
Key points of black rabbit breeding techniques in winter

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of black rabbit breeding techniques in winter

1. Cold protection and heat preservation work

The normal body temperature of rabbits is 38.5-39.5 ℃, and the suitable temperature for rabbit growth and reproduction is between 15-25 ℃. The air temperature in winter is mostly low, so cold prevention and heat preservation is the focus of feeding and management in winter.

① overhaul cage to protect against cold and warmth. Usually the rabbit house building should be located from north to south, and a general inspection should be carried out on the rabbit house in winter, with glass or nail film in the window, grass (cotton) curtain hanging on the door, find defects and repair in time to prevent the cold wind from invading the rabbit. Therefore, the indoor air flow should be controlled in winter to keep the temperature of the rabbit house above 10 ℃. And make it less affected by external temperature changes as much as possible.

Under the premise that ② does not affect the feeding management and internal hygiene, increasing the feeding density is equal to increasing the heat source, which is an effective auxiliary cold prevention and heat preservation measure.

③ adds heating equipment, such as heating, biogas stove, stove, thermal lamp, plastic greenhouse to increase the temperature.

④ dehumidification and moisture removal, keep dry. The dampness of the rabbit house in winter is not conducive to keeping warm, and it is easy to cause respiratory diseases, skin diseases and other diseases. Rabbits prefer a mild and dry environment, if the ground is wet, you can remove some plant ash or quicklime, which can remove moisture and is conducive to disinfection and warmth.

⑤ increases the bed temperature by adding bedding grass. Bedding grass has the functions of moisture absorption and moisture removal, gathering temperature to keep warm and absorbing harmful gases. In winter, in order to increase the temperature of the rabbit house, some soft grass cushions can be added to the rabbit bed, and should be often turned or replaced to protect against cold and keep warm.

2. Adjust the feeding structure

Adjust the diet and prepare enough forage. Low temperature increases the calorie consumption of rabbits, so the dietary supply of rabbits in winter should generally be increased by 20% to 30%, especially by adding some high-energy feed such as cornmeal, wheat bran, cabbage or potato, etc.; the feeding times and quantity should be increased appropriately, and it is appropriate to feed concentrate again after 9 pm to supplement the consumption of keeping out the cold. Green feed should not be less than 30%, such as cabbage, carrots, radish leaves, etc., in order to provide more vitamins. At the same time, enough forage should be stored to prevent snow and freezing.

3. Do a good job of winter propagation

Winter propagation is one of the measures to improve the service life of rabbit breeds and increase economic benefits. The key technology to realize winter reproduction is to ensure temperature and vitamin feed, because severe cold obviously reduces the activity of female rabbits, and estrus mating is easy to be ignored. in order to do well winter reproduction, breeding rabbits should try to keep the temperature above 10 ℃, and their feed should be mixed with wheat bran, rice bran, bean cake, fish meal and bone meal to avoid single feed, and proper amount of germinated feed and vitamin c should be added to promote normal oestrus of female rabbits. The estrous cycle of rabbits is 7-17 days, and the estrous duration is 1-3 days. It is necessary to grasp the rule of timely breeding.

Winter mating time is best after October of the lunar calendar, choose sunny and windless noon or morning or evening. It has been reported that the peak period of sexual function of rabbits is in winter, before sunrise or after sunset, and it is also the best time to mate, when mating is the most likely to be fertilized. In addition, in order to make female rabbits conceive more and produce more babies, mating methods such as "double mating" and "compound mating" can be adopted to increase the chances of conception.

4. Strengthen the management

The tightness of ① rabbit house in winter is increased, poor ventilation and harmful gases are increased, which is easy to induce respiratory diseases. Therefore, on a sunny noon, open the doors and windows and vent the turbid gas.

② rabbit nest box clean frequently, change grass frequently, keep clean and dry.

③ indoor fire heating, to set up flues and vents to prevent gas poisoning.

④ was carefully managed to improve the survival rate of young rabbits. In order to improve the survival rate of baby immunity in winter, plastic film greenhouse, semi-underground rabbit house or female rabbit can be used to manage separately, such as placing the nest box of baby rabbit in hot Kang head for regular lactation. It should be pointed out that young rabbits must have colostrum within 4-6 hours of birth, and if individual female rabbits are not breast-feeding, compulsory breastfeeding can be carried out: that is, the female rabbit will be protected by manpower, and then the baby rabbit will be placed next to its nipple to breast-feed. In this way, you can gradually form a habit in 1 or 2 days and turn to normal breastfeeding. For a small number of lack of milk or the mother does not have to die, the young rabbit's physique is weak, can feed the cow, the sheep milk or by "recognizes the dry mother" the way to another nest foster care. The milk yield of the mother reached its peak 20 days after giving birth, but the growth and development of the baby rabbit was very fast, and breast milk could not meet the nutritional needs. It should be fed before and after 18 days of birth, such as some cooked soybeans, bean curd dregs, tender vegetable leaves and so on. It is advisable to give less and more supplements and replenish them 5 or 6 times a day.