
Analysis on present situation and Prospect of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Culture in Dawu County, Hubei Province

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Analysis on present situation and Prospect of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Culture in Dawu County, Hubei Province

According to the arrangement of the leaders of the county government, the Agricultural Department of Dawu County Government Office of Hubei Province, together with Huitong County Aquatic Products Bureau, formed a special class to go deep into the key towns and towns of loach breeding in the whole county to conduct in-depth investigation and analysis on the development of loach industry. The relevant situation is reported as follows:

I. History and Current Situation of Loach Culture in Dawu County

At the beginning of reform and opening up and before, the agricultural production level was relatively low, the amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide used was less, the agricultural environment was less polluted, and wild loach existed in farmland, ditches and rivers. Loach breeding began to be developed at the end of 1980s, but it was common to breed loach in the courtyard of fishing (farming) households or in the pit behind the house. The scale was small, and there was no systematic breeding technology. It was basically cultivated by people, self-produced and self-sold, and the yield and benefit were limited to a certain extent.

After 1991, the rapid development of agricultural economy, the extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farmland, water pollution and predatory fishing such as "electric fishing" led to the decrease of wild loach year by year, which could not meet the market demand. County Aquaculture Bureau once tried loach seedling breeding and technology promotion, developed a small amount of loach breeding, but farmers were affected by traditional agricultural production concepts, generally believed that loach breeding benefits were not high, resulting in loach breeding did not develop.

After entering new century, the market economy idea of masses strengthens day by day, make characteristic agriculture, rich industry gets considerable development. After 2009, the loach industry gradually accelerated its development. By 2013, the loach breeding area of the whole county was about 330 mu, the loach output reached more than 300 tons, and the output value was nearly 16.8 million yuan. There are 3 loach breeding professional cooperatives spontaneously formed by the masses in the whole county, and the network drives 16 loach breeding professional households. The breeding bases are all integrated with seed production and breeding and adult loach breeding, mainly concentrated in Dufan Village, Songlin Village, Qianwan Village of Luwang Town and Diangang Village of Liuji Town. There are few breeding in other villages and towns.

II. Dawu County has the advantage of "five good" in developing loach breeding

1, loach quality is good. Loach meat delicious, nutritious, rich in protein and a variety of vitamins, and has high medicinal value, known as "ginseng in the water", is a favorite aquatic products. Compared with Wuhan and the southern lake area, Dawu loach is the same breed, but affected by the excellent soil and water quality in mountainous areas, it tastes more delicious, the meat is more tender, and the flesh is easy to separate. The most obvious feature is that Dawu loach "the more cooked the rotten", the field loach "cooked but not rotten". In November 2013, Dawu Wild Loach Soup was rated as one of the top ten famous dishes in Xiaogan.

2. Good breeding resources. Loach breeding has low requirements on water quality, water depth and other water source conditions, and the requirements for breeding ponds are not very strict. Small ponds, rice fields and fish ponds in front of and behind houses in rural areas can be cultivated at a water depth of 60 cm. There are three rivers in Dawu County: Huanhe River, Qishui River and Zhuzhu River, 128 reservoirs, 26,000 ponds and 33,000 mu farmland that can be transformed into fish ponds, all of which are suitable for loach breeding. Moreover, livestock manure can be used for loach breeding after ripening treatment, which is beneficial to rural pollution source control and ecological environment improvement. If biogas digester is built, pig (poultry)+ marsh + loach ecological chain breeding mode can be implemented, which can not only eliminate the environmental impact brought by livestock breeding, but also benefit the development of loach breeding.

3. Good disaster avoidance effect. Loach growth period of eight months, strong natural vitality, high environmental adaptability, relatively simple breeding technology, extensive management, compared with livestock breeding, fewer diseases, lower risk, easier to breed. Especially Dawu is located in the north of Hubei dry bun,"ten years nine drought", water demand fish difficult to scale development. Loach can adapt to well water, river water, groundwater and tap water, and its water consumption is small. It is especially suitable for breeding under the condition of lack of water. In case of drought, a 100-meter-deep well can solve the problem of water source. Therefore, loach is very suitable for development in mountainous areas with severe drought.

4. The sales market is good. Because loach is a traditional wild aquatic product of Dawu, the price is medium and low, the general residents like to eat, but also can afford to eat, with a wide range of consumer groups. And Dawu back Wuhan, market potential is huge. In recent years, due to the influence of climate factors and environmental pollution, the yield of wild loach has been declining, and the price of loach has been rising at home and abroad, but it is still in short supply, which brings rare development opportunities to loach breeding. According to the introduction of farmers, 30 mu of loach breeding, not sold locally at all, directly linked with Wuhan hotel restaurants, dedicated to a small hotel can not meet. Dawu loach good quality, so that Dawu loach in Wuhan has broad market prospects.

5. Good industrial benefits. According to the breeding practice, the yield of loach per mu is about 1000-2000 jin, and the current market price of loach is about 25 yuan/catty. According to this calculation, the output value per mu of loach breeding can reach 50,000 yuan. Excluding the production costs such as seed, feed, land rent, pond construction and artificial input, the gross profit per mu is 15,000 - 25,000 yuan, and there is no problem in sales volume, so the market is in short supply. Each labor raises 2 mu loach, which is higher than the income of ordinary labour-type workers. It can also take care of the elderly and children when employed at home. Generally, each strong worker can raise about 20 mu of loach, and the income is much higher than that of migrant workers.

III. There are "five" problems in loach breeding in Dawu County

1. The masses understand the problem. At present, most farmers are still traditional smallholder production consciousness, accustomed to planting grain and oil and cash crops, or small-scale family fish farming, chicken farming, duck farming and other traditional farming. Loach once in the size of farmland, river ditch have wild, did not realize that "small loach" can be made into a big industry. Only a small number of large farmers with strong market concepts realize that "small loach" has a good development prospect and is a good way to increase income and become rich.

2. The problem of land circulation. Some farmers have a serious love complex for land. They are worried that they will lose their livelihood after transferring land. They would rather abandon wasteland or operate extensively than transfer land. Some of them are transferred and unwilling to change the current situation of land, resulting in the construction of breeding bases not contiguous. At present, except for several loach breeding cooperatives, most of them are mainly free-range breeding, without scale, not in pieces, and lack of professional cooperatives with breeding scale of more than 100 mu.

3. Financing investment problem. Loach breeding in the early stage mainly has fish pond transformation construction and breeding technology has more investment, such as Xiadian town breeding large households spend 40,000 yuan to Lianyungang to learn loach breeding technology. But the general farmer does not have the basic investment ability, the bank loan threshold is high, does not have the mortgage to be difficult to borrow money. The existing loach breeding cooperatives want to expand the breeding scale, and the general response is restricted by the capital bottleneck.

4. Technology popularization. At present, large breeding households basically go to other places to learn loach breeding technology, and the technical investment is relatively high, generally tens of thousands of yuan, objectively increasing the basic investment. Most of the scattered farmers have not received professional knowledge and skill training, and few of them understand professional technology. It is difficult to meet the standards only by experience and traditional breeding methods, especially the loach breeding technology, which restricts the sustainable development of loach industry.

5. Brand creation problem. At present, the development of the "small loach" industry lacks a unified brand, and large breeding households have not formed brand awareness. They have not created brands, and have not applied for trademarks and "three products" and other related quality certification. They are basically self-produced and self-sold, or even sold directly to restaurants. Each farmer is in the state of fighting for himself, and there is no resultant force, which restricts the scale and industrialization development of the industry.

IV. The industrialization of loach in Dawu County still needs "five major" measures

1. Industrial planning strategy. It is suggested that the county party committee and county government issue policy documents supporting the development of loach industry, raise loach characteristic breeding to the county-level strategy of equal status with "four plates and one community", grasp it as a pillar industry of enriching the people and strengthening the county and an advantageous industry with agricultural characteristics, give inclined support in formulating policies, capital investment and planning layout, and insist on using "small loach" to open up a road of characteristic breeding rich in economic benefits.

2. Large expansion of breeding scale. Through policy incentives and benefit accounts, we will strengthen publicity and guidance in various forms, actively guide and encourage farmers to breed loach spontaneously, promote the adjustment of fishery industry structure through large-scale operation and industrial development of loach breeding, and promote farmers to increase their income and become rich through multiple channels. Encourage and guide farmers to voluntarily transfer land, and give strong support to land circulation, create a good investment environment, and coordinate and resolve various contradictions and disputes.

3. Technical service training. Through unified professional and technical training, we will continuously improve the quality of employees, improve the breeding level, and distribute technical information to each farmer. The aquatic products department shall provide unified technical guidance and management on the standard of loach seedlings, stocking density, feed feeding, disease prevention and control, pond water quality monitoring and other links, and help farmers, especially cooperatives, to apply for projects, Trademark Registering and pollution-free certification.

4. Reward instead of big support. It is suggested to refer to the way of supporting the development of green tea, Camellia oleifera and other industries, list special funds in the county budget every year, and give seedling support and subsidies to the development of loach industry. On the construction and transformation of loach breeding pond, support will be given to projects such as pond construction and land consolidation. Financial institutions should lower the loan threshold and increase financial support and credit to solve the capital bottleneck.

5. Brand creates large market. On the basis of steadily developing and expanding the breeding scale, ensuring the quality of breeding products and continuous growth of breeding output, encourage breeding owners to actively declare geographical indication certification trademarks, strive to create provincial and national famous brand products and famous trademarks, enhance popularity and influence, strive to create Dawu loach characteristic brand with Qianjiang crayfish and Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, drive loach breeding in the whole county by radiation, and further expand the scope of radiation drive.