
The temperature of the snail feeding room

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The temperature of the snail feeding room

The overwintering room temperature of the snail must be controlled at 20: 30 ℃ day and night. If the temperature drops below 15 ℃ or the temperature goes up and down, it will have an adverse effect on the snail. Therefore, it is necessary to control the temperature in winter to make the snail survive the winter smoothly. Here we introduce the management measures of snail overwintering for your reference:

Strengthen nutrition before the temperature drops to 15 ℃, so that it can eat well. When it is about to be less than 15 ℃, the snails raised in the wild will be moved into indoor ponds and boxes. The breeding soil can be thickened to more than 25cm. After the snail forms a film to seal the shell mouth, the shell mouth of each snail can be laid down, closely arranged layer by layer, about 5 cm apart between each layer, and the upper layer of the uppermost layer of snail is covered with 10 cm thick soil for high density overwintering. Overwintering soil water content should be low, no more than 10%, usually do not sprinkle water or less water. The earthworms in the overwintering soil should be removed to prevent the snail from being killed by drilling into the shell. The stove can also be used in the feeding room, and the iron chimney is connected to the furnace, which passes through the outside after a circle around the feeding room to make a complete set of warm equipment, and the heating methods such as electric heater, glass greenhouse and greenhouse can also be used to keep room temperature, according to the actual conditions, adopt heat preservation measures with low cost and good effect. During the overwintering period, the room temperature of the feeding room should be controlled between 20 and 30 ℃, not less than 15 ℃. When heating the room, generally speaking, the temperature in the upper layer is higher, the temperature in the lower layer is lower, it is hotter near the furnace, and it is colder in the far furnace, with a temperature difference of 3-5 ℃. Therefore, the position should be changed from top to bottom every once in a while. Snail eggs should be hatched at a temperature of about 26 ℃. The incubator can be placed on the upper layer or near the stove. Adult snails can be placed in the middle layer to facilitate mating and spawning and speed up reproduction. Snails at the age of 1 ~ 4 months can be raised in the lower layer.

The above is for reference only.