
A complete strategy for artificial culture of Loach

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, A complete strategy for artificial culture of Loach

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is a kind of fish which is easy to raise and can obtain high yield because of its strong vitality, fast reproduction and mixed food. Loach meat is delicious, nutritious and high in protein; it also contains fat, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients; in medicine, it has a certain curative effect on facial furuncle, mumps and so on, and it is also one of the main aquatic products exported in foreign trade. It has become the main species of small water surface culture, such as courtyard culture, pit pond and so on. Recently, the editor received a letter from Ma Dejun in Nehe City to inquire about the breeding technology of Loach. Please introduce the following experts.

1. Cultivation of Loach in a special pond: it is generally adopted by the producers who specialize in the cultivation of Loach. It is better for the pond to have a mud bottom. If it is a cement pond, the soil should be 15-20 cm deep. The area of the pond should not be too large, about one mu is suitable, and 5-100000 Loach seedlings with a length of 3 cm to 4 cm can be placed per mu. Before seedling release, base fertilizer should be applied, mainly organic fertilizer, and a large number of zooplankton should be cultivated as bait for Loach. After the release of seedlings, gradually strengthen feed feeding, and topdressing organic fertilizer, the main kinds of bait are rice bran, bean cake, wheat bran, bean dregs, silkworm pupa powder, earthworms and food processing wastes. Fertilizers include human and animal manure, crop straw compost and so on. If the water temperature is higher than 30 ℃ or lower than 10 ℃, the feeding amount should be reduced. Generally, it can be captured after raising 8 years for 10 months, and the high yield can reach 250 kilograms per mu. Each tail is about 15 cm long and weighs 10 to 15 grams to meet the commercial specifications.

2. Family raising Loach: that is, raising Loach by shaking in front of the house or in the vegetable garden and in the storage tank. Generally, it can be put into 4000cm and 5000 Loach seedlings per mu, or mixed with Monopterus Albus and carp. Usually pay attention to feeding and fertilization, such as leftover meals, livestock and poultry dung, vegetable leaves, etc., feed should be used in combination with plant and animal. At the same time, the water quality should be well controlled. when the Loach is found to swallow air out of the water surface, it indicates that there is a lack of oxygen in the water body, so fertilizer should be stopped and new water should be replaced. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus can be caught and listed when it grows to 15cm to 20cm. After 8-10 months of feeding, the yield per mu can reach more than 100 kg.

Fishing method

Because the Loach is small and has the characteristics of drilling mud, it is difficult to catch. According to other characteristics of Loach, the following fishing methods can be adopted:

Flushing fishing: that is, close to the inlet, lay a close-eye fishing net, and then release water from the inlet, because the Loach has the habit of escaping against the water, so it gathers to the inlet, and then timely lift the first laid gear, so that the Loach is caught.

Bait trapping: put the scented rice bran or other palatable bait in the net, when the Loach is tempted to find food, pick up the net at the right time and catch it. The bait can also be loaded into Trichosanthes or gunny bag, put into the bottom, can make a large number of Loach into the Trichosanthes, bag, often in the evening, take out the next morning, can capture a certain number of Loach.

Dry pond capture: when the water temperature drops below 15 ℃ after autumn, the Loach gradually drills into the pond sediment. It can be caught by draining the pool water. Generally, the pond water is drained first, and then the bottom mud of the pond is dug into a number of small ditches. Loach will be concentrated in the drainage ditch for manual capture, or the silt containing Loach will be dug into an iron sieve and washed away with water to capture.

Disease prevention and cure

In the process of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus culture, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases, such as red fin disease, water mildew disease, air bubble disease, curved bone disease, rotifer disease, tongue cup disease, pesticide poisoning and other biological pests. The main prevention and control methods are as follows:

1. Prevention and treatment of red fin disease caused by microorganisms: this disease is harmful to Loach and has a high incidence, which is caused by bacilli. The symptoms are as follows: first, the fin or part of the body surface is peeling off, showing gray color, the muscles begin to rot, the anus turns red, then blood spots appear in these areas, and gradually turn dark red, and in severe cases, the fins fall off and do not feed until death. It is mainly popular in summer. Prevention and control methods: fish injury should be avoided, 4% salt water bath should be used before stocking; chloramphenicol can be mixed into the feed when the disease occurs.

Water mildew: Loach eggs are treated with 400 grams of salt and 400 grams of baking soda per cubic meter of water for 1 hour. Loach can be soaked in 3% salt solution for 5 minutes for 10 minutes.

Printing disease: the focus is generally oval, round, puffy with erythema. The affected area is mainly at the base of the caudal stalk. It is popular in July and August. The whole pool can be sprinkled with 1g / m3 of bleach or 214g / m3 of gallnut.