
What's holding back the pig industry?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What's holding back the pig industry?

Although the idea that prevention is more important than cure has been advocated in the management of "seeing only trees but not forests", pig farms have not done much. In the process of raising pigs, pig farm managers often "do not see the forest for all the trees": suppose that this pig farm raises 10,000 pigs, of which 100 pigs in a row of pig houses have symptoms, breeders and even managers put their main energies on this row of pigs, wondering what kind of disease this is? How can it be cured? Take sick pigs to be tested everywhere. What about the other 99 rows of pigs in the pigsty? It was almost completely ignored, just normal feeding. Cheng Jianguo suggested that if sick pigs are found, they should first be isolated to see if they have the value of treatment. if they fall into the following five situations, it is best to eliminate them directly: those that cannot be cured, those that are expensive to treat, those that take time and labor to treat, and those that are of low economic value after cure. Highly contagious. Secondly, if it is of therapeutic value and is a chronic disease, it will provide pigs with more comfortable living conditions than normal pig houses, such as house temperature, water temperature, feed, and so on. The most important point is to ensure that healthy pigs will not be infected. Only by being pig-oriented and making pigs feel comfortable, can you raise healthy pigs and create greater benefits for you. Excessive use of vaccine in many pig farms can not formulate reasonable immunization procedures according to the situation of the pig farm, almost from birth to out of the pen, vaccinated every now and then, seriously affecting the health of pigs. The huge demand attracts world-renowned biopharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Bayer to take China as an important sales market, and their sales are very large; at the same time, the domestic vaccine manufacturers are also increasing day by day, in the 1980s, there are only one or two veterinary drug vaccine companies in each province, and now there are several vaccine manufacturers in one province, with more and more kinds of vaccines and increasing production. In recent years, the state has invested a lot of financial and human resources to study all kinds of pig diseases, and now it seems that this has caused the greatest harm to pig farms. Demand drives production, which in turn drives demand, resulting in the interaction between vaccines and vaccines in pigs, resulting in a decline in physique instead of improvement. Cheng Jianguo believes that pigs do not need to be injected with so many vaccines at all, and the cost and effort of injecting too much is low. He suggested that each pig farm should formulate reasonable epidemic prevention procedures according to the actual situation of the farm. For live pigs, in addition to classical swine fever, four kinds of vaccines, porcine parvovirus, pseudorabies, Japanese encephalitis and foot-and-mouth disease, must also be exempted, and the rest should be based on the actual situation of the field. Pig technical service channels are not smooth large-scale pig farms have their own technicians and expert service teams, but where do the technical services of small and medium-sized pig farms come from? Now mainly from veterinary drugs, feed sales staff. These people have obvious profit-seeking nature to the health care scheme, feed and additives recommended by pig farms, which is inevitable and very dangerous at the same time. Farm managers and farmers can improve their level by learning, but no matter how high the level is, it is impossible to reach the level of professional veterinarians, so many small and medium-sized pig farms epidemic prevention and health care programs are helplessly led by some manufacturers. According to the health care programs provided by some domestic veterinary drug manufacturers to farms (households), they take this medicine today and that medicine tomorrow. From birth to sale, they simply do not eat food and grow up, but grow up on medicine. This is a retrogression in pig-raising technology. The reason why small and medium-sized pig farms need scientific pig raising methods and management methods is that now we have introduced a large number of foreign breeding pigs such as Landrace, Landrace and Duroc, there are fewer and fewer native pigs, and farms (households) also use native methods to raise foreign pigs, so it is difficult to raise them well. we need to learn management methods, production models and advanced technologies suitable for foreign pigs. Cheng Jianguo believes that in order to change this situation, in addition to the relevant personnel of pig farms actively learning, grass-roots veterinary stations should also assume their own responsibilities, regularly train farms (households), invite experts from scientific research departments, and invite front-line veterinary workers. In short, it is necessary to provide farms (households) with scientific breeding management technology to help them raise good pigs. | Thank Mr. Cheng for his selfless sharing and learning |