
Several matters needing attention in feeding Management of Pig Farm in Autumn

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Several matters needing attention in feeding Management of Pig Farm in Autumn

First, the heat preservation of pig houses should be strengthened in autumn.

After entering the autumn, the decrease of temperature is the most important factor, so we should first control the temperature in the pigsty. The most suitable temperature for the pig itself is between 18 ℃ and 23 ℃, in which the pig grows relatively fast, but the temperature in the pig house is generally lower than this range in autumn, so it is necessary to keep the pig house warm. First of all, the doors and windows should be repaired to prevent air leakage. Conditional use of heating, infrared light bulbs, no conditions to cover the use of plastic sheeting, stove and other measures, and finally make the pig house to maintain a suitable ambient temperature. In addition, while keeping the piggery warm, we should also pay attention to strengthening ventilation to prevent air pollution. In terms of time, we should choose the time when the temperature is higher for ventilation. generally, it is the best time for us to do ventilation from 10: 00 a.m. to 3: 00 p.m.

Second, the nutrition of feed should be adjusted.

With the arrival of autumn and winter season, it is necessary to adjust the feed formula and increase feed nutrition, with emphasis on increasing energy feed and increasing feed intake of pigs. Increase the proportion of corn in the feed to more than 60%, and conditionally add 1% vegetable oil, which can be more suitable for the growth needs of pigs.

Third, pig epidemic prevention should be strengthened in raising pigs in autumn.

Although it is not easy to have large infectious diseases according to the epidemic characteristics of infectious diseases in autumn, it is easy to induce the disease of pigs because of the changeable temperature. Therefore, we still have to do a good job in epidemic prevention in accordance with the epidemic prevention regulations. The key point is to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as eperythrozoonosis, swine cold, classical swine fever, infectious gastroenteritis and so on. In addition, to strengthen the pig house cleaning, disinfection work, generally clean the pen once a day, three days for disinfection, in order to avoid the growth of bacteria.