
In winter, pigs are raised in plastic greenhouse to save feed and prevent disease.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In winter, pigs are raised in plastic greenhouse to save feed and prevent disease.

The cold weather and low temperature in winter are extremely disadvantageous to the health and growth of pigs, especially pregnant sows and piglets. So, what method can be used to solve the problem brought by the season? The best way is to raise pigs in a plastic greenhouse and cover the open surface of the pig house with plastic film to increase the temperature in the house. Generally speaking, the temperature suitable for the growth and development of fattening pigs is 14-23 ℃, especially 16-18 ℃. The temperature suitable for the growth and development of young pigs and piglets is slightly higher.

In winter, the temperature is lower than the temperature needed for pig growth for about 4-5 months in a year, especially in January. At present, most of the pig houses in rural areas are open, and the temperature inside and outside the house is basically the same in winter. This not only affects the growth of pigs, but also because of the loss of body temperature, pigs eat more food, consume more feed, and increase the feeding cost. Therefore, raising pigs in a plastic greenhouse can save costs.

The method is that the open-air part outside the circle is covered with plastic film, and the plastic film can be covered directly or on the wooden stick according to the eaves and walls of the piggery. After covering, the humidity in the circle is easy to be too large, and the wall should have a urination outlet, eliminate feces in time, uncover and ventilate in time, so as to keep the house clean and hygienic. The style of pig house is generally single outside, semi-closed, with corridor pig house. The piggery has a reliable working corridor with a width of 80 to 100 centimeters in the north, which has the advantages of ventilation, heat preservation and moisture-proof, fresh air, simple structure, low cost and convenient work.