
Special farming calls for Modern Management Model

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Special farming calls for Modern Management Model

In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for high-protein, low-fat and high-quality agricultural products such as mountain game, birds and animals is increasing day by day. The prices of various special products such as pheasants, peacocks, hares and green-shell laying hens have risen steadily, giving birth to special farmers with annual income of millions to tens of millions.

Special breeding projects include: pheasants, peacocks, partridges, Chicken Wings and Legs with Brown Sauce, green shell laying hens, wild ducks, geese, wild boars, rabbits, bamboo rats and so on, these are the most common and commercialized varieties, and the breeding technology is relatively mature in all parts of the country. market consumption is large, prices are also very stable, there will be no ups and downs, and has become the first choice of youth entrepreneurial projects in the past 10 years. However, with the promotion and popularization of the project, the benefits of most farms have not broken through for 5 ~ 6 years in a row, or even declined, the development is seriously restricted, and enterprises are at a loss and have no countermeasures. After visiting hundreds of special farms, the author found that the fundamental reason is the difference in the business model of enterprises.

A single mode of special culture

The author has conducted a large number of investigations on special farms all over the country and found that most of the business models of special farms are too backward and have always been a simple breeding-sales model. At present, regardless of farmers and aquaculture enterprises, regardless of their size, they all breed and raise on their own, and when they are raised, they sell, which determines that their resources are wasted greatly, the added value of products is low, and aquaculture products have no initiative and are controlled by dealers. At the same time, the product is single, only 1 ~ 2 varieties, and the market demand is diverse, it is difficult to fully meet the needs of hotel dealers, the supply and marketing relationship is also very fragile, easy to cause the loss of customer resources. In addition, there is one of the most important sources of economic income, that is, projects that declare government support funds, if only with such a single business model, the funds for government-supported projects are very limited. Take Fujian Zhaobao Ecological Farm as an example, the company enjoys various projects subsidized and supported by the government every year, ranging from 5 million to 6 million yuan to more than 20 million yuan. But the real subsidy or support funds for aquaculture projects is only 1/10. Also is the special breeding, because the investor's quality idea is different, the management model is different, the benefit which produces may differ by more than 10 times. For the special care industry, an efficient business model with multiple income should be formed: a business model of special cultivation-planting-catering and leisure-rural tourism, self-production and self-sale.

Rational and effective use of resources

The feces produced in special farming are used as biogas. This can not only save the electricity cost of 60,000 ~ 80,000 yuan per year, but also the manure can almost kill most of the harmful bacteria and ensure the safety of animals in the farm by airtight and high pressure fermentation of biogas digester. Therefore, the biogas digester is also called the first safety system of special breeding enterprises by Zhaobao Farm. The biogas slurry produced is absorbed and decomposed by planting a large number of valuable tree species (yew, sweet-scented osmanthus, Luohan pine) and interplanting forage grass to achieve zero pollution and zero discharge. Due to sufficient fertilizer, rapid growth of forage grass, continuous supply and continuous four seasons, it provides a large number of high-quality green fodder for the farm, which can save about 150000 ~ 200000 yuan per year, and the animals are healthier, the meat quality is better, and the price is higher. This set of circular economy breeding model to achieve efficient, safe and sustainable development, but also can declare a large number of government funds.

Plant all kinds of valuable tree species. Trees can not only absorb and decompose the biogas liquid produced by the farm from the ground, but also absorb ammonia, CO2, H2S and other harmful gases produced by the farm from the air, and release a large amount of oxygen to ensure that the culture environment and air are not polluted, create a good ecological environment for the farm, and help animals to produce the highest production performance. This is also an important indicator to evaluate the product quality of a farm.

Industrial chain to be extended

Due to the abundant biogas slurry, all kinds of trees planted grow rapidly, even barren mountains can be transformed into a beautiful environment, fresh air, comfortable and pleasant leisure place in a few years, and the beauty of the environment is one of the most important factors to attract the flow of people. it can be said that the environment is wealth. At the same time, according to the topography, the construction of wooden villas, reception centers, leisure clubs, all kinds of game produced by the farm will be digested and sold in the farm catering. Moreover, all kinds of farmed birds and animals and Shanzhen game are also the unique "game" style of farm catering, which is essentially different from other farm music recipes, and the raw materials derived from the same market are essentially different and have greater competitiveness. so the business is very hot, the benefit is very good. We found that even if they are generally very small, there are generally more than six tables for lunch and dinner every day, and even if each table is calculated at 500 yuan, the annual income is still more than 1 million yuan. At the same time, it has further promoted the sales of various aquaculture products. After tasting the delicacy of game, many guests have to buy pheasant, hare and other game to share with their families, which is a very stable and considerable income for ordinary farmers. If you combine clubs, accommodation or cooperation with tourism companies, there will be more tourists and the benefits can be increased several times.