
Laid-off female worker he Guiqiong scientifically breeds ostrich to get rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Laid-off female worker he Guiqiong scientifically breeds ostrich to get rich

He Guiqiong, a laid-off female worker in Jinzhong Community, Jinzhong Town, Huize County, introduced ostrich trial breeding, successfully explored the way of raising tropical animals in this high altitude area of Huize County, and embarked on the road of scientific breeding of ostriches to get rich.

In the mid-1990s, he Guiqiong was laid off from the Chemical Industry Construction Company of Yunnan Province and returned to her hometown, Admiralty Community, Jinzhong Town. Without an "iron rice bowl", she did not lose her will. With her extensive knowledge and rich experience, she is determined to find a new way to get rich. Once, he Guiqiong learned in the "Wealth World" magazine: ostriches are full of treasures, meat is edible, the nutritional value is very high, the market price is 40 yuan / kg; eggs can be eaten, but also can make egg carving handicrafts; hair can be used as a duster, also known as making decorations; skin is the most precious, a piece of raw skin can be sold for more than 800yuan, can make all kinds of leather products; even bones are called handicrafts. Ostrich has strong climate adaptability and is easy to feed. Each adult ostrich sells for more than 5000 yuan, which is a good way to get rich and has a broad market prospect. As a result, she had the idea of trying to raise ostriches. With the help of her parents, relatives and friends, he Guiqiong raised more than 60,000 yuan and bought 30 young African ostriches from Guangdong in May 2005 for breeding and trial breeding. Due to lack of breeding technology, inadequate equipment, and cold weather in winter, only half of the ostriches survived when spring came. Faced with difficulties, he Guiqiong was not discouraged. she went to the Guangdong ostrich breeding base to learn breeding techniques, modestly asked the masters for advice, and bought books on raising ostriches scientifically. She stayed up and studied every night. The surviving ostrich grew up healthily under her meticulous care and weighed about 90kg. According to the market price at that time, each ostrich reached about 6000 yuan, and 15 ostriches made a net profit of more than 20, 000 yuan. He Guiqiong finally successfully explored a way to raise animals with tropical characteristics in the high altitude area of Huize County.

He Guiqiong, who tasted the sweetness, continued to expand the scale of breeding, explored and studied, summed up experience, and mastered the technology of large-scale ostrich breeding: scientific feeding, dominated by green feed such as forage and vegetables, supplemented by compound feed, in order to increase satiety and prevent indigestion. Mix feed scientifically according to the nutrition needed during the growth period, mix bone meal, calcium hydrogen sulfate and other trace elements into a mixture in proportion with feed to promote ostrich growth and enhance disease resistance; control food intake for ostriches whose fast growth leads to soft legs and supplement calcium in time; put some fine gravel in the site every 3 days, which can be ingested by ostriches to help grind and introduce the food in the belly. Before and after vaccination, 0.05% terbufenesol powder was added to the feed to increase immunity and reduce stress; the site and house were cleaned once a day and disinfected once a week, and outsiders were strictly prohibited from entering the site. After more than two years of continuous development, in 2008, the scale of ostrich breeding site reached an area of 1400 square meters, more than 140ostrich breeding garden, but also planted ryegrass, alfalfa and other high-quality forage grass more than two mu, the farm is prosperous. On the management side, she stresses credibility and strengthens the business with Guangdong ostrich purchasers to establish unobstructed sales channels to deal with the market to resolve breeding risks.

"if I am rich, I am not rich. It is my wish to let the villagers get rich together." Speaking of her plans for the future, 42-year-old he Guiqiong spoke from the bottom of her heart. She is going to rent a few more mu of land or mountain forests, expand the scale of breeding, set up an ostrich breeding and development agency, credit ostriches to the surrounding people who want to engage in ostrich breeding, and provide technical services free of charge. After the ostrich is raised, it will be recycled according to the market price order, and we will take the new way of special breeding to get rich.