
What preparations need to be made before raising cattle

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What preparations need to be made before raising cattle

Many people don't know where to start before raising cattle. Let's talk about what preparations need to be made before raising cattle.

To raise cattle, we should first do a good job in the construction of cowsheds, build cowsheds that are warm in winter and cool in summer according to local conditions, and keep them warm in winter to keep them above 5 ℃. Remove feces regularly every day, ventilate at noon, brush the cattle, regularly take them to the outside to bask in the sun, strengthen their physique, and help to gain weight. The automatic fecal scraping board system can be used here, which can realize fecal cleaning time control, fecal cleaning cycle control, scraper stroke control, temperature control, manual control and so on.

Secondly, be sure to choose and raise improved cattle. Selecting good breeds of cattle for breeding is the key to obtain good benefits, because improved breeds of cattle not only have good meat quality, fast growth, high feed reward, good sale, but also low morbidity. It is necessary to change the practice of progressive hybridization for many years, and actively introduce Limousin, Simandar and other varieties to carry out three-way hybridization, so as to continuously improve the effect of improvement and economic benefits. Do not think that local cattle are already very good and do not pay attention to breed improvement. They should constantly improve their breeds, breed improvement should be carried out when cattle prices are high, breed improvement should be carried out even more when cattle prices are low, and new techniques of frozen semen breeding should be promoted as far as possible. In particular, it should be noted that hybrid bulls can not be used to breed, because although hybrid bulls are tall and powerful, they are genetically unstable, which can easily lead to inbreeding, offspring degradation and low economic benefits.

Third, scientific feeding. Cattle should be fed with green grass and other necessary nutritious feed as far as possible. In order to improve the benefit of raising cattle, it is necessary to start with the cultivation of calves, especially to do a good job of supplementary feeding in the first and second winter and spring so that their body weight can reach about 300 kg at the age of 18 to 24 months, or more than 500 kg after short-term intensive fattening. The crude protein content of rice straw and wheat straw can be increased by ammoniation, which can not only reduce the feeding cost, but also improve the economic benefit of raising cattle. Therefore, it is necessary to popularize the new straw treatment technologies such as straw silage, semi-dry silage and ammoniation, and popularize straw raising cattle.

Fourth, we should do a good job in deworming and disease prevention. Due to grazing and contact with the ground, cattle are often infected with a variety of parasites in vivo and in vitro, such as Haemonchus contortus, nematode and esophageal nematode in the digestive tract of cattle; cattle are easily infected with mites, ticks, lice, flies, maggots and other in vitro parasites. These parasites absorb nutrients and release toxins, hindering the growth and development of cattle, reducing daily gain by 35% and feed conversion rate by 30%. Bovine skin maggots more than double the skin price, which can cause death when the parasite is serious. It can be seen that deworming is an indispensable part of raising cattle. Farmers' cattle can be dewormed twice from March to May in spring and from September to October in autumn, and fattening cattle should be dewormed at the beginning of fattening. At present, there are many kinds of deworming drugs, such as levamisole and trichlorfon, but the anti-insect spectrum is narrow and the effect is not satisfactory. Alfidine (insect nemesis) is the first choice for deworming. The drug is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, low-toxic and new anti-parasite veterinary drug developed and produced in recent years, which can simultaneously dispel nematodes in livestock and poultry and parasites such as mites, ticks, lice and maggots in vitro. There are four dosage forms: injection, tablet, capsule and powder. Among them, the powder is moderate in price and easy to use. Usage and dosage: take or mix well in the feed. Use 1 gram for every 10 kilograms of body weight; deworming is best arranged in the afternoon or at night, so that it can be excreted during the next day to facilitate collection and treatment. It is best to stop eating for 6 ~ 12 hours before administration and have no choice but to drink water to improve the efficacy. After expelling all kinds of parasites inside and outside the body, the scientific feeding and fattening effect is remarkable. The prevention of bovine diseases is also one of the keys to achieve high benefits in cattle raising. If disease prevention is not done well, all previous efforts will be wasted. To prevent cow disease, in addition to doing a good job in the cleaning and disinfection of barns and cattle, ensuring the hygiene and safety of cattle feed and drinking water, and deworming, cattle brushes can be used for cleaning work. If there are not enough veterinary skills, it is necessary to keep in touch with local veterinarians to do a good job in epidemic prevention and treatment.