such as Yin deficiency and bone steaming, hot flashes and night sweats, tuberculosis cough, hemoptysis, metrorrhagia, obstruction of two stools and so on.

However, the old man in the village once told me that in fact, this local horse mane has a very good function, that is, it can produce black hair, and it is a good way to treat the gray hair of teenagers. It can be mashed and applied to the scalp, or boiled water can be used to wash the hair.

As most of these manes are born in the shady and humid places of the mountains and forests, and their medicinal value is very high, this kind of weed is also very expensive today. as far as I know, it has been sold for 40 yuan per jin in my hometown. I don't know what kind of price is there. So if you see this kind of weed in the mountains, don't step on it, its value is very precious.

Of course, if you want to use it, the author suggests that it is best to consult a professional physician to avoid problems.

Dear friends, have you ever seen this kind of weed called "native horse mane" or "golden hair moss"? Welcome to leave a message and exchange!