
The technique of Rabbit Winter breeding

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The technique of Rabbit Winter breeding

To do well the reproduction of rabbits in winter is an important measure to improve the reproductive ability of rabbits. So, how to do well the breeding of rabbits in winter?

Choose a good breeding rabbit. For breeding rabbits used for breeding in winter, male rabbits should be 8-10 months old and weigh more than 3.5 kg, and female rabbits should be 6-8 months old and weigh more than 3 kg. Male rabbits require plump appearance, long body, flat back, agile movement, normal appetite, stout limbs, shiny hair, good development, exuberant libido, good semen quality; female rabbits require strong physique, gentle temperament, good reproductive organs, no pollutants in the anus and vagina, normal estrus, no less than 4 pairs of nipples, will pull hair cushion nest with grass, can lactation, give birth to more babies, and have a good physique.

Keep a good breeding. Winter mating will be carried out at noon on a sunny day after October of the lunar calendar. In addition, due to the vigorous period of sexual function of rabbits before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset in winter, mating can also be carried out at this time. After mating, breed rabbits should immediately pat their buttocks with their hands to stimulate rear-drive contraction and improve the conception rate. At the same time, the "double mating method" can be adopted, that is, one male rabbit in the morning and another male rabbit in the evening, or the "repeated mating method", that is, a male rabbit in the morning and this male rabbit in the evening, so that the female rabbit can have more rabbits.

Do a good job of cold protection and heat preservation of the rabbit house. The rabbit house must be built in a leeward, sunny and warm place. The temperature should be controlled above 10 ℃ and the lowest should not be less than 5 ℃. During the breeding period, grass curtains should be hung at the door of the rabbit house, and soft grass should be padded inside the house. When the weather is warm, rabbits can be released for exercise and receive light. Do not light a fire in the rabbit house to prevent gas poisoning or respiratory diseases. The rabbit house can also be sprinkled with plant ash or quicklime to prevent moisture.

Strengthen feed nutrition. In winter, in the diet of pregnant rabbits, wild vegetables, cabbage leaves, carrots and other green fodder should not be less than 30%, but also with wheat bran, rice bran, bean cake, fish meal, bone meal and other feed ingredients. After each feeding of rabbits, it is necessary to supply more drinking water, and it is strictly forbidden to feed vegetables and grasses with soil, mildew or frost.

Take good care of the baby rabbit. After giving birth to the baby rabbit, the mother rabbit should be fed some brown sugar water and salt water to prevent it from thirsting to eat the baby rabbit. In winter, young rabbits should eat a few more days of milk to strengthen their physique and resist the severe cold. Young rabbits to 16-19 days old, can begin to try feed, initially can be fed with a small amount of soybean milk, rice soup, a few days later, add wheat flour, bean dregs. After 6-7 days, you can mix in mineral feed, properly feed some carrots and so on. The young rabbits should be fed 4-5 times a day and once more at night. Let the young rabbits exercise more and bask in the sun more to improve the survival rate.

Do a good job in disease prevention and treatment. In winter, in addition to preventing rabbits from getting cold, but also often feeding garlic, ginger, yeast tablets, etc., to prevent the occurrence of diseases. If rabbit disease occurs, it should be immediately isolated and symptomatic treatment to prevent the spread.