
Raising geese to improve the laying rate

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Raising geese to improve the laying rate

A look at the fat feed

The female goose is too fat, the egg production is low, some even stop laying; the female goose is too thin, lack of nutrition, and the egg production is also low. For over-fat geese, concentrate should be appropriately reduced, concentrate feeding should be suspended when necessary, and female geese raised in captivity should be appropriately increased for exercise or grazing; lean geese should be fed with concentrate feed to increase the content of protein in feed, and should be fed twice at night.

Second, look at dung replenishment.

Goose dung is thick, soft and strip-shaped, and the surface is shiny. It can be divided into several sections with feet, indicating proper nutrition and normal digestion. If goose dung is small, strong, black in color, gently plucked feces, the cross section is granular, indicating that the amount of concentrate feeding is too much, the amount of green feed feeding is less, digestion and absorption is abnormal, concentrate feeding should be reduced and green feed should be increased. The color of goose dung is light and unshaped, and it will spread out as soon as it is discharged, indicating that the amount of concentrate feed is insufficient and should be supplemented with concentrate feed.

Three look at egg supplements

If the egg-laying geese do not eat enough nutrients, the shell casings will become thinner, the eggs will be smaller or distorted. When this happens, protein-rich feeds such as bean cakes, peanut cakes and fish meal must be added to increase the crude protein content of the diet to more than 22%, and to increase the daily feeding amount of each goose to 280,320 grams, while mineral feed should be added.