
Planting techniques of broccoli

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of broccoli

First, sowing and raising seedlings

1. The sandy soil with high topography, fertile and smooth drainage should be selected in order to arrange the seedling bed. Avoid making cabbage and cabbage vegetables in the previous crop. Before sowing, 15 kilograms of rotten compost was applied per square meter, and the ditch was opened according to 1.5 meters of net border surface, with a width of 40 cm, and leveled the border surface.

2. Sow seeds from late July to early August. Before sowing, use carbaryl or Lesbon to control underground pests and irrigate the bottom water. 22.2 square meters can raise more than 3000 seedlings and transplant 1 mu of field. When sowing, mix 1.5-2 kg of fine soil with 25% carbendazim per square meter. After sowing and covering the soil, build a shed to cover the sunshade net.

3. Seedling bed management broccoli seedlings still need sunshade to the three-leaf stage, if the bed soil is too dry, pour enough water in the evening. After the three leaves are one heart, gradually remove the sunshade net to refine the seedlings, and transplant them to the field when they are 4-5 leaves.

II. Field management

1. To prepare the field before planting, it is appropriate to select fields with high topography, fertile soil and sandy soil: 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 40-45 kg of high concentration compound fertilizer and 1.5 kg of borax are applied per mu before transplanting. At the same time, 90% crystal trichlorfon was used in the whole field to control grubs and other underground pests. Dig a set of ditches deeply before transplanting, and make a ditch by 1.5 meters wide, with a width of 30-40 cm.

2. Reasonable close planting is transplanted according to the combination of 60 cm X 40 cm, and the density is 2700 to 3000 plants per mu. After transplanting, pour enough unity water, and cover the soil in time to preserve soil moisture. Water is usually watered 7-10 days before the closure.

3. Combine weeding, ploughing and loosening the soil twice before closing the row. Timely drainage before and after the heavy rain, sunny days after the rain to loosen the soil and ventilation to prevent black root disease. Broccoli requires a large amount of moon, with a total of 20,25kg of pure nitrogen for a lifetime. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer in the field, topdressing should be applied three times: the first application of seedling fertilizer, 10 kg of urea per mu, and the second application of leaf cluster fertilizer, 15 kg of urea per mu when the plant age was 12-13; the third time, 25 kg of high concentration compound fertilizer and 10 kg of urea per mu were applied at budding.

4. Control black root disease of broccoli after transplanting. Field management requires no obvious dark stains, suitable dry and wet soil, refreshing water and breathable. When the disease occurred, 25% carbendazim and 70% thiophanate methyl were used for root irrigation treatment. The main pest is Pieris rapae, which is easy to control. 160 million units of Ruixing wettable powder per mu are used to control the first and second instar larvae. Beet armyworm, Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera litura are selected, such as high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides.

5. Before and after pruning and budding, remove the lateral branches below the main stem in time. When sparse planting, 1 or 2 thick branches can be left in the upper part, topdressing immediately after the main flower bulb is harvested, and the lateral flower head is harvested.

The planting techniques of cauliflower are as follows:

Cauliflower is commonly known as cauliflower. Broccoli, also known as broccoli and green cauliflower, are all varieties of cabbage, and their growth cycle and requirements for external environmental conditions are basically the same.

I. Fertility cycle

1. Vegetative growth period: in the process of vegetative growth, the germination stage, seedling stage and rosette stage of cauliflower and broccoli are similar to those of heading cabbage, but the flower bud differentiation occurs at the top of the main stem of cauliflower and broccoli at the end of rosette, and then the flower bulb appears and enters the reproductive growth period, while the heading stage of heading cabbage is still the vegetative growth period.

The difference between broccoli and cauliflower is that the top of the main stem of cauliflower produces a flower ball composed of deformed flower branches, while the top of broccoli produces a group of turquoise flat buds composed of fully differentiated buds. At the same time, the buds in the leaf axils of broccoli are more active than cauliflower, and the flower stems and buds at the top of the main stem are picked, and then continue to branch into buds, so they can be picked many times.

II. Requirements for external environmental conditions

1. Temperature

The lowest temperature of cauliflower germination is 2-3 ℃, but it is very slow. It germinates faster when the temperature is 15-18 ℃, and the fastest when the temperature reaches 25 ℃. It can be unearthed 2-3 days after sowing.

The cold tolerance and heat tolerance of seedlings are strong, and 15-20 ℃ is the best. If the temperature exceeds 25, the seedlings are easy to grow, so cooling measures should be taken.